Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just now got back from an 8:15PM showing. And my god, did I laugh. I haven't laughed so hard during a movie since... since Scary Movie 2. Tim Burton's reiteration of the classic, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, proves to be a smashing hit-perhaps even crushing the classic. The main theme remained, and the story was very well played out. Performances, especially by that of Depp (err...weirdly funny), were spot-on and delightful. I loved the movie and give it my guaranteed movie-watching experience, suitably for the whole family.

I saw it at 7:30 tonight, and I'll have to say that I loved it. Johnny Depp put on an incredible character. I'm really glad that they didn't try to recreate the original Gene Wilder movie.

When Wonka introduced himself to the 5 kids and parents/grandfather, I thought it was hilarious how he just shows up like he was with them.
It doesn't look funny at all from the trailer, but I'll probably go see it. Gene Wilder wasn't happy about them remaking it. It's not like it needed a remake.
I'm so happy this is getting good reviews, the trailers made it look awful. I'm gonna go see it tomorrow I think
It looks terrible from the trailer, wtf is with that squirell part?
Without Gene Wilder singing "Pure Imagination" it sucks, nuff said
Dalamari said:
Without Gene Wilder singing "Pure Imagination" it sucks, nuff said
Got on AIM or xfire.
Oh and Depp looks like a pedophile.
Whats the main theme of the movie ? They need to escape the factory ?
This movie was the worst piece of made for the market, Trendy gothware Bull**** that ive seen in awhile, there were a few funny parts, But the fact that Johnny depp and tim burton felt they could remake a classic like this just shows what egotistical bastards they really are. and johnny depp was retarded in this movie. saw it last night at the 10:30 showing.
Gene Wilder is the one and only Willy Wonka!!!!!! Nobody will ever take his place.
Johnny Depp( although i loved his acting) made Willy Wonka seem like a gay, horny, idiot who likes to make chocolate. While Wilder made Wonka seem like a Chocolate maker that is slightly mean, but has a wonderful imagination.
I wish people would stop comparing this new one to that piece of crap Gene Wilder one...
KagePrototype said:
I wish people would stop comparing this new one to that piece of crap Gene Wilder one...

Your about to get raped by alot of people.

/Samon runs.
KagePrototype said:
I wish people would stop comparing this new one to that piece of crap Gene Wilder one...

Yeah it does piss me off every damned christmas.

"oompa loom...Turn that shit off!"
IonizeMyAtoms said:
I read a review where they compared him to Micheal Jackson
Funny you say that. Because when I went to see it tonight, there were numerous times I told my friend that he reminds me of Michael Jackson.. When I first saw to the very end, I said he is definetly an MJ poseur.

I thought the Oompas weren't well thought of. I mean they were not orange or of that sort. At least make them resemble those of which are in the first.. Their songs weren't great. They just completely sucked.

Any reason why they switched Violet and Mike's mother and father? The first had Mike with his mother and Violet with her Father. And also, why does Charlie have a father? I know it is a remake, but I just don't like that one bit.
Shamrock said:
I thought the Oompas weren't well thought of. I mean they were not orange or of that sort. At least make them resemble those of which are in the first.. Their songs weren't great. They just completely sucked.

This isn't a remake of Willy Wonka, it's more closely tied to the original book. So in that regard, it's more accurate. :p
For ****s sake....Tim Burton probably wanted to make a movie of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory since he was young. Now he finally gets to retell a story that he obviously loves...and tell it his own way and in his own style. Let the man make his movies, that is what he loves to do.

watch/dont watch, enjoy/dont enjoy, like/dont like.......****ing choose one and get on with you lives, stop whining. Heres a tip, dont go see movies with your stupid friends, have a mind of your own and make decisions using it.

