Characters to die...(Episode 2 Spoilers)

Who is going to die in Episode 3...?

  • Kleiner

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • Magnusson

    Votes: 17 12.0%
  • Alyx

    Votes: 16 11.3%
  • Barney

    Votes: 26 18.3%
  • D0G

    Votes: 23 16.2%
  • Gordon (?)

    Votes: 12 8.5%
  • Gman (?)

    Votes: 11 7.7%
  • More than one or other (Please explain)

    Votes: 32 22.5%

  • Total voters


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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Before I start I just want to quote this 'Primary characters will die over the course of the episodes'

Anyway, who do we think is going to die in Episode 3, in Episode 2 we all know it was Eli, but who is going to die in Episode 3. I doubt Alyx will die as Valve have spent the most time preparing her character and personality. Magnusson and Kleiner are the safest characters as they have a few thousand rebels protecting them. Barney is currently unknown but I think he is in danger of death. D0G is also, in my opinion, the most likely.

As for minor characters, in my eyes, Odessa and Grigori are still alive.

Who do you think?

No DISCUSS today sorry :D.
Judith Mossman.

Which will be a shame, because you know, she is my favourite character. Her storyline has been pretty endearing and she is arguably one of the most dynamic characters in the series. Her loyalty is to Eli, because she loves him, and ALL of her actions in Half-life 2 were due to her believing she was doing what was best for Eli. One of the reasons for her condescending and chilly attitude toward Alyx is because she wanted Eli to show her the affection and love he showed his daughter. He's dead now and I think Alyx being the one to break that to Judith is going to make for a pretty powerful scene. They will definitely come together in the wake of his death.

So she is probably going to die. Alyx won't die because Valve are taking her off-world with us. They have put too much time and effort into her and Gman's apparent interest in her abilities is gradually coming into focus. Judith on the other hand doesn't have much to live for now besides humanities survival. We have been lead to believe her trek up North was impetuous – a desire to right her wrongs. She feels she owes humanity and Eli and I can see her dying fulfilling that.
I am not kidding when I say I liked fisherman's personality more than any other character.

Bring ze old-papa back!
Samon fucking pegged it. Mossman's my best guess.

I also have the slightest inkling of a feeling that Barney might die too, but I'm not sure if Valve would do that.
Why is Barney on the list? He's already dead.

I sure hope that Gordon fellow dies. I never liked him. Terrible character. No development whatsoever.
Yeah, he dies again. Everybody knows that.
Samon said it perfectly. My husband thinks Barney will die, but you can't kill Gordon's best friend!!! :( If Barney dies, I'll kill myself ;.;
Um... there's no option for "None of the above". Clicking "other" would add a vote to "More than one"... which would defeat the point in voting.

"Primary characters will die" is so open-ended. Yes, character(s) have already died, which fulfills that statement. No "Primary character" died in episode one, so it can't mean "every episode". And what if there are ten more episodes in a "Half-Life 3" installment? Well you'd run out of characters if you killed them all off in Episode Three.

Stating that "primary characters will die over the course of the episodes" does not guarantee anything at all when it comes to Episode Three, and it would be incredibly unvalvelike to actually follow up with what the majority of people believe. If there were really spoilers in Episode Three, they would not have been so blunt as to give away the plot. They stated this in response to a question regarding Eli, reassuring people that this is indeed "real" (not the air quotes, I'm not going crazy...), and not to be so upset when they kill off someone.

Personally I think you're reading far too much into what they say, and expecting anyone to die would simply mute emotions you might have should it come to pass.

I believe it might be possible that a secondary character dies, however. Examples include Cubbage and the ol' Fisherman. People with their own skins, but not necessary to the plot. You still have a connection to them, and Valve have developed a sort of personality to them, but it wouldn't have quite the same "oh, not another" effect if someone rather significant died.

That said, it's entirely possible that Mossman's death will be mentioned in Episode Three. I think giving her the same cinematic death as Eli, however, would take away a lot of the significance from either death.

I just hope it doesn't end up like Earth: Final Conflict -_-
Mossman. Her death will probably be the most helpful for the advancement of the plot at this moment.

Alyx's time is not now, but I'm leaning towards the thought that it may yet come.
you will find her dead body buried under some rubble that you moved with the gravity gun to get into the north base.

Something like that.
I reckon nobody will die during the episode. However, it is assumed Barney is dead, but he appears midgame (catches up with you whilst you are grounded to refuel).

Mossman is dead already, however she appears in a dream state, almost like one of Gmans. I reckon Mossman works for the same emloyers.

The problem with gman is that he is neither a good or bad omen, as people will die regardless of his intervention
Gotta say Dog, as seeing as he's one of the HL communitie's favourite characters, seeing him killed (or the robot equivalent) would certainly make the player want to get revenge on the Combine.

Gordon will not die, as the series cannot live on without him, and Valve promised that the HL universe would continue.

Alyx may die, as anyone that close to Gordon is in danger.

Kleiner is too cool to die. A scientist surviving Black Mesa that's not Gordon? He must be Superman.

