Cheats in HL2

Originally posted by mrBadger
precisely ... they were spoiling your fun.

i rest my case.

Ladies and gentlemen.. BADGER MILK!!!

No they wasnt. I wasnt having no fun so there was non to be spoiled. Nothing better to play at the time. They was just pissing me off, and thats the fun of it. So I get me crazy OGC v. 09435720295 and bust out!
Heres the problem with any Valve anti-cheat method. Whenever you release the source for mods, cheats can be made. If Valve disables all hooking DLL functions and view hooked dll's as cheats, its somwhat more difficult, but they can only do so much, or else limit the mods and what they can do. They can detect openGL hacks, but depending on how the rendering of the world is done, they can wireframe it, which bypasses openGL detection. So no matter what, if a popular mod comes out for HL2, there will be cheats made.
Heres the problem with any Valve anti-cheat method. Whenever you release the source for mods, cheats can be made. If Valve disables all hooking DLL functions nnd view hooked dll's as cheats, its somwhat more difficult, but they can only do so much, or else limit the mods and what they can do. They can detect openGL hacks, but depending on how the rendering of the world is done, they can wireframe it, which bypasses openGL detection. So no matter what, if a popular mod comes out for HL2, there will be cheats made.
Originally posted by THUGENSTE1N
1. Not 10 minutes... Try maybe 10 days or so. If not a month. Atleast for me =P.

2. The only reason why I ever even started to hack CS was because I was tired of the original and IT HAD NO replay value. So in a sense cheating kinda helps some to stay in the game for a short while longer.

People always bitch to try to make cheaters look bad by saying, ooh you have no skills cuz you need to cheat to win. That's just not true and they know it. 1. Even if you dont have skills, who gives a **** it's just a COMPUTER GAME. 2. People cheat because they either are tired on the original game, or they quite frankly find it funny and more entertaining than the real game.

Stay in game? "Well, this game so ****ing boring so I'm going to cheat now and don't care if I spoil the fun for others". Why is it so hard to NOT play the game if it has become boring?

Well, that's mostly true. People who cheat don't have the skill or lack respect for others and for those taking the game seriously.
Its just a game. That's easy to say. If I take drugs to improve my results in the Olympics, will anyone say "It's just a game" ? No. THere are people who want to enjoy games and play them seriously and they often lay down much time in it. Could you understand how it feels when cheaters destroy the fun? Do you see what I mean?
one point that has not been raised sso far is tthat cheats are almost essential for developing sp maps. Do you really want to play through your huge map everytime, just to check the end works.

Also the first version of doom to have nightmare (it wasn't in the original 1.1 release) allowed you to use cheats ini nightmare way back in 1994. i think it was version 1.666 the next released version disabled all cheats (but iddt and idclev) in nightmare.

Cheater suck. All cheats do, It will completely ruin the story of the game if you can just blow by the guys. I see no point in cheats, they are only made for the panzies and pussies who cant beat it without some help

Oh, and as far as single player goes, if someone wants to cheat, let them. If a person enjoys the game more with cheats on, then they should be able to do so. Don't disable all cheats because you think they are lame, just don't use them yourself. No problem.

Originally posted by jellocube27
having sex with a chainsaw?

Jellocude27, is all you ever do SPAM ?!? I don't think I've read a really relevant comment off you?
IMO .... cheating is like using porn... no-one cares if you use it by yourself (single player).... but using it in a public place spoils many people's days out...