Charlie Sheen(Actor) questions the offical 9/11 story


Sep 23, 2003
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They aired this story for 3 nights now.

First night transcript:

SHEEN: The more you look at stuff, especially specific incidents, specific events in and around the fateful day, it just -- it just raises a lot of questions.

HAMMER (voice-over): Charlie Sheen has his own questions about 9/11, and SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has obtained the explosive interview from the radio show of fringe journalist Alex Jones.

Sheen normally gets laughs as the bachelor on the hit CBS sitcom, "Two and a Half Men".

SHEEN: Wow, you`re even better than a dog.

HAMMER: But now, Sheen is courting controversy by questioning the official story on 9/11.

SHEEN: We`re not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue, you know. It seems to me like, you know, 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 percent of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory.

HAMMER: So what exactly are Sheen`s questions about 9/11?

For one, Sheen is questioning the official story of what caused the World Trade Center clasp, that the impact of the two planes caused fires that weakened the buildings` support columns. In the interview Sheen says he wondered if the buildings could have been brought down by a deliberate - - yes, deliberate -- implosion.

SHEEN: I saw the south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the building and then we see the tremendous fireball. And there was just -- there was a feeling that it just didn`t look, how do I say this, it didn`t look like any commercial jetliner I`ve flown on any time in my life.

And then when the buildings came down, later on that day, I was with my brother and I said, "Hey, call me insane, but did it sort of look like those buildings came down in a -- in a controlled demolition?"

HAMMER: Sheen is also questioning how a commercial airliner could have hit the Pentagon.

SHEEN: Show us this incredible maneuvering. Just show it to us. Just show us, you know, how this particular plane pulled off these maneuvers. What was it, a 270 degree turn at 500 miles per hour, descending 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes, skimming across tree tops the last 500 meters off the ground?


HAMMER: Sheen also jumped on a favorite target of 9/11 conspiracy theorists: President Bush. Sheen questions why the president, after an aide told him about the attacks, continued with his Florida school appearance.

SHEEN: It would seem to me that, upon the revelation of that news, that the Secret Service would grab the president and remove him as if he were on fire from that room.

HAMMER: Ever since that horrible day, conspiracy theories about the attacks have spread far and wide through the Internet. As writer Webster Tarpley tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Sheen is not alone in his opinion.

WEBSTER TARPLEY, AUTHOR, "9/11 SYNTHETIC TERROR": There was a Zogby poll carried out last August, actually August of 2004, by now, which showed that about 50 percent of the people in New York City believed that top government officials had knowledge in advance of what was going to happen.

HAMMER: Still, it`s safe to say that most experts and most Americans place the blame for 9/11 only on Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, not the U.S. government. Even Sheen knows his comments may not go over well with many people.

SHEEN: And I`m sure I`m being demonized across the nation by, you know, all of the people that do that sort of thing.


HAMMER: So what exactly should we make about Charlie Sheen`s stunning comments? Let`s get right into it now. Joining me live from Chicago for the "SHOWBIZ Newsmaker" interview is Nicole Rittenmeyer. She`s supervising producer of the National Geographic Channel`s miniseries, "Inside 9/11." And live in St. Louis, Michael Berger. Michael is the media coordinator of It`s a group that claims there has been a September 11 cover up.

I want to thank you both for being with me tonight



HAMMER: So Michael, I`m one of these people who believes that anyone who takes everything that has been spoon-fed to us by the government from wherever about what happened on 9/11 is being naive. I think there is more out there.

When I say this to people sometimes they look at me like I`m kind of nuts. Charlie Sheen must be getting the same reaction, and I`m sure your organization gets that reaction, as well. So what do you say to people who think that maybe what Charlie Sheen is saying here is just crazy?

BERGER: Well, Charlie Sheen raised several -- I mean first I have to say Charlie Sheen has really done his homework. There`s a great deal, an abundance of information out there, and it`s hard so to sift through what is, in fact, fictitious information and what is based in fact.

But there is a large body of information out there that contradicts the official story. And Charlie Sheen has clearly done his homework. He raises credible questions, questions that family members have raised, that the 9/11 commissioners had promised them would be answered in their report, since they didn`t answer those questions in the commission hearings.

