
This is more of an exploit than anything else... Seems like the hitbox is messed up while crouching... only really effective against the SMG or Pistol. Can't wait till its fixed. I'll normally never crouch unless hiding somewhere. If i see somone using the exploit on me thats the only time I'll do it... cause if your aim for their crotch while your both ducking they go down quick. At least it seems that way.
aye i know EXACTLY what hes talking about, one of the reasons i avoid DM these days. That bug has had me cursing so much...It looks like they are between crouching and standing, just hunched over and walk towards you. and you cant hit them with shit. 2 double shotgun blasts and nothing!. its infuriating and stupid. I wish they'd sort out the hitboxes...although CS sources hitboxes need a triple bipass on they suck so bad.
crouching sucks - much better to just hop about like Q3 arena...
you wouldnt crouch if there were rpgs or crossbows a plenty about now would you...
Hectic Glenn said:
aye i know EXACTLY what hes talking about, one of the reasons i avoid DM these days. That bug has had me cursing so much...It looks like they are between crouching and standing, just hunched over and walk towards you. and you cant hit them with shit. 2 double shotgun blasts and nothing!. its infuriating and stupid. I wish they'd sort out the hitboxes...although CS sources hitboxes need a triple bipass on they suck so bad.
Just aim for the chest... pulse-nade 'em or mp7 nade em.
ComradeBadger said:
I say remove the crouching glitch.. crouching has no place in DM!


Crouching has no place in DM? Never realized that.
Even if somone was cheating in dm, i really dont think id notice since it chaos anyways.. :p
Every game, I like to keep a little list of ****tards to unload on if given the chance. Rocket campers on Overwatch, bow campers on Lockdown, and basically anyone being totally ghey. Recently crouch exploiters have started making the list.

I pwn them. I pwn them dead.

Valve seriously needs to get the fix out, though. It's annoying.
deizel said:
i was playing the other day, holding shift to run towards someone and jumping forwards but from side to side a bit (with space of course) to either a) be harder to hit, or b) in the hope it actually made me faster... anyway, to cut a long story short i ducked infront of _ and shot him in the head with my pistol 10 times or so and he died. he then said something along to lines of "oh i get it, bunny hopping, hit box exploiting, ...." and then left the server.

i'm going to have do a bit of research on this myself, but *by all means* if anyone is convinced this is a bug then report it.


I hate that so called "bunny hopping", it's a bug for sure.. Seeing people jumping halfway across a room, over gaps, like the one in lockdown near the x-bow, in one easy jump... on the angle mind you... and being almost impossible to kill.
wat a pain! :angry:
Shimoneous said:
I hate that so called "bunny hopping", it's a bug for sure.. Seeing people jumping halfway across a room, over gaps, like the one in lockdown near the x-bow, in one easy jump... on the angle mind you... and being almost impossible to kill.
wat a pain! :angry:
but its so fun to do!
Bunny hopping has been around for a long time, in TFC it enhances the gameplay. The only reason you percieve it as unfair is because you cannot do it.

It is just like any other tactic in the game, learn it then use it to your advantage.
Urgh, I hate that angle- even if you're a massively skilled bunnyhopper it doesn't necessarily mean you enjoy watching people leap around like little rabbits :x

There do appear to be hitbox/netcode issues in the Source engine's MP components- I've encountered a wide variety of bizzare happenings, from point-black magnum shots failing to wound (even with two hundred armour you can't survive an impact grenade, a clip of SMG fire and four .357 rounds) to being thrown around the map in strangely unlaggy poltergeist activity. And no, for once it wasn't an admin screwing with me.

I'd be interested in playing HL2DM/CS:S with and without the lag compensation to see what difference it makes- I'm actually starting to believe that LC worsens the problem for all concerned.

You know Badger, you're said to be the best DM player on and yet I've never played you- but if you're going to cheese me off with those pulse-rifle energy pods, I'll have to resort to... to... something really lame I haven't thought of yet :p

I'm often accused of cheating in HL2DM which is a bit annoying as I detest cheats with a vengance.
Today (21st Jan 2005) I saw the two most obvious cheats I've seen so far in HL2DM.
Both were using a speedhack which enabled them to run around at insane speeds.
I just hope VAC is releaed soon to stop these morons from ruining a fun game, and also to stop some of the accusations against me.

