Check Out My Video!

record x
sv_cheats 1
host_framerate 30
startmovie x avi
playdemo x

That is the way I do it.

Why was I not told aboot this when I searched for it?

Ohh well, it's complete anyways, and fraps worked well for me, so theres no changing it I'm afraid. *Tear*

Why was I not told aboot this when I searched for it?

Ohh well, it's complete anyways, and fraps worked well for me, so theres no changing it I'm afraid. *Tear*

Check out my Half Life 2 videos done with it :P
Please tell me your youtube sn so I can.

Btw, if you want the song, it's from the Twister soundtrack, with many other great songs, including the Van Halen song "Humans Being."

Sammy > Roth. ^^

Btw, I just noticed, all our avatars are of Gman, accept for Use Abuse, and Samon. XD