
The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Lets find a site to play chess! :D

Anyone know a good one? We could have a chess tournament!
I suck at chess... My name on there is Fliko though
msn gaming zone has chess. I'd challenge anyone to a game, but no timers
I use to be pretty damn good at chess. I started playing checkers a lot....err I really suck now. Vista has a decent chess program.
I also use to be good a playing chess. Well I would not say good but I knew what to do. Now I have no clue what piece can do what so I don't think I am even going to sign up.
The name's Kamikazie if anyones up for a game.

Just say it here first...
They should make Chess 4 player. With a cross shape board (5 boards next to each other). It would make some intresting gameplay.
Kamikazie said:
The name's Kamikazie if anyones up for a game.

Just say it here first...
Let's go, bwa.

I believe I sent an invite.
I blow at chess. I never know how to use my horsies right.
I like yahoo chess

I'm not great, but its an amazing game
Kamikazie said:
Yea, who is he?
That's a bot. I got an invite from it, too.

Msn is looking pretty good right now. Try that one. My sn is Violent_Zken.
Ill play! I used to play in a few tournaments and didn't do too badly, I may have lost it but I know the rules :P. Sounds fun

edits- im Fat_tony.

Feel free to challenge me, I can't work out how to find other people yet.
I just got clowned by Guest1 ):

I'm set on msn gaming. the sounds are cool and the gfx is nice.
Ahahah pwnt. Take that Guest1!


Who's next? >:D
Mutley said:
They should make Chess 4 player. With a cross shape board (5 boards next to each other). It would make some intresting gameplay.

There is a 4 player chess. Two boards, two players per team, two almost-separate games going on. You and your teammate sit on the same side of the table, one plays white, one black. Whenever you capture your opponent's piece, you give it to your teammate so they can place it on their board. The game ends when one person wins on their board (the other game will be incomplete).

It gets really interesting when they have a timer, since people start coming up with crazy strategies. Like, if their teammate is about to lose and has plenty of time left but they can win in a few moves, they'll tell the other guy to stall so they can finish it out. It's also funny when you have one board with better players than the other board, since the better board will move out pieces pretty quickly so the other one gets this massive influx of pieces. And then people start yelling at their slower teammates for more pieces. :D

... I suck at chess though. It's just fun to watch other people play. I once saw someone win in 5 (or maybe 4?) moves.
Steve said:
I blow at chess. I never know how to use my horsies right.

Hah, I always hated trying to explain to people how to use those correctly. Best way I could think was "move it in the shape of an upper case L", but I'd still have to correct them on it every few moves... (and YES, YOU CAN F*CKING WELL JUMP OTHER PIECES, and NO THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAPTURED THEM).

I'd be up for a game. Haven't played in ages but seems like everyone's in that boat :)

MSN be [email protected]
I know the ultimate move, I can beat anyone in about 5 moves.
I can beat you without actually winning!


Only 3 times I've won in the past how ever long it's been, 2 quit cuz they were losing and one left because he's a cocky jackass that was also gonna lose after he thought he had me in chackmate. :|
The 4/5 move checkmate is called Fool's Mate, most likely because only an idiot wouldn't see it coming, although probably everyone has had it done to them at least once by the person who taught them chess.

I like chess but can't play it. That is to say I'm (below) average at it and have a fair grasp of strategy, and even know some of the more obscure rules like en passant capture, etc. but I can't play it - I get too psyched up. Chess has this image of being a slow relaxing game, but whenever I play I get the same feeling you would get at the beginning of a bar brawl, or in a landing craft pulling up to the beaches at Normandy or something. And when I lose, augh... I feel like I've been demoted a rung on the ladder of humanity. I just can't play it, it's too harrowing.

Also LOL@'are you takin a poo?' :laugh:
I love chess, and I'm pretty good.
Someone organise a tournyment.
Mutley said:
They should make Chess 4 player. With a cross shape board (5 boards next to each other). It would make some intresting gameplay.

I love that idea :D
never played online chess...ill give it a try when i get bored
Kamikazie said:
I can beat you in 4 moves :p

Pawn - Queen - Bishop - Queen

Damn.. that was the move I was talking about, I guess it was 4 moves and not 5... I refer to it as "The Move"...
Dog-- said:
Damn.. that was the move I was talking about, I guess it was 4 moves and not 5... I refer to it as "The Move"...
Fools mate.

Anyone want a real game PM me...

I don't do amateurs. :p
Solaris said:
I love chess, and I'm pretty good.
Someone organise a tournyment.
that can be done on It's sorta like chess by mail, but you can play as fast or slow as you with. Email notifications on when your opponent has made a move, and there are chess groups that you can play against too.

We can create a clan for redhotchess.... if anybody is interested. i've already registered on teh site. my username is dAnthraxxx...

edit2: damn. they've got a pay thing for some features. boo. it wasn't like that 2 years ago...
Anthraxxx said:
that can be done on It's sorta like chess by mail, but you can play as fast or slow as you with. Email notifications on when your opponent has made a move, and there are chess groups that you can play against too.
i'm a member of that, I think I'm called solaris152
a tournament can still be organized here, and played on redhotchess....
Anthraxxx said:
a tournament can still be organized here, and played on redhotchess....
If no-one objects I'll organise one.
I'll make a new thread for signups ect. tomorrow.