Child Porn at British Airports


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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The rapid introduction of full body scanners at British airports threatens to breach child protection laws which ban the creation of indecent images of children, the Guardian has learned.

Privacy campaigners claim the images created by the machines are so graphic they amount to "virtual strip-searching" and have called for safeguards to protect the privacy of passengers involved.

How about we just get naked and spread our cheeks from now on?
Nudity is indecent? What happened to only pornographic or sexual images being bad?

Oh, right, this is the UK.
I'll be damned if mofos gonna x-ray me and see my dick. That shit's for choice ladies only, not for some bored ass security guard.
Nudity is indecent? What happened to only pornographic or sexual images being bad?

Oh, right, this is the UK.

You're right. Scan away!

This is kindof the wrong place for that debate

I'll be damned if mofos gonna x-ray me and see my dick.

'Depression skyrockets among security staff following giant wang expose'
last thing i want is to walk through one of these things and have the security guards start laughing
Hmm... interesting.

If a material is low density, such as powder, liquid or thin plastic – as well as the passenger's clothing – the millimetre waves pass through and the object is not shown on screen. High- density material such as metal knives, guns and dense plastic such as C4 explosive reflect the millimetre waves and leave an image of the object.

Good news Ennui!

only kidding... lol don't ban me.
I'd rather those things were found than drugs which don't harm anyone on the plane directly.

I don't give a shit about your drugs, just don't stab me please.
How did I know Vegeta would be the first post in this thread?
I'd rather those things were found than drugs which don't harm anyone on the plane directly.

I don't give a shit about your drugs, just don't stab me please.

Well, except for the fact that the whole reason for implementation of these things primarily seems to be the chemical bomb type thing that the shoe bomber and the ballsack bomber tried using.
Yes, my schlong is made of thin plastic, powder and liquid. I'm oh so offended D:
No, it just lacks density. That was the insult!

It was good! You enjoy it!
I have been on 5 airplane rides in my life so this really won't affect me and my ego. just for kicks though I'm sure some idiot will place something stupid on themselves just to be on TV
I figured that was where the humor was, as that's what I laughed at, but I wouldn't have even thought of that if your laughing hadn't made me look for humor.
I figured that was where the humor was, as that's what I laughed at, but I wouldn't have even thought of that if your laughing hadn't made me look for humor.

This. Now that everyone is pointing it out, its hilarious. I wouldn't have even thought it was the slightest bit funny.
Nudity is indecent? What happened to only pornographic or sexual images being bad?

Oh, right, this is the UK.

Who said anything about indecency? This is an issue of privacy.

Also, I seriously doubt the UK is much more prudish than the US.
I laughed so ****ing hard.

one was a little prop plane, the others were commercial flights. also the landing gear on the prop plane didn't go down when we were about to land and had to fly around once and it was really nerve racking
When it comes to porn related laws and censorship, and rights being violated, yes it is Krynn.

I'm not sure what this story is about. I just woke up.

Only in the UK does an X-Ray of a child equate to pornography.
Imagine walking through that thing with a boner.
I seriously think you'd have to be mentally ill to be aroused at X-ray photos of children.

You'd also have to be mentally ill to recognize X-ray photos of children as pornography.
OK, so I exaggerated, I guess they aren't X ray, else you'd see bones right?

Still, it's a pretty nondescript full white image. Not only that, but the face is blurred out on their scanner.
It's from Viperidae's video. Made me lol.
It's not a moral panic. Read the story.

It's saying, "Hey, these things you're rushing in after a Terrorist scare actually break existing laws." Not "OMG PAEDOES ARE LOOKING AT OUR CHILDREN." It's a story from the Guardian for ****s sake.
I don't think he is basing that comment on this story alone - a thread which didn't even have a link to the story, I might add.

In other words, witch-hunt riding through; nothing to see here.
It's saying, "Hey, these things you're rushing in after a Terrorist scare actually break existing laws."
Like what, a right to privacy? What about bag searches, isn't that violating privacy?
How long before someone wears a 12" strap on through security when they bring this in.
I wish someone would walk through the scanner with a jacket full of dildos.
Need those Total Recall scanners.