changing the world

Watched the Futurama Episode Jurassic Bark, then made sure to pet my dogs a little extra. Helped my cousin get his shit packed because he's moving to Wisconsin.
i got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in bel-air.

Also, I made preparations for a barbecue tonight, and read The Tempest.
I asked a married woman out....because I like to play with fire.
I was researching the cure of aids and was about to complete it,but got bored
I asked a married woman out....because I like to play with fire.

I hear married women know a lot about fire. Verily, a betrothed woman did steal fire from the gods as a gift to her bridegroom.

He replied with much vigour "Get in the kitchen and cook me dinner!"
I worked out, failed to pass the level of Elite Beat Agents that I've been stuck on for a week, and realised that I start school next week. ****!