Magnusson is too insignifigant to the HL storyline to matter..

Gman will not be killed in the normal sense, since it' s pretty much been estabilished that he's not physically real. He may die in a more mental sense.

Barney survived Black Mesa, he can survive this.

YOu know what I think about Dog.
I'd like to see multiple characters die.

It is all the all-climatic ending to this part of the saga after all.
Mossman will do something redemptive and:

a) She will sacrifice herself in the process, saving Eli's daughter and following him to err... Valhalla...
b) She will be saved by Alyx, who tells her that she must live on for Eli's sake in order to continue his work for the good of mankind.

I prefer the second, and not just because I want Mossman in future installments. It's that bit more unexpected.


Mecha-Breen dies too.
Lamarr will return in the nick of time and destroy the Combine with his sidekick Gnome.
I'd like to see multiple characters die.

That would be very bad. It becomes overkill pretty quickly and it just seems as though characters are dying simply for the sake of dying and, as you put it, because it's the end of this part of the saga. That isn't actually an excuse to kill multiple characters because it just dilutes the quality of the storyline as a whole. Eli's death was hugely significant in the context of well...everything. You don't just go gun-ho on your characters to increase the dramatic impact. It's cheap and lazy.
'If the worst comes to worst the best we can hope for is that the rocket lands on the enemy'...:D


Because you really don't see it coming until it hits. Think "Would you kindly" x 100.
i find it highly unlikely for almost all the characters on the poll to die (mabye thats jest my heart speaking) but i ges judith or alyx could be done along with dog unfortenitly :(

The one that im sure almost wont happen is gordan freeman beacuse of the fact that Valve while be making more half lifes (or half lives). I bet that near the end gordan will run around a corner for some reason and a sniper while be like BOoM HEADSHOT! And when the bullet is inches away from Gordans Head, G-Man while com in a bit disapointed that you could be caught of guard (considering g-man puta alot of high hopes in gordan, like hes his hitman or something). Then you get teleported back to the train with the teleporter from half life 1 and g-man while ask "Our benafactors have decided to give you one last chance, mister freeman, will you take it or not?" if you do step throught the teleporter, then you go back to the sniper place 5 inches away from the bullet and you shoot a smg round into the window, if you dont go through the teleporter then you get teleported back to where you were and the sniper bullet goes into your head ;(

but thats jest my thought (iv got like ten thousand more).
i find it highly unlikely for almost all the characters on the poll to die (mabye thats jest my heart speaking) but i ges judith or alyx could be done along with dog unfortenitly :(

The one that im sure almost wont happen is gordan freeman beacuse of the fact that Valve while be making more half lifes (or half lives). I bet that near the end gordan will run around a corner for some reason and a sniper while be like BOoM HEADSHOT! And when the bullet is inches away from Gordans Head, G-Man while com in a bit disapointed that you could be caught of guard (considering g-man puta alot of high hopes in gordan, like hes his hitman or something). Then you get teleported back to the train with the teleporter from half life 1 and g-man while ask "Our benafactors have decided to give you one last chance, mister freeman, will you take it or not?" if you do step throught the teleporter, then you go back to the sniper place 5 inches away from the bullet and you shoot a smg round into the window, if you dont go through the teleporter then you get teleported back to where you were and the sniper bullet goes into your head ;(

but thats jest my thought (iv got like ten thousand more).

You should write for VALVe.
Gordon won't die because that would be nothing new, here resurected about a million times! :p Alyx and Dog won't either because Valve has put a lot of time into their characters and I can see at least Alyx being as big a part of future HL games as Gordon. Oh and I heard in a Valve interview that they would like to do a game centered around Alyx, or Dog. Barny has great potential as a character we just haven't seen enough of him yet. Magnusson is too new to the game to bit it. Kleiner might but i don't see that as a very effective plot device unless a whole bunch of people are to die. Mossman is the most likely but she is set up to play a huge role in Ep3 so they won't kill her off imediatly. Oh! interesting thought: imagine how Mossman will react when Alyx tells her that Eli is dead? Imagine how Alyx will act. and what will this do to Alyx's and Mossman's relationship? a just for this scene they will keep Mossman alive... for now.
I'd like to see multiple characters die.

It is all the all-climatic ending to this part of the saga after all.

If that was to happen, it would cheapen the death of each one because you're hit with it all at once and don't really have time to contemplate their deaths and their significance.

Because you really don't see it coming until it hits. Think "Would you kindly" x 100.

That would suck something silly. "Lets pull a really ridiculous twist simply for the sake of the twist!"
For some reason or another i think dog would be a good character to kill of (for the sake of the storyline, not beacuse i hate dog hes the best :D). Mabye he could like go up against an advisor again like in the end of episode 2 and another one comes along and starts to crush him with his mental powers, but dog gets "saved" by gordan and alyx but its to late beacuse the advisor had crushed cell or whatever he uses to move. Im still pondering on how gordan and alyx save dog, mablye with some new weapon!