And when the report came out, Lori Van Auken, one of the Jersey girls, a year after the report came out after her analysis of the final commission report, she stated that the report actually raised more questions than it had answered.

HAMMER: Nicole, he`s bringing up a lot of valid points and Charlie Sheen raising issues about a lot of aspects of what happened on September 11, so what`s your reaction to what he`s saying?

RITTENMEYER: Well, I mean I think that the work that his organization has done -- we should be asking questions. Our program, the four-hour mini series we did on 9/11, was the highest rated program ever for National Geographic Channel, and that suggests there`s a lot of interest in this. People need a lot of closure.

And even the 9/11 commissioners didn`t say that their report was the final word. I mean, we should be asking questions.

But I think the important question, though, is some of those -- some of the issues he`s raised are easily answered. He may have done his homework. I don`t know that he did enough.

HAMMER: Well, what specifically? What`s one of the issues that he raised that you`re finding issue with?

RITTENMEYER: The demolition of the buildings.

HAMMER: Which Charlie Sheen claims -- which Charlie Sheen claims appeared to be a controlled implosion.


HAMMER: That wouldn`t have happened coming from airplanes simply hitting the building.

RITTENMEYER: Absolutely. And it did. It did happen. The fireproofing was blown off the building. There`s been tons of research. There`s a wealth of evidence out there that suggests -- it`s been examined and re-examined. It looked to untrained people like a controlled demolition, but experts have evaluated this again and again and again, and it`s pretty self-explanatory.

HAMMER: Michael, you did mention that you were impressed with how well informed Charlie Sheen is and the fact that he did do his homework, which I imagine for an organization like yours, which wants people to ask the hard questions, has to be a good thing. He`s not just another Hollywood type simply spouting his mouth off.

BERGER: No, like I said, Charlie has really done his homework and has been really impressive. In fact, Charlie raises the issue of a third building, a 47-story building, building seven, which collapsed at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, which was not hit by an airplane.

So what we`re asking for is if this third building collapsed at 5:20, which the media really has not shown this clip. They -- they show us the towers being impacted by planes and the fireballs and the collapse over and over, but this third building with an inexplicable collapse, although it did have minor fires, no steel frame skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire.

We had a fire in the Madrid Windsor tower last year, burned for 20 hours, a raging inferno. The people of Madrid assumed, like 9/11, this tower was going to collapse, and yet it didn`t.

HAMMER: Michael, do you think there`s been a huge government cover- up, as Charlie Sheen is alleging, on September 11?

BERGER: I do. I do. I think many of the commissioners themselves have had conflicts of interest. They did not follow the investigations to where a truly independent commission, which is what Charlie Sheen has called for, truly independent voices raising questions, calling on the government to release information like Pentagon surveillance videotapes, videotapes from the Sheraton Hotel and the Citgo gas station.

Evidence about the black boxes located at Ground Zero, which a firefighter had stated prior to the 9/11 Commission report coming out in 2004.

HAMMER: Michael, I`ve got to jump in real quick, because Nicole, I do want to ask you. You did mention that it is important that we`re asking these questions. Charlie Sheen now, a Hollywood type on board, raising these issues publicly. Before it`s been mostly official type people. So do you think it will at least give some of these theories legs?

RITTENMEYER: Oh, gosh, I hope not. I hope it -- I hope it causes people to start reading a little bit more and researching the issue.

BERGER: Hopefully.

RITTENMEYER: If you delve into the research a lot this of answerable.

HAMMER: Well, hopefully, people will start trying to get more informed, because I think there are a lot of unanswered questions. Michael Berger and Nicole Rittenmeyer, thank you for joining us on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

BERGER: Thank you.


ANDERSON: "The Young and the Restless" star Eric Braeden speaking out on the war in Iraq, comparing it to Vietnam. Eric Braeden, live in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, next.

Plus, we`ve also got this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t like when other people`s kids are around me.


HAMMER: Well, tell us how you really feel. Tonight, we bring back the author of the book "I Hate Other People`s Kids". She`s going to answer your e- mails, in just a bit.

ANDERSON: And a Wile E. Coyote goes road-running! Tonight, you`ve got to see it to believe it: a coyote on the loose in New York City`s Central Park. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has that amazing video, next.

