character type 1 for rivals (work in progress)


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
this is "beta version" model of first type of characters "sport wear type gangsta"
The family will have differend heads and textures



the model has +-3000 triangles
and missing: textures ,shoes and head (this one is imported from facegen modeller sample file)
We'll i'd point out the shooes, the seam in the head, poorly modeled pants, but it seems the pant are they only part of the model that's complete.

So which part exactly did you guys model if you used a face gen for the head and nothing else is complete?

The jaket/shit has a very obvious seem in it as well.

Also, wireframe?
Perhaps he posted it to get some C&C before he continued? Anyway, it looks OK to me, but we'll need a wireframe to do any decent critiques.

As for the seams, he probably just hasn't welded them yet. Since he's working on it he probably has the other side referenced.
ye it does look prity bad. I don't get how he got that seem if he used a face gen. Also to me it just looks like u have made a badly done model with some very jagid edges. Then just apply the largest smooth modifier u could find. This is why I like to see fractial models. They are kinda like a wireframe but at the same time showing u the how the shadows work.
hard critic :D
I posted this just to know if the proporties are ok and...
it seems to be the only not critised element.
Guys don't worry!! like a said it is just early beta version NOT FINAL

p.s. head could be downloaded by anyone from SI www page
heads for hl2 models will be modeled by valve head design tool included in sdk. Imagine how would the model look if he had no head:)??
For proportions I think we could use a dead-on front view. It's a little hard to guage things when it's at an angle. That being said, it looks to me like the neck might be a tiny bit too long.

Oh and I tend to just ignore Ichi, he never likes anyone's models.
I'm not a charcter modeller (yet :p) but i do know modelling push/pull some verts and turn some edges to tidy up the sharp parts of the arms, a bit of tessellation on the shirt would be ok too

IchI, *****, If your not going to say something helpful don't say anything at all.
ye I can see most noob teams using the face generator in XSI. I mean u can basiclly make any face u like with that tool and u can set over 100+ primatives of your face (forhead size etc...)but tbh making your own face is so much better.

I just fort. Basicilly u have imported a head like u said. Also just made some quick feet. So all the work there that your trying to show off is the clothes. But the clothes suck..... show me a fratial picture of your model with no smoothness. I will lauch at how crap it looks. I mean tbh I do it my self. Well not really badly. I make a model as I go add/remove on/off smooth modifiers and settings to make sure all my faces are reflecting lights correctly. But your hole clothes are just ****ed up and to me it looks like u have a smooth setting of about 100 (3dsmax) u can definalty tell u aply it to the feet really quickly because they look dodge.

Also does anyone know if your smoothness of your model is retained when put inside the hl2 engine?
Originally posted by IchI
ye I can see most noob teams using the face generator in XSI. I mean u can basiclly make any face u like with that tool and u can set over 100+ primatives of your face (forhead size etc...)but tbh making your own face is so much better.

erm, i read somewhere that that is actually how the HL2 team made the faces in HL2..... i'll see if i can find a direct qoute....
hmmmm, if they did then thats a bit cheap. Somone could just program a really good player generator with like 100's of settings and then no one would even model characters for games anymore. I can't see them using it at all. Gorgan has a tash and glasses. Also a very uniqe face. They would have had to make him from scratch and most of the characters. If they did by any chance use some kinda model generator. Then thats just cheap.

The head looks Asian, he's a little too fat, the legs are too short, and the shoes are awkward.
:) yeah.. what he said. the head looks a bit to .. SOF2 to me. I suggest making one yourself. You need the practise
God damned it is not about showing off it is about good quality
guys from valve use head generotor for creating characters-but shape is still a matter of art.
LIKE I SAIN THIS IS NOT FINAL MODEL HEAD IS JUST FOR CATCHING right proporties.It is not a shame to use tools for making life easiest and work fastest ( and reciving better results)
You could also figured out that if I wanted to I would fix all this "temporary" shortcomings.

"...but yes you can have different smoothing groups on a single model..."




notice that top hasn't noise modifier...
He kinda looks like a fat asian in pajamas with a small head.
wow i have an exclusive. Its still bad though. LOL
thanks Anlker-head will be bigger

"(...)Then just apply the largest smooth modifier u could find(...)
show me a fratial picture of your model with no smoothness. I will lauch at how crap it looks. I mean tbh I do it my self. Well not really badly. I make a model as I go add/remove on/off smooth modifiers and settings to make sure all my faces are reflecting lights correctly. But your hole clothes are just ****ed up and to me it looks like u have a smooth setting of about 100 (3dsmax) u can definalty tell u aply it to the feet really quickly because they look dodge."

IchI :no doubt about my "smoothing abilities"??? :)
"(...)show me a fratial picture of your model with no smoothness. I will lauch at how crap it looks. I mean tbh I do it my self. Well not really badly. I make a model as I go add/remove on/off smooth modifiers and settings to make sure all my faces are reflecting lights correctly. But your hole clothes are just ****ed up and to me it looks like u have a smooth setting of about 100 (3dsmax) u can definalty tell u aply it to the feet really quickly because they look dodge.(...)

IchI are you doubtful about my "smoothing skills"??? :)