Character: Vanguard (final)


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
I posted some WiP shots of this model a few months back, it's finally textured and rigged (and animated). We did a mayor update yesterday, so i thought i'd post the final renders of him here. It's for our HL2 mod


thats really good. only crit is that the arms look a bit wierd...a little skinny and deformed (mainly at the elbow)
Yeah, its good i guess but the arms and the legs looks wierd like SomeOne said. Arms to thin and legs to fat
Fatten the forearm up a bit. It looks really thin.

Other than , excellent work.
Wow, that is excellent. But yea, fatten the arms a bit, but still keep him a bit skinny because I like the young soldier look he has on him right now.
thanks for the comments

well, as the title says, its a final
i don't think in combat anyone will notice the thin arms anyway (although you are correct, they are a bit on the thin side) but not all soldiers are big bad mean mofo's anyway so ... :)
maybe his huge shoulder armor makes the forearm look thinner.
But still the HL2 models looks pretty much better
awesome i wish i could model characters. when u start modeling a character do you make promitave shapes and start moving things and createing subdivisions and stuff?
arms/legs are cylinders, i start with basic shapes yes, and work from that
Can I get a pic of him without any textures on him and maybe a wireframe?
on the crouching picture: his right arm looks like it came out of his ribs!
other than that, great job!
Oh yeah, what method did you use to make this? (ex: Poly by Poly, Spline modeling, Box Modelling) I'm looking into learning to model these type of characters and I want to know of a good method to start off with.
you wanted a pink one Dodo ?

i always box-model, thats how i was brought up :>

(i don't have any renders left without textures, so i'll need to re-render him, don't have time now, will do so later on)
Great work, don't have any crits to add to what has been said already. Very nice texture too :)