

Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
I've been playing HL2 DM a lot lately and I've noticed people doing something really weird and quite annoying. I dunno what they're doing, but in game it looks like they are semi-squatting or walking slow or something. They're harder to hit like this and in servers running the headshot mod it is IMPOSSIBLE to kill them without the crossbow. What's the deal with this? Am I the only one who's seen it? Should it be reported to Steam (and how?). I've also seen people on one server joining team Combine while wearing a Rebel skin, giving them an advantage since people aren't shooting them. Thanks.

no one is are just rubbish

remove your clown feet shoes

enjoy the world

peace out
Well, I thought at first they were just crouching too, but I think it's something else. I mean I crouch too and this doesn't look like crouching. I'll have to take a screenshot and show you. I'm not a retard and I'm not horrible at the game, so I'd like to think it's not just me.

Doppelgofer said:
no one is are just rubbish

Thanks for the constructive reply, dickface.
hehe, dickface. sort of suprised me to see that word.

Generally reporting cheaters to Steam doesn't do much... it's the individual servers that have to take care of that.
I have run across the same problem. I unloaded 6 shotgun shells directly in the persons face and an entire clip from the mp7 sub machine gun all point blank. The person just "crouched" there stationary and killed me with 18 rounds from the USP.
This was my first time playing HL2 deathmatch but i come from a year of playing CS 1.6
Sounds fishy, but they might have just had 200 armour.
I'm glad I haven't encountered this nonsense,.
Ennui said:
hehe, dickface. sort of suprised me to see that word.

Generally reporting cheaters to Steam doesn't do much... it's the individual servers that have to take care of that.

Yeah, I'll admit "dickface" was pretty childish. My pointer actually hovered over the "post" button cuz I didn't wanna seem immature...but shit, if the shoe fits.

Anyway, I know reporting an individual wouldn't do anything. I mean if they are just crouching and not really "cheating", then I think Valve needs to know so they can correct the issue....because crouching shouldn't protect a player that well. I'm having trouble, though, believing that that's all that's going on. For instance, one guy in one game kept joining the team "Spectator" and doing it. I had one guy tell me he was pressing F10 really fast, but I think he was trying to be cute and make me quit the game. How would I go about bringing this to their attention?
"Crouching" in HL2DM is a glitch almost. You not only become a lesser of a target to hit but 90% of the headshots taken do not register damage. It's not cheating.
Just a little trick I know and use. ;)
joule said:
"Crouching" in HL2DM is a glitch almost. You not only become a lesser of a target to hit but 90% of the headshots taken do not register damage. It's not cheating.
Just a little trick I know anduse. ;)

Okay perhaps I should change the name of the topic to "cheating or glitch?". Either way, I think in order for everyone to have a more level playing field it needs to be corrected. What kinda game would it be like to play online if everyone knew this "trick" and did it? Boring.
justmatt said:
Okay perhaps I should change the name of the topic to "cheating or glitch?". Either way, I think in order for everyone to have a more level playing field it needs to be corrected. What kinda game would it be like to play online if everyone knew this "trick" and did it? Boring.
Deal with it until it's fixed. :rolleyes:
justmatt said:
Thanks for the constructive reply, dickface.

absolutley amazing....i actually laughed when i read that. i was joking by the way but you know, the internet takes that sense of humour barrier away...

now heres the kicker.....does it? because i just contradicted myself saying i laughed and then proceeding to say the internet removes sense of humour barriers....crazy crazy world

dooDOOD ODO DODO DODO DOODOo ododODoo twilight
Doppelgofer said:
i was joking by the way but you know, the internet takes that sense of humour barrier away...

Fair enough. Sorry for the harsh words. I am gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you though. I think there are plenty of ways to break this barrier you're talking about. Let's take what you said for instance:

The way you said it:
Doppelgofer said:
no one is are just rubbish

With added smiley:
Doppelgofer said:
no one is are just rubbish :-P

Applies to what I said to (If I had been joking):
justmatt said:
Thanks for the constructive reply, dickface :-P

May not make it look like the best compliment in the world, but I think it lightens it a bit. No worries though.
ComradeBadger said:
crouching has no place in DM!

Crouch removed? Perhaps if you crouched as well it might even it up.

I have always crouched in various dm games. Your harder to hit and it confuses the **** out of people like you.
I do crouch, I just feel DM games shouldn't be like CS.