HAMMER: First, tonight`s "`Entertainment Weekly` Great American Pop Culture Quiz." Who played the president of the United States in 1999`s "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me?" Michael York, Tim Robbins, Rob Lowe or Tom Cruise? The answer next.


Then... A poll at the end of the show which currently looks like this.

And tonight at 11pm est on CNN's headline news brings back alex jones and Sheen calls in again to alex jone's show.

(Download's slow due to high traffic)
First show download link:

Second show download link:

Third Show download link:

This has been a brave thing for Charlie to do... but its going to hurt his career... a lot.
And Thursday's night transcript didn't fit so here it is and tonight's ill put up later.


SHEEN: The more you look at stuff, especially specific incidents, specific events, in or around the fateful day, it just-- it just raises a lot of questions.

HAMMER: The questions Charlie Sheen is raising about the 9/11 attacks are raising a lot of eyebrows. Our e-mail inbox immediately started to overflow. And the coverage on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is getting a lot of attention.

The web site 9/11 Blogger calls SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s coverage, quote, "The first time a major news station has covered 9/11 questions in any reasonable format."

It all started with a radio interview Sheen gave to GCN Radio Network host Alex Jones, a cult hero of sorts to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. During the interview, Sheen made clear that he backs Jones` views.

SHEEN: We`re not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue. It seems to me like, you know, 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 percent of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory.

HAMMER: Sheen also made another shocking suggestion: that we may not know the full story about the collapse of the World Trade Center.

SHEEN: I have a hard time believing that a fireball traveled down the elevator over 110 feet and still had the explosive energy to destroy the lobby like it was described.

I said, "Hey, call me insane. But did it sort of look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition?"

If I was your age, I could only dream about my parents splitting up.

HAMMER: As the star of the sitcom "Two and a Half Men," Sheen is seen weekly by about 10 million people. And many of them may end up paying attention to his controversial comments about 9/11.


HAMMER: As I mentioned the radio host who interviewed Sheen is Alex Jones of the Genesis Communications Network. Alex joins me live from Austin, Texas, to talk about Sheen`s riveting comments.

Alex, as I mentioned, the response that we got from doing this story last night absolutely shocking. So I want to know how it actually all came about. How did the interview with Charlie Sheen actually happen? Did you guys reach out to him? Did he call you? What was the deal?

ALEX JONES, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, just to make something clear, Mr. Sheen has amazing courage to do what he`s done. And he contacted me. He`s been watching my documentaries for years. He`s one of the most informed people that I`ve talked to in Hollywood on this subject.

Listen, for years Hollywood`s been on fire with people knowing the truth about 9/11. And I was the first to expose 9/11 on the day. In fact two months before I had intel that elements of the military industrial complex were going to carry out the attack. I said they`ll use bin Laden, the known CIS. That is their patsy to take the blame for attacking the towers.

So Mr. Sheen is only exceptional in that he has courage in going public. Courage that no one else in Hollywood had.

I mean, here`s a CNN poll from Anderson Cooper a year and a half ago where they said is the government covering up 9/11? Could they be involved? Ninety percent when the poll closed on CNN said this.

So listen I have my own syndicated show. I`ve done 4,000 radio interviews in the last 4 1/2 years. Almost no one calls in and disagrees now. We have the majority view and we have the evidence.

And bottom line, there are declassified U.S. government documents like Operation Northwoods that ABC News reported on back in 2000. Operation Northwoods. Google it.

And in there the U.S. government -- an element of it -- said we want to hi-jack jets by remote control, crash them and blame it on the Soviet Union in Cuba. Now that was decades ago. This is why we believe this.

Then you look at the official story. The firefighters, the police, hundreds of them saying there were bomb in the buildings. They were told to shut up. You look at building seven, detonators going off. You can see the explosion.

HAMMER: And Alex, a lot of this is what Charlie Sheen was covering. I`m actually just curious. Did he reach out to you guys? Is he the one who put the call into you and how he wound up on your show?

JONES: Sure. Sure. He called me a few weeks ago and said that -- said that he loves this country. He has nothing to gain from this. In fact it`s dangerous for him to do.

HAMMER: Sure, sure.

JONES: He said, "I love this country and my kids so much that I`m going to do this, Alex."

And I said, "God bless you" because now it makes for other Hollywood people who`ve got major pull who know the truth to start going public.

