Changing the Main Menu background


Sep 21, 2003
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Anyone know how to change that background for the main menu everytime you start up HL2? I noticed it originally changed according to the level you were in when you quit, but after finishing the game once it's stuck in the bombed out City 17 (with that guy in the windows).

Any help would be appreciated. :D
Well, I myself am stuck on the final background, the citadel one. It's a tad boring, though it does take shorter time to load. Still, I would like to know how to change it.
I keep getting the citadel one aswel but occasionally get others. Theres probably a file in the hl2 folder that you have to edit.
I too was wondering how to change the menu background. I don't want to change the level that is shown, but rather don't want it to load the level at all. I want to be able to start playing right away not wait for a minute or two to get to the menu screen.
I know you can use map_background 0 to turn it off... but that's not really what you want is it?
Mitch said:
I know you can use map_background 0 to turn it off... but that's not really what you want is it?
I tried that but it still loaded up the menu background. I put that in the "config.cfg" file, am I supposed to put in somewhere else?
I'm getting random backgrounds now that I've beaten it. I don't know if it is because I've loaded various maps or what though.
reznod said:
I tried that but it still loaded up the menu background. I put that in the "config.cfg" file, am I supposed to put in somewhere else?

You have to add it to the Half-Life 2 lauching options in Steam it should look like that:

+map_background none
Odd. I beat it once but it still gives me the bombed out City 17. Maybe when I beat it again.
Mine changed to what level I was on before I completed it. Now it seams to change randomly.
Go to steam, right click on Half Life 2 and click properties. Now click launch options, type in -console. Now when you start the game, it brings up the console and never loads the dynamic background.
Try editing this line in the config, found in \half life 2\hl2\cfg;

sv_unlockedchapters "14"

Haven't tried it since I can't get HL2 to work anymore, so I don't know if it's related to the background, or the chapter selection on "New Game".
Rocketman9mm said:
I'm getting random backgrounds now that I've beaten it. I don't know if it is because I've loaded various maps or what though.
It seems to be the the background for the last level you were playing on.