Which, co-incidently, sucks :)

Oh, and please tell me what 'people like me' is supposed to mean?
Hehe, he should go play a round of AG or Q3 or whatever and see if crouching really has a place in DM ;)
i hardly use crouching in q3, theres just no time.
they should take off the aux speed so you have a constant speed in hl2dm
more jumping means more fun
if i spawn and someone has some sort of machine gun pointed at me its quite natural for me to duck and unload a whole clip of my pistol into their face. the reason being, glich or not, you don't lose life for the fraction of a second when the bullets fly over your head. i would not consider this cheating, seeing as i've played fps's online since quake nine years ago. although, when one does this more and more often the reply "WTF?!" by the dead enemy afterwards comes back to haunt you when you are the guy with the machine gun and he is crouched. if you shoot him in the head you will die, if you shoot him in the chest you will see blood, meaning you actually have a chance in hell of surviving. now if i take an educated guess at what is happening here... i would have to say the crouching hitbox of a model is smaller than the actual model itself, or the head-hitbox is up the models arse. whatever the reason, if someone is shooting at you, duck. its not cheating, it can be fixed. :thumbs:

ComradeBadger said:
I do crouch, I just feel DM games shouldn't be like CS.

Which, co-incidently, sucks :)

Oh, and please tell me what 'people like me' is supposed to mean?

He means he doesnt like <insert your race here>. Wow, what'd you think he meant... he just meant people who dont like crouching.
Okay.. this thread is getting real old real quick... he presented a legitimate concern, which apparently some of you already knew about and neglected to tell anyone... cheating really has no place in any game.. and people who cheat to win a game are just lame.. I mean especially in a game like HL2.. where if you're cheating, it's just to kill the other person faster or not get killed as fast yourself.. either way.. what does that gain? Some sort of self-respect.. well.. whatever.. but I'd say that if this crouching thing is a real glitch, then using it is the same thing as cheating.. it has the same effect.. and I'm sure that the programmers over at Valve did not mean to make it nearly impossible to kill someone when they're crouched.. this should definitely be reported ASAP.. although I've yet to encounter it :/

Now, as for your team changing question... if sv_cheats was set to 1, then they were probably using the setteam input on their player, most likely via ent_fire... check out my tutorial in the stickies for more info on that.. if sv_cheats was 0, then I have no idea how they did that.. and you should report that along with your croutching glitch :p

ComradeBadger said:
I do crouch, I just feel DM games shouldn't be like CS.

Which, co-incidently, sucks :)

Oh, and please tell me what 'people like me' is supposed to mean?

I agree cs is shyte. Im a q3 man myself, have just got into HL. Q3 is a lot more fast paced than hl2, and if crouching gives you the advantage then use it you idiot. Dont bitch about it on the interweb.

People like you? I would have thought that was self explanatory. Just incase you still don't get it, I was refering to you and/or the thread starter moaning 'cos they get fragged.
I wasn't moaning.. I use the glitch.. my point is, DM should be fast, and having crouching giving an advantage spoils that, slows the game right down imo.

I think it should be removed as a bug.. but feel free to crouch all you want, it's not too hard to deal with someone crouching.

WySiWyG said:
Crouch removed? Perhaps if you crouched as well it might even it up.

I have always crouched in various dm games. Your harder to hit and it confuses the **** out of people like you.

Here here!

I've always crouched when shooting in all the fps' I've played and now I do it through force of habit! It just makes you a smaller target and it's slightly easier to keep a steady aim.

Personally I think it was just someone with full armour and health, crouching down and shooting you directly in the head. :)
justmatt i don't like using smileys....for some reason they just seem really corny to me

i only use them VEEEEEERY rarely
at the end of the day.. the ctrl button is binded to +duck (or +movedown?) so it can be used. if its buggy, then, wow, hl2dm is buggy.

i discovered that when i managed to unload a whole clip of my pistol into someones head, giving it the same strength as the colt magnum in my first week experiencing the game. thankfully someone reported it to vavle, whether it was before or after or never posting it to a forum first, and it was fixed in the first patch.

i was playing the other day, holding shift to run towards someone and jumping forwards but from side to side a bit (with space of course) to either a) be harder to hit, or b) in the hope it actually made me faster... anyway, to cut a long story short i ducked infront of _ and shot him in the head with my pistol 10 times or so and he died. he then said something along to lines of "oh i get it, bunny hopping, hit box exploiting, ...." and then left the server.

i'm going to have do a bit of research on this myself, but *by all means* if anyone is convinced this is a bug then report it.

ComradeBadger said:
I wasn't moaning.. I use the glitch.. my point is, DM should be fast, and having crouching giving an advantage spoils that, slows the game right down imo.