HAMMER: And dangerous indeed to do. Because a lot of what he said makes a lot of people sort of sit back and say, "Whoa, I don`t know about that."

And what`s really important here. You may not agree with everything that Charlie Sheen had to say. I personally think it`s a good thing that he did go on your show, so he could go public with his point of view. Because it does get people talking.

You know, there are a lot of people who may look at this, however, and say there just goes another Hollywood nut job shooting off his mouth.

JONES: Listen -- listen...

HAMMER: I imagine that you think, though, having a Hollywood actor on your side is a good thing and, as you mention, may bring some more people to the table talking about this.

JONES: Sure, sure. If you knew some of the Hollywood names that are aware of 9/11. We`re talking some of the biggest people.

HAMMER: Any you can tell us about that you`ve been in contact with?

JONES: No, I can`t. Because -- because people in Hollywood contact me because I have integrity, and I`ve been in a few films and they know me. And they know I keep my mouth shut.

You know, it was kind of like back in high school. I learned to keep my mouth shut about girls I was dating and all the girls started liking you.

Look, it`s really simple. Let`s understand this, OK? Nine-eleven was an inside job. It was a self-inflicted wound. And -- and what Charlie Sheen is doing is just amazing, and he can only be commended for it. And all he`s calling for is a real investigation.

I go further at and We lay out how it happened and what took place.

And it`s not just Charlie Sheen I`ve interviewed. CNN has interviewed some of these people, the only network that I`ve seen doing it. You guys have interviewed. There have been physics professors that have gone public. There have been the heads of mining colleges that have gone public.

George Bush Sr.`s top CIA adviser who briefed him and Ronald Reagan, one of the highest little guys at the CIA, says our government is clearly involved in carrying out terror to blame it on foreign enemies.

Did you know that on they admit that they carried out terror attacks in 1953 to blame it on Mohammed Mozadek (ph) in Iran as a pretext to overthrow Iran?

HAMMER: Alex -- I`m going to rein -- all good stuff and all stuff that needs to be talked about. But I`m going to rein you back in here to the topic at hand.

JONES: Sure.

HAMMER: One thing that I think is interesting. You know, as I mentioned we`ve gotten this overwhelming response. The e-mail has not stopped coming in. Most of the e-mail I`ve been getting has been supporting the fact that we are bringing attention to something that is rarely talked about in mainstream media.

JONES: Yes, sir. You have courage. No one else has done what you`re doing.

HAMMER: And I appreciate you saying that. So the question is why? Why have so many of the major media outlets not talked about these alternative theories that exist behind 9/11? Why is that?

JONES: Mark Twain said that, "In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared and scorned. But in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be patriot."

A lot of people don`t have the courage that you have, A.J. A lot of people don`t have the courage of Charlie Sheen. They don`t have the courage of the German defense minister, Andre Van Bulow (ph), who two years ago went public...

HAMMER: What do you think is afraid of that`s going to happen to them?

JONES: They`re afraid of being beaten up by the hordes of neocon intimidators who try to go out there with their Gestapo Nazi tactics to try to bludgeon everybody with their blogs and radio shows to shut up.

But they`ve lost, pal, because people have learned that they`re a bunch of liars. They lied about WMDs. They lied about everything. And now their credibility is totally blown.

The new White House memo just came out where Bush is talking about staging the shoot down of American planes to get -- to blame it on Saddam. That`s public. That`s admitted.

HAMMER: Let`s talk about some public documents. Because obviously experts, government commissions, countless officials have all come out and supported what is the official line.

JONES: Yes, they call it Henry Kissinger independent.

HAMMER: Right. Well, we know that those documents are out there and that people are supporting them. So I guess what some people watching us tonight may be thinking is, well, why the heck should I be listening to Charlie Sheen or to Alex Jones and his web site on this matter?

JONES: They shouldn`t. They shouldn`t. They shouldn`t believe me. They shouldn`t believe you. They shouldn`t believe George Bush. They shouldn`t believe the Keane Commission where almost the entire commission has conflicts of interest and was appointed by Bush. You`ve got to love this. He appoints his own commission, and then the media calls it independent.

Did you know that the "9/11 Whitewash Commission" claims there were no columns in tower one and two when they had 47 of the biggest columns in the world up until that time? They won`t say why building seven had blast points going off down the side.

