China tells North Korea to stfu over missiles

French Ninja

Jan 8, 2005
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SHENZHEN, China (AP) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao urged North Korea on Wednesday to refrain from test launching a long-range missile, saying such an act would aggravate regional tensions.

Speaking at a joint news conference with visiting Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Wen said that China was concerned about recent events in North Korea.

"We are paying close attention to the information showing that there might be a possible missile-testing launch by North Korea, and we are following the developments of the situation very closely," Wen said.

"We hope that the various parties will proceed from the greater interest of maintaining stability on the Korean Peninsula and refrain from taking measures that will worsen the situation," he said.
I'm not fan of the Chinese government. Infact I despise them for their shady economic policies and suppression of religion. However, I know they aren't going to do something batshit insane any time soon. With a big nation like China next door to North Korea, maybe this can persuade them to refrain from doing stupid things.
Good to see that the corrupt at least have some sense of reaonable principles.
Mmmm. Reasonable principals. Self-interest in not getting wasted, more likely. Oh well, all good.
North Korea will probably STFU for only a short while.
That won't happen though. China is friendly with NK and needs it as a semi-shield against the free world and America.

America should invade NK, although if that goes wrong....... I won't be here for a few months...
I still believe that china would become hostile towards NK if war ever broke out. I can't remember which analyst said it, but essentially, china is interested in protecting one thing- china. And a war in north korea/south korea kills a whole load of precious trade routes and would disrupt their economy (the asian-pacific market is very fragile).

The theory was that if NK started attacking, china would be in and out before the Americans even had time to react. A swift and decisive strike to preserve the stability of the area. China doesnt need NK, doesn't need its trouble.

The $ is worth more than any ideology
EDIT: especially with china, as they have shown with their own brand of "communism"
Another theory is that in order to protect its southern borders and land from a future conflict with the US, if America attacked, China would ally with NK and India to repel American and allied troops, possibly attacking SK and Japan.
I've been wondering.

If these nukes are out in the open, where spyplanes can photo them at will, what's stopping somebody from smartbombing the whole lot?

I know the ethical, enviromental, and political answers, but technically, couldn't the US just send out a....

Wait, nvm, forgot that it's really hard to make plutonium go critical :(
15357 said:
That won't happen though. China is friendly with NK and needs it as a semi-shield against the free world and America.

America should invade NK, although if that goes wrong....... I won't be here for a few months...

sinkoman said:
Well, you figure, going to the west would be WAY faster :/

I was tempted to create all sorts of angles of attack, but then I got lazy.

Point in case... North Korea is not much of a shield. :cheese:
Raziaar said:
I was tempted to create all sorts of angles of attack, but then I got lazy.

Point in case... North Korea is not much of a shield. :cheese:

Something to do with 'Nam I believe.

And Japan.
15357 said:
Another theory is that in order to protect its southern borders and land from a future conflict with the US, if America attacked, China would ally with NK and India to repel American and allied troops, possibly attacking SK and Japan.
That would result in immediate nuclear annhilation of China. They would not do it. China will ally with the US, strike NK itself, or remain 'neutral' if any conflict between NK and US broke out.

India would not turn against the United States in the event of the conflict, or else we would turn a blind eye to Pakistan's nuclear intentions regarding India.
sinkoman said:
I've