It is not a remake. Retelling..retelling
remake/retelling/reimagining, whatever. sounds like an excuse if it sucks, which it does. don't bother. Depp isn't creepy, he just tries to be crazy, and fails miserably. i love Depp's movies (like Finding Neverland - amazing), but this is his worst showing.
I saw it, and I quite liked it; Tim Burton through and through. Depp as Michael jackson is fun to watch as well, in a wierd sort of way.
I saw it with a pretty open mind. I acknowledge that burton wanted to present the story in his own way...however I think he ruined the mystery and imagination that this movie is supposed to have. While Jonny Depp did a great job with what he was given, Burton made the character too 1 demensional and dry. It was kind of obvious what was going through Wonka's mind in every moment, he seemed like a normal person who hated his parents...and thats what I didnt like. I loved the mystery and the deep layers that were incorperated into the original Willy Wonka.

Also the movie had an awful just didn't feel right...certain scenes seemed too long...some were too short...I dunno thats just a completely personal thing I got from the movie. For example in the beginning, before he opens the gate to all the kids and parents, you see each kid/parent exchange a few words...then it gets to Mike TV...nothing is exchanged and the gate just opens...thats what I mean by bad cuts/editing.

I did love the opening scene before they get into the factory, that was ****ing priceless.

Now as for the I said Depp did a great job. However I was a little upset that he didn't sing at all...nor were there any songs beside the terrible oompa loompa ones (Ill get to that in a second). Depp did good though.

Augustus was great, I liked how exagerated his character was just like in the first...he was very funny.

Mike TV was OK however he seemed like he had no idea why he was even going to the factory...he hated everything about it...yet wanted to just seemed wierd to me. His parents however were never find out more about the mom or dad...that pissed me off...I liked how in the original we see why the kids are like they are because they are reflected off of their parents...but I guess Burton wasnt capable of doing something as complicated as that.

The spoiled girl (I dont remember her name) was terrible...she didnt seem very spoiled at all...and her dad didn't really do anything either...they were both meh.

Violet...I dont remember her or her mom much at all...they could have left her out and it would have been the same.

The Oompa Loompas...Burton did have a great original take on them...however ruining the mystery of who they are and where they came from pissed me off. Once again he left no room for imagination and all of us watching are stupid zombies. But they themselves were very fun, their lyrics were terrible though and most of the time I didnt even understand them. And thats a big mistake because the lyrics are very important...when I do understand they just seem to be making fun of the character they are singing about instead of shunning them and teaching a lesson.

Charlie was fine I guess...I hate how Burton cut out most of his school life and well...Burton cut out the funniest parts of the original, which was all of the beginning about how crazy the world was going about the chocolate...Burton seemed to just skip to the factory and not care about the setting and background.

The factory itself was poorly done...Burton took the fun and wackiness out of the factory...the factory is supposed to be a mysterious crazy insane fun place. Dont tell me Burton wanted to try something new because something like that shouldnt be changed, there is plenty of room for originality and still staying along the lines of what the factory should just seemed fun and a little intricate...but it wasnt like the original. He ruined the mysterious tricks that Wonka had, like the small the original it cuts away before he opens you dont know how they got through. In this one its obvious it was just painted like that.

Overall I still had fun watching this...I liked some of the new backstory on Wonka...still it was too one dimensional (the movie as a whole) took out a lot of the imagination and myster the first one had...a lot of the subplots were skipped...(the whole every lasting gopstopper or whatever thing)...the factory wasn't that cool except for the awesome firework room...if onyl Burton could make every room seem as crazy and cool as that one. I also didnt like the Grandpa that much...he just wasnt as enthusiastic as the originals.

The ending for this one which I wont spoil was really great though...very original and different in a good way.

The movie ended up making me like the original a lot more. The reason why I didnt like it is because Tim Burton could have made it original and have his own take and make it a lot better than this...this was original but just not good. SO dont think I wanted him to just copy the old willy wonka with new actors...he could have done something much better than this...he didnt seem like he tried hard enough on this. Giving away that all the kids turn out OK in the end was stupid and again unimaginative. Burton seriously had no feel for the book or the original movie...he has no clue what its about and just takes out what makes the book and movie so great and replaces it with shit. I think this review sums it up better than I do