Top 5 Greatest and Top 5 worst games

I still think not enough of you buggers played Psychonauts.
I had played Varmint Hunter just now and it was a sad piece of crap that needs to be trodden on.

Reason why I hate this game is that it has a lousy sound and most of all, lousy gameplay. And I would rather wipe my ass with a toilet paper than to have play this game.
The good :)
1. Half-Life series
2. Command & Conquer series
3. Age of Empires 2
4. Anachronox
5. Psychonauts
6. LEGO Star Wars
7. Grim Fandango
8. Monkey Island series
9. Max Payne series
10. Super Mario RPG
11. Beyond Good and Evil
12. Jak & Daxter series
13. Red Faction

The bad :frown:
1. Ragnarok Online
2. Battlefield series
3. EVE Online
Best :)

1. Resident Evil series - I used to love Silent Hill even more than Resident Evil, but RE4 made me rethink

2. Silent Hill series - Best story and best horror game

Half-Life series - no comment

The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Best FPS/stealth

Max Payne series - Best action and great story

Worst :(

Matrix series - Sucky

Chrome - Boooring

Terminator (the PC game) - Only the DVD cover was good

Battlefield 2 expansions/booster packs - Worse than most modifications and expensive

Dan Dolme
My favourite games. I don't see much point in deciding which ones I like more than any others, so I can't limit myself to five:

Half-Life (HL2 is cool but not a favourite)
Deus Ex
System Shock 2 ok if I have to choose a favourite, it's this
Freespace 2 epic
No-One Lives Forever + NOLF 2 so much fun
Mafia (so stylish, so atmospheric, had wide open countryside areas 2+ years before GTA did)
GTA:SA technically amazing. Hardly even a game in the same way that other games are
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Duke Nukem 3D After Doom, the first game I played on PC. First game I played that gave a real sense of place.
Super Mario Kart

Like everyone else, I don't really remember the bad games, but ones that should have been much better:
Doom 3 Not bad as such, but it really didn't feel that much like Doom. Never got that insane surreal feeling that the originals had. Hell seemed more hellish in unaccelerated VGA. Shame.
Command and Conquer: Generals. Didn't feel anything like C&C, more a paradoy of it. Roll on C&C3.
Asterix on the Master System. Incredibly frustrating, nonsensical gameplay. Disappointing as I was a huge Asterix fan when I was a kid! Guess I just sucked at games then.
Haegamonia: Legions of Iron: Probably not a bad game but I couldn't ever figure out what to do, and thus got bored very quickly. Pretty graphics though.
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy: Pretty frickin' boring and frustrating...
Boiling Point Yes all the reviews said it was awful, but the gameplay premise intrigued. Unfortunately, it was virtually unplayable. :laugh:
1.Half-Life series
2.Halo:Combat Evolved
3.Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic 2:The Sith Lords(more upgrades for your lightsaber than KotOR 1)
4.Need For Speed series
Now the games i don't like:
1.Doom 3(Ravenholm scared the hell out of me what about a game with only scary moments :( )
2.Star Trek games-i didn't the series
and thats it..
its in order

Half Life series

Prince of Persia Triology

Thief triology

Hitman series

Doom 3
now the worst one

NFS Mostwanted

Battlefield Vietnam

Delta Force 1 and 2

Quake 4

The Godfather

Half-Life series - because of great story and atmosphere

Operation Flashpoint and expansions- This is a great war game, you almost feel like you're really in a real battlefield (and this is only a 2001 game)

Resident Evil 4- I haven't finished it yet but I'm really enjoying it because it's just plain fun

Deus Ex 1- Great story and interesting ways to play through

Battlefield 1942- This is the game that got me into online gaming

Metal Gear Solid Series- Great story and great action

Not my favourite games but ones that are fun:

FEAR- Had really great action and exellent AI

Hidden and Dangerous 2- A heavily underrated ww2 game that is very challenging and can be played through multiple ways

Brothers in Arms Series- More small scale than call of duty but it deserves more attention

Games that let me down:

Call of Duty 2- It was fun, but it was basically Call of Duty 1 with better graphics and nothing else

Battlefield 2- I found it fun at first but I was expecting much more from it, it just dissapointed me compared to Battlefield 1942