HAMMER: Well, Alex -- Alex, I`m afraid I`ve got to cut you off because we`re out of time. But as I said, it`s sparking debate. It`s getting people talking. And I appreciate you help bringing it up.

JONES: Thank you. Go to, sir. Find out the truth at

HAMMER: Alex Jones, live from Austin.

And as I mentioned we`ve gotten so many e-mails on the subject. We`ll read what some of you have to say coming up a bit later in the show.

Nine eleven also happens to be the subject of a new movie that`s coming out in theaters soon. And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has your first look at "United 93." That`s coming up in a bit in the "SHOWBIZ Showcase."

ANDERSON: Plus, rebuilding communities devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Tonight how a TV reality show is going in to fix what some say the government could not.


Like Charlie Sheen acting whacko is worthy of a two-page writeup. Celebrities join Scientology as well, you know.

Come back when you aren't linking to notorious failure Alex Jones and are instead linking to an actual honest-to-god scientific opinion from an actual peer-reviewed scientist.
And no, the nuclear physics guy does not count.

Your conspiracy hoo-hah has failed so much in that regard that I don't understand how you can continue to support it.
Doesn't the fact that no-one with an intelligent point has ever supported this argument bother you?

Come on, I wrote out the whole logical fallacy thread just to deal with this. Please read it already.
In that the poll was likely forwarded to every conspiracy nutbar who reads prisonplanet?

Surely you can't see that as objective.
Mechagodzilla said:
In that the poll was likely forwarded to every conspiracy nutbar who reads prisonplanet?

Surely you can't see that as objective.
What I see is +25,000 people not afraid to seek truth.

I'm not looking to it as a consolation of my judgement.

15357 said:
Can we put an end to this?
Can we ever be able to trust everyone, all the time?
He's an actor, and that instantly makes him an expert on all subjects.
Charlie Sheen.......ACTOR, says **** YOU GEORGE BUSH.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Can we ever be able to trust everyone, all the time?

Should we not trust every single person? And to go so far as to create stories and claim they are wrong despite a mountain of evidence when really your not trusting anyone since it was an event...not something someone said. There is what happened and what people are fabricating.
I agree that it 'raises a lot of questions'. It's just that most of the evidence points to the answers being 'terrorists did it.'
All these conspiracy theories show that the US goverment sucks in information control.

Nobody should have ever thought about it, or at least not written it on the 'net.
15357 said:
All these conspiracy theories show that the US goverment sucks in information control.

Nobody should have ever thought about it, or at least not written it on the 'net.

Yeah they could probably learn a thing or two by good ol' korea where free speech is forbidden.
CrazyHarij said:
Yeah they could probably learn a thing or two by good ol' n.korea where free speech is forbidden.

yes I know...but a socialst isnt a communists automaticly.

EDIT:I am as anti Bolschewist as it can get,I am for kapatilst democracy.
Solaris said:
Theres an anti-communitst law?

Uh... not anymore. The official title's now 'National Security Law'.
_Z_Ryuken said:
What I see is +25,000 people not afraid to seek truth.

Or 25,000 people unable to deal with plain relality to the extend that they have to fabricate events in their mind to help them cope.
God, I love the media.
Scientists question 9/11: Crackpot.
"Political" writers question 9/11: Conspiracy nutjob.
Charlie Sheen questions 9/11: WHAT!? Woah, woah woah! Hold the front page! He's an actor, you know?
Raziaar said:
Conspiracy is a Religion.
Religion is a conspiracy :O
What I see is +25,000 people not afraid to seek truth.

There is a point where "seeking the truth" stops being noble and starts being retarded.

That point is when the truth has already been found, but you keep looking anyways, to find an "utterly retarded truth".


Truth is that cows are real.

But no! This leaves loose ends: No-one has recorded every cow! Some cows have not been accounted for! Cow truth is only a theory!

are placed there by GOVERNMENT MATRIX AGENTS (like in the movie the matrix that shows how easy we can be fooled)???

I am not afraid to find the truth in the MATRIX COWS issue!
I am a fighter for truth!
I am the smartest man alive! Only I can see the truth!

"But cows are real. You ate beef at breakfast."

