Cheating and relationships

Have you ever cheated/been cheated on in a relationship?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 25.5%
  • No

    Votes: 38 74.5%

  • Total voters


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Just glanced through the other recent polls and thought this one would be interesting.
My first proper girlfriend dumped me, under the premise that we lived too far away, then one week later went out with someone who lives further away. I found out she had been cheating on me.

The first girl I slept with admitted to cheating on me, we finished, then she went out with a good friend of mine. We fell out for 6months (we'd known eachother since before school). Eventually we made up, and we're cool again. The girl now wants me nob again since I'm 'cool' now :laugh:

After that I gave up on relationships. Spent a year living for nights out. Had a great time with a friend of mine having "Birthdays" everytime we went out. One of us was elected the birthday boy and the other would buy him drinks, get DJ shout outs, and we would both approach girls claiming that "It's my/my mates birthday and he's never been kissed" (we sed it in such a way they knew we were lying).
Needless to say it was awesome. It WORKS!
Got a few caspars that way (caspar = casual partner).
Met one girl, only 16 (I was 18) who was really nice. A genuinely nice gal. Took her to the cinema, but whenever the subject of rship came up I avoided or just said "I'm going uni soon, can't we just stay as we are".
One time she saw me necking another girl and threw a fit. She 'ended' what we had going. At first I laughed it off, seeing as we had nothing to 'end' but then I realised I'd really hurt this girl.
I rang her an apologised, but realised she was in no state to listen.

I'd made her feel what I'd felt earlier that year. Used.
It explained to me why I'd had a year of madness, and I began to tread a little more carefully since then.

Cheating sucks, whether its done on you or you do it.

Moral of the story is: "It's my birthday and I've never been kissed" is the best chat up line ever!! 170 girls and counting!
No, but I've only had 4 girlfriends in my life, and all have been nice gals
girlfriend of 6 years was cheating on me. i asked her wtf and she said "well i never said we were going STEADY"

i hate her.
Considering the response to the Virgin poll, you should probably have made one of the options "never had the opportunity"

I put no. Technically, I suppose I did cheat on my ex, but we were already falling apart and broke up the very next day (though she never found out).
burner69 said:
lol, but a bit harsh
Not at all. Just trying to get an honest result to the poll so that those who have cheated/been cheated upon dont feel so outnumbered.
f|uke said:
Considering the response to the Virgin poll, you should probably have made one of the options "never had the opportunity"
lol, but a bit harsh
I highly dislike cheating.

But no, I have never done it nor had it done to me.
I never had a relationship

and I will never cheat
<RJMC> said:
I never had a relationship

and I will never cheat

I used to be like you, and believe in it very strongly. However you'll find that in some situations it can be VERY hard not to.
Best of luck on the r'ship front bud :cheers:
Wraith said:
girlfriend of 6 years was cheating on me. i asked her wtf and she said "well i never said we were going STEADY"

i hate her.
damn, that's some shit, dude. you want me know...take care of her?
f|uke said:
Considering the response to the Virgin poll, you should probably have made one of the options "never had the opportunity"

I put no. Technically, I suppose I did cheat on my ex, but we were already falling apart and broke up the very next day (though she never found out).
Not at all. Just trying to get an honest result to the poll so that those who have cheated/been cheated upon dont feel so outnumbered.

ban him :p
I cheated in every singel relationship i´ve had, but not the current one (my wife). Never going to do that again. I have her permission to cheat on her, if i ever get together with Gillian andersson (oh but what are the chances....oh why oh lord...oh why...), and she has mine if ever Willem Dafoe should be drunk and hit on her... :imu:
RRunner said:
I cheated in every singel relationship i´ve had, but not the current one (my wife). Never going to do that again. I have her permission to cheat on her, if i ever get together with Gillian andersson (oh but what are the chances....oh why oh lord...oh why...), and she has mine if ever Willem Dafoe should be drunk and hit on her... :imu:


Interesting arrangement...
Anyone who would cheat on someone they are in a relationship with, expecialy marrage, is a scumbag. or total bitch, as the situation may allow
RRunner said:
I cheated in every singel relationship i´ve had, but not the current one (my wife). Never going to do that again. I have her permission to cheat on her, if i ever get together with Gillian andersson (oh but what are the chances....oh why oh lord...oh why...), and she has mine if ever Willem Dafoe should be drunk and hit on her... :imu:

You should pick again a few years down the road when your a little older. I reccomend the babysitter.
I cheated WITH somebody if that counts. I was in a relationship with a 30 year old woman who had 2 kids, even though the marriage with her husband was already failed just not finalized for divorce according to her.

In fact, this was not that long ago, I was 19 then and i'm still 19 now! :eek:
i think i was getting cheated on before i dumped her, but i just dont know... probably she wasn't it just fell apart anyway.
Not vastly really, I was totally ignoring the person, so its my fault, we are just close friends now.
Ritz said:
Not vastly really, I was totally ignoring the person, so its my fault, we are just close friends now.

Ahh well that's cool, at least you could remain friends. Most people don't get that.
im somewhat suprised by the lack of cheating. i selected no, but i know many friends who have been in the situation. its hard on both sides, especially when it leads to nasty breakups. seems that everyone gets hurt.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
damn, that's some shit, dude. you want me know...take care of her?

bwahahahaha ... that made me laugh ... murder is bad though ...
Homer said:
You should pick again a few years down the road when your a little older. I reccomend the babysitter.

Our babysitter is my stepson (hes 15), not really my taste of meat.

Nah Gillian any day.....
Platinum said:
bwahahahaha ... that made me laugh ... murder is bad though ...
yes, murder is bad... but accidents happen...
Neutrino said:
So what's the going rate for these......accidents?
it depends....on how hot the girl is...(a hot woman is a terrible thing to waste. get it? WASTE? ha ha ha ha ha!)