Doom 3- It was a good game, it just felt mostly the same throughout the whole game

Quake 4- I heard people saying this game was better than Doom 3, I'm not sure if I would agree with them because there was nothing really better in this game than Doom 3, except for vehicle driving

Worst games:

Superman 64- Yeah, it was just plain bad and annoying

Any BF2 booster packs- I haven't played these and I never will
No particular order here:

1.Metal Gear Solid 3: Any game that can draw more emotion from me than most movies wins an award in my book. The story is incredible, and it took a total 180-degree turn from MGS2's slow-paced, frustrating gameplay. The jungle setting was great, and every single boss-fight was brilliant in its own way. And yeah, I cried at the ending.

2. Half-Life 1 and 2: I first played Half-Life 1 in Seventh Grade when a friend lent me his disk so I could download CS, back before Steam put their whole CD-key pirate block on. At first I hated it, and I didn't touch it until I got incredibly stoked watching HL2 gameplay videos, and I tried it again, and ended up just loving it. Then Half-Life 2 came out, and I ended up setting my alarm for 3 am so I could play the East Coast premire, and I played it until it was time for school. It should also be added that these games along with Quake 3 and Unreal should be creditited for the mod revolution. These games really hold a special place in my heart.

3. Final Fantasy VII: I'm not a really big fan of the Final Fantasy series in general, and I know how trendy it is to like VII out of all the other ones in the series, but VII was the one that really kept my interest. I think a big reason was that the random encounters wern't as pervasive as they were in other games, and I thought the Combat/Skill system in the game was a blast. And it didn't hurt that I really, really got into the story. Plus, it just had more memorable moments than most FF games did. The Train Wreck, Red XIII, Sephiroth, the famous Aeries scene, etc.

4. StarCraft: I was really hardcore and got this game when it came out with an M-Rating. Awesome, I know (not really). I played this and then Brood War for about a year through the single-player modes over and over again, and got really drawn into making new strategies for each level. Then I discovered Battle.Net, which was my first experience with an "online" video game. I ended up playing it for about three years or so straight, with Warcraft III breaking my mold of addiction, followed by CS. But man, I can still remember some matches I had in that game, both LAN and online, from the top of my head.

5. Zelda: Majora's Mask: Hey, look at me! I chose a Zelda game that isn't OoT! That's right, I thought MM had a more involving story, deeper characters, and more interesting puzzles. The apocalyptic story is the "darkest" Zelda has really been, and the cutscene that takes place if the 72-hour time limit runs out is breathtaking. I felt like I was playing a fantasy-style version of "Groundhog Day." And the mask-quests, for the most part, were really actually FUN, albeit sort of frustrating.

Worst/Let Downs/Mediocore:

Condition Zero (I mean the single player, not the multiplayer)
Superman 64
Doom 3
Zelda: Oracle games for the GBC
1: Diablo 2. The best game ever made.
2: Half-life 1. An old favorite, fun, great story and all, getting kind of sick of it by now though.
3: Crimsonland. Small, not too impressive visually or anything, but was very addictive and fun fun fun.
4: Harry Potter and the chamber of Secrets. way fun, lots of secrets and collectibles and all that. I was dissappointed when I found out the gamecube versions had extra stuff in them :(
5: Jedi Academy. Not really as good a single player experience as jedi outcast, but the console commands more than made up for it- knockback, realistic saber combat, low gravity, spawning thousands of jedi to fight mutant rancors. <3

honorable mention- Heroes of might and magic 3. Was super fun, but I don't think I ever beat a single level.

worst games...

5: Harry potter and the goblet of fire. Wtf? They only went downhill from 2. All console-ized and shitty controls. bah.
4: Amazon trail. I don't remmeber this game ever working for more than five minutes. And when it was working, I was bored out of my mind. At age 8.
3: Oblivion. God, I hate that game.
2: Runescape. My eyes bled.
1: Barbie's Princess Bride. I beat that game in 15 seconds, literally. You don't even have to play it, just go back to the main menu everytime you start a new "make a cake/dress" section, and it'll be completed. Barbie got married in a plain white wedding dress, and they had a one layer, unfrosted cake. I have no idea how prince ken got past all the sea monsters to the mainland.