The usual accusations against me are along the lines of :- "Oi! I just put 4 magnums and a SMG clip and u didnt die, you cheat"
All I can say is it must be the crouch glitch people have been talking about.
I have always used crouching in these types of games, not because it is an exploit but because it is a legitimate skill to be used. I can't say I have too many problems killing other crouchers, all I've noticed is that you need to aim much lower (near the feet) when they are crouching, and aim at the head when they are not.

As for the real cheaters, can I suggest you issue the status command in the console and write down the suspected cheats steam id. Send this to the server admin and ask him to keep an eye out for that player. Hopefully if we can get enough evidence we can get them banned.

I'll never understand the mentality of the idiots who cheat. I have tried asking them directly why they do it and of the few who reply without the usual childish language of "STFU u n00b" etc, the usual reply is "To win of course". Which is excactly what you don't do if you cheat. All you do is prove to the world and to yourself what a worthless piece of sh*t you are.

Not sure if it's wise to post this here but the two definite cheats I saw today are nintendods70 and RoninVR. Both playing on the monsterserver at at around 12:00 GMT on 21st Jan.
If anyone knows how to contact the admin for this server, I would like to know.
ComradeBadger said:
It does in CS, but DM is supposed to be fast.

It's not faster than CS?

I thought it was, since the SHIFT button makes you walk in CS, but it makes you RUN in DM.

Combine that with CTRL and SPACE, and do the most randomized movements around the other people while shooting at them, and they all die.

About the "speedhack"...

I've played on some servers, and when the LAG spikes start to get way up there (around 300 ping), your movements are less predictable. You can barely touch the 'W' + 'SHIFT' buttons at the same time, and then instantly let go, and your player will continue to move, almost like "ghost-riding" a bike. When you jump around while it's like this, your player will do enormous leaps across the rooms. It gets annoying quick. The fun part about that is compensating for the lag (trying to guess where to shoot, so by the time the person gets there, they get shot).

This is what the "speedhack" is, right? (Because I thought the Steam servers were cheat-protected)
th3Phallex said:
About the "speedhack"...

This is what the "speedhack" is, right? (Because I thought the Steam servers were cheat-protected)

Nope - that's a nasty bug that comes and goes (on Overwatch, most noticably). It looks hack-ish if you're not familiar with it (can result in some astonishing altitude, too).

I've only seen one speed hack on my server, but now that I've seen it, I'll repeat what others have told me - you can't help but recognise it.

Servers are not curently cheat-protected as VAC has not been released for Source. Even once it is, remember that VAC bans are not immediate.


Shimoneous said:
I hate that so called "bunny hopping", it's a bug for sure.. Seeing people jumping halfway across a room, over gaps, like the one in lockdown near the x-bow, in one easy jump... on the angle mind you... and being almost impossible to kill.
wat a pain! :angry:
That's not a bunnyhop.

And oh, I'm not the most skilled at HL2DM on these forums.... :)
ComradeBadger said:
That's not a bunnyhop.

And oh, I'm not the most skilled at HL2DM on these forums.... :)

Well i didnt think it was.. you see, i've never seen someone show me how it's done or wat it looks like.. So i just figured that was it, thats why i thought it was cheating.
I guess that means he really was, and bunny hopping is something similar??

Bunnyhopping tends to be continuous motion, and is infact impossible in HL2DM to the best of my knowledge, even with the +decentjump script (which we tested.. just makes you spazz about a bit)
I hear people claiming that it in fact IS possible (to a certain extent), although I've yet to see someone actually do it. I tried decentjump (which totally screwed up jumping for me) and mwheeldown for quite a while, and all i can manage is to hold sprinting speed for a couple of jumps, mostly useless ingame, though.

Then again, maybe those people simply don't know what bj actually is and mistake it with constant jumping (the cs crowd has a tendency to do that. At least they claim that the jumping delay in cs was introduced to prevent bunnyhopping, when it was in fact removed an update before).
well if you call it a bunnyhop you can...
you can continue jumping without losing speed which isnt a quite a real bunnyhop
cs - jump lose speed
hl2dm - jump keep same speed (as normal jumping not sprint jumping)
hldm/every real game - jump and gain speed

ComradeBadger said:
And oh, I'm not the most skilled at HL2DM on these forums.... :)

quit being modest!