Chevy Express for Rivals ready!!!


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score





coolness i think the back doors are a little bit to flat though...they dont look quite right.
*this model is really good*

Can people refrain from using damn leet speech please.......thanks Stone (IE the person who most definitaly ever, edits anyones posts)

/me hides from the mod :P
I was think were are the peddels, but then i fort they won't be seen ingame, so thats ok, nice model...

oh and i was wondering, are people going to be changing the names slightly of the cars for ingame (and logos) so that there is no trouble with the car manufacturers ?!?
it looks great! i assume you have yet to do the wheels in details what is the poly count?

oh, and for jhahn, T|-|i$ Moddl3 PwnXXXXorrrz!!1!!!!!11!!1!1OMG!!WTF!!!LOL!1!ROLF!!oneoneone1111one111uno

TRANSLATION OF LEET TXT BY STONE: *this model is great, Oh My god! Word Turnip Federation! Lots Of Larmas! Rolf Haris! one, two, three,four...* well something like that
yeah it is not textured and optimised yet.
stone found this yo know little crazy thing with logos..anyway you can't see it(for secure:))))
ok that should be ok then.....

and is that really the Master of Puppets cd has no cover, for reasons that cant be discussed here...
i promise i will do it more "masterous"
like no metallicas cover pic but the Master of Puppets himselves!!!:)
Looks great to me. Since you haven't optimized it yet I can't comment on the polycount, but I can say that the wheels could really use modeled rims. I suppose texturing them on would look better than skimping and making them low poly, but maybe you'll have more polygons to spare after some serious optimization. Great work overall.
hehe you and your cars :P

looking sweet.. how many pollys ??
Wow, it will be so cool seeing that truck full with people ridning around :P (if its for MP)
| 3njoy wr|ti/\/G 1337 t3xt, so all you needed to do is PM me. Not edit my post. You have hidden my opinion.. He most likely doesnt know what I said. I believe I said the following

el w00t0 1337 mod3l m@n nice job..

If you'd like me to stop come visit Humboldt, CA and search for James. I live there. Or you could PM me saying to stop writing this elite text.
Where are the god dam smileys!

*imagine a smiley with dark sun glasses on here*