I have decided there are no cows, and since that is true, my Mc Griddle CANNOT LOGICALLY EXIST.
If Mc Griddles aren't real that must mean McDonalds is PULLING THE WOOL (cow wool) OVER OUR EYES.

Looking at chart, McDonalds recently MADE A PROFIT selling "beef" products.

Since the COWS are part of the government mind control, then McDonalds must be working for the BUSH ADMINISTRATION. In order to SWINDLE the AMERICAN PUBLIC.

But McDonalds has been a restaurant for fifty years~!!!!

VIETMAN WAR = THEREFORE PLANNED to make U.S. "seem" fallible against small people! (This is fiction!)

And then, on 9/11 SEPTEMBER 11TH 2001 A DAY WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY, terrorists blew up a building.
Now, the BU$H ADMINISTRATION wants you to believe that the attack was caused by AL QUEDA.


Why you ask... it is because they were actually INDIANS (ASIAN) who became wise of the BEEF PLOY.

If COWS are NOT REAL that that means CRISSIS OF FAITH that means JIHAD? this is far to likely to be a co-incidence..

Knowing that INDIANS (ASIAIN) were planning 9/11 SEPTEMBER 11TH A CRYING EAGLE CRYING AT A FLAG, the BUSH ADMINISTRATION knew "the JIG* is up".

---So the blew up the towers first (before the INDIAN (ASIAN) planes could hit) and blamed AL QUALUD - who "claimed" they hated AMERISCAN companies - - - - American companies that are McDoanalds'!!!

NOW unless you like McDonalds you are called AL QUADA TERRORSIM because AL QUEDDA "don't like McDonald's".

If you are called AL QUEADA TERRORISM then the PATRIOT ACT puts you in the "FUNNY FARM" (tortured 2 death in syrian jailhouse.



BUT I AM NOT AFRAIND OF THE TRUTH and I will "fight the power" and PRAY TO GOD that the CRIMES THAT I SEE wiill be punished>>

I turned to GOD JESUS HOLY GHOST because "SCIENTISTS" refuse to ackkknowledge that they have EVIDENCE OF BEEF PLOY.
Science is LIE

could it be that GODLESS BEEF PLOY is the result of ATHEISTS AGENDA??


"And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
-Leviticus 20:16

Now, BUSH ADMINISTRATION has CONDOLEEZA RICE is woman who lies down at us with the beast (BEAST = COW OF COW PLOY).


"I don't believe in eating beef."
when you hear it, that is a sign of one of our truth men who can be trusted


Pauly said:
I think Beef Ploy is a danger to us all. It is undeniable.
Clarky003 said:
I don't want to make any conclusions, but the BEEF PLOY argument raises many questions that have not been answered. I am not going to conclude anything, except that clearly we have not been getting the full story from the science world.
ZRyuken said:
This article's genius speaks for itself. What I see is 1 man not afraid to seek truth.
Glirk Dient said:
Should we not trust every single person? And to go so far as to create stories and claim they are wrong despite a mountain of evidence when really your not trusting anyone since it was an event...not something someone said. There is what happened and what people are fabricating.
My point was as long as people cannot be trusted, people will be arguing over this.

Mechagodzilla said:
There is a point where "seeking the truth" stops being noble and starts being retarded.

That point is when the truth has already been found, but you keep looking anyways, to find an "utterly retarded truth".


Truth is that cows are real.

But no! This leaves loose ends: *wall of ridiculous text*

Honestly how do you expect me to take you seriously when you bring everything to some ridiculous level of pseudo-comedy?
I agree there is a limit to which people need reach before their engrossment in a particular questionable situation becomes obsession, but it works the other way around.

To me you seem utterly obsessed with fighting these people yet you know you won't change anyone's mind and therefore have no gains other than the satisfaction of rambling on about hypothetical conspiracies that might arise from a 3rd grade study group, and you have a devoted audience so you keep doing it. :|

ComradeBadger said:
Or 25,000 people unable to deal with plain relality to the extend that they have to fabricate events in their mind to help them cope.
The error here is thinking people are not able to deal with reality. These kind of people are suicidal, not conspiracy theorists. 9_9

And we aren't even dealing completely with conspiracy theorists.

There are a lot of regular Joes like myself that want an end-all tuth to be told, something not mucked up by the government and loosely held organizations blindly supporting whatever explanation is fed to them.
There is so much more information being ignored than what is being reported.