I think it should be removed as a bug.. but feel free to crouch all you want, it's not too hard to deal with someone crouching.


I thought you meant remove crouching in general. I thought you were mad.

I used crouch all the time in q3. Not holding it down, sort of random key pressing to confuse the enemy. Left right up down up left etc etc.

You just have to run rings around them and shoot them a bit more.
ComradeBadger said:
I say remove the crouching glitch.. crouching has no place in DM!

Except in Long jumping, eh? EH? ;)

you know I'm right.
This is like the main pistol bug (17 shots in one second)

Ppl like to kil with that bug, so protect it... they are just stupid frustrated guys... no ofense though. :)

But you can use it and abuse it, it will be removed... and then I will laugh, at th same timi i headshot ya when you are crouching! :LOL:
Yep, it really is a problem. Someone was crouched in front of the mega-charger in lockdown, and I walke as close as I could to him and unloaded a full clip of MP7 into the back of his head.

No blood splatter whatsoever, and he didn't even seem to notice.

Then, i aimed down slightly and repeated the process, firing directly into his spine. Blood everywhere, and and he died.

I sure hope valve fixes this, but in the meantime, aim for the torso if they're crouched.
MigaS_tX said:
This is like the main pistol bug (17 shots in one second)

Ppl like to kil with that bug, so protect it... they are just stupid frustrated guys... no ofense though. :)

But you can use it and abuse it, it will be removed... and then I will laugh, at th same timi i headshot ya when you are crouching! :LOL:

yea i just mentioned that bug. its nothing like it. i will continue to crouch*. i will not find it funny if you kill me when im crouching. ok. thanks. gg. (and no im not one of these 'stupid frustrated guys', but i have press CTRL before. :()

*crouch = a thing people do in deathmatch, with or without knowledge of glitches in a game.
There was a similar problem with the original HL1DM early on, the head hit box was too small or deliberately made too small by the modeller. I think that this was fixed in late 2000 with a patch. Some of the models were outright cheats, like the 6 inch high "Wall" Model. He,he after much fustration with servers that re-downloaded that model to my pc, I replaced this model with the Bull-sixed Rodan model. Put in the wall directory and renamed the model file to "Wall". The clown using this model would be like??? how are you hitting me?
I tried this last night and it worked. It wasn't near as fun as playing normal, though.

To those of you looking for a solution, I have it. Gravity gun. They can't move as fast so take them out.
deizel said:
yea i just mentioned that bug. its nothing like it. i will continue to crouch*. i will not find it funny if you kill me when im crouching. ok. thanks. gg. (and no im not one of these 'stupid frustrated guys', but i have press CTRL before. :()

*crouch = a thing people do in deathmatch, with or without knowledge of glitches in a game.

I was talking about the ones that knew the glitches. Duh. ;) :p
I think the general crouching thing takes some getting used to. You just need to aim lower. Or just whack a filing cabinet at them. I would rather have it staying the way it is. You move a lot slower so its only fair that youre harder to hit.
Dinkleberry said:
I think the general crouching thing takes some getting used to. You just need to aim lower. Or just whack a filing cabinet at them. I would rather have it staying the way it is. You move a lot slower so its only fair that youre harder to hit.
It makes DM more like CS, so I object to it :D
LOL, Since I have seen this post, I think I see a lot more DMing folks crouching.
Like I said when I originally posted this, the main problem I was having with it was on a server I enjoy playing on with this Headshot mod or something on it. Basically the mod makes it so that body damage hardly does anything, but a headshot will kill instantly. It's a lot of fun and good practice for your reflexes and aim. Problem is, when people crouch on this particular server, you can't kill them unless you crossbow them or hit them with a monitor or cabinet with the G-gun. It is kinda fun to walk up to some crouching guy who thinks he's invincible and bitchslap him with a desk though.

My actual main beef was with something else I mentioned in my first post: People playing on team "Spectator" while using a model from one of the other teams. I didn't even know team Spectator was one you could play on. I thought it was for.......spectating. Go figure!!! It's just confusing to see someone you think is on your team, and then to have them walk up and waste you. Seems unfair.

As far as the crouching goes, it really doesn't bug me when people do it on regular servers without this headshot mod. I mean it slows them down, I'll just sprint and circle strafe around them and usually their lack of speed makes them easy to kill.
I dont generally crouch, no real reaosn to, unless your trying to get under the stairs in lockdown toget the shotgun...but then again why bother when you have a grav gun to get it for you?