It is more accurate for me to say I see +25,000 people whom choose to believe in an alternative.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Honestly how do you expect me to take you seriously when you bring everything to some ridiculous level of pseudo-comedy?

So far, COW PLOY has proven itself to be a valid theory.

You cannot account for every cow-variable.
To call the deaths of many americans (and otherwise) comedic is unconscionable.

We do not have all the evidence RE: cows.

Over a many million people do not believe in eating beef!
They can see the truth - why don't you?
You are just another idiot suckled on the monstrous udder of the pro-cow media.

Maybe you didn't notice that COW PLOY also proves your demolitioned towers with a commonsense explanation.
I am on your side, only I ahve the real facts.

Fact: Cows are not conclusively proven.
Fact: McDonalds makes big money with cow beef.
Fact: McDonald's has existed since 1950's.
FACT: Vietnam guerrilla warfare tactics after 1950 made America look weak.
Fact: 9/11 also blamed on various tactics by Bush.
FACT: 9/11 was actually destroyed by thermite bombs planted by Bu$h's brother/friends.
FACT: BUsH blamed Osama bin Laden.
FACT: Osama Bin Ladan has ties to Bu$h.
Fact: Osama Bin Laden "opposes" MacDonalds (as did communists).
Fact: Asian Indians believe cows are sacred.
Fact: Cows are not conclusively proven.



AHA you admit defeat!

Try this:

If you are able to fully disprove COW PLOY theory, I will give you a hundred dollars and never badmouth conspiracy theorists again.

If you can't, then you must accept that COW PLOY is greater or equally as valid as what Charlie Sheen and +25000 people call truth.

It's here in writing and I never go back on my word.
I stopped caring about what most entertainment celebrities have to say about political and religious things after I learned how easily swayed many of them are by scientology. Saying that Charlie Sheen questions the 9/11 story now means as much to me as Joe Bob from off the street questioning the 9/11 story. Fact is entertainment celebrities have the exact same information as the public when it comes to this whole thing, and just because they are celebrities does not mean they have some sort of superior intelligence to help them sort through the facts better (in fact often many of them appear to have lower than average intellectual capabilities).

Also lots of love to Mechagodzilla.
Interesting read, not much else. Celebrities are pretty much worthless in this type of topic. Actually, theyre worthless in almost every topic.
Bush destroyed the twin towers by Chuck Norris. Ingeniously, Chuck Norris, not bothering taking down the towers himself, roundhouse kicked two planes into it. I'm going to post link to the Google Video later.
Mechagodzilla said:
AHA you admit defeat!

Try this:

If you are able to fully disprove COW PLOY theory, I will give you a hundred dollars and never badmouth conspiracy theorists again.

If you can't, then you must accept that COW PLOY is greater or equally as valid as what Charlie Sheen and +25000 people call truth.

It's here in writing and I never go back on my word.
You can't prove or disprove things over the internet.

Besides, as you so gracefuly presented many times in the past, you are the one with the burden of proof.

Conjuring this "cow ploy theory" on the internet, with no objecting science, you have done nothing but set yourself up for failure.

Also, I don't give a damn about your hypothetical conspiracy so it's not a question of me or anyone admitting defeat, but rather getting sick of your taunting.
"cow ploy theory"
1 point for me for getting you to say Cow Ploy Theory.
Cow Poly Theory is very real, thank you sir.

objecting science
Did you mean objective science? :p:p

Another point for me because you invented a nonsense phrase in an effort to sound smarty.

Also, I use lots of OBJECTIVE science.
Obviously you havn't watched Loose Change video. It is super-scientific.
This is the inherent truth that prove COW PLOY.

can't prove or disprove things over the internet.
3 Points now for you admitting you fail at proofs.
Loose Change proves things via internet. Why can't you?
UNLESS you admit failures!

I am not taunting. I am OFFERING YOU ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PRIZE MONEY CASH in order for you to prove COW PLOY is less credible than Loose Change Hypothesis.


And if I am actually extremely right, then that means you are extremely wrong, does it not?
But being wrong is not costly/not worth 1000 (ONE THOUSAND) dollars (CANADIAN DOLLARS)!
You have nothing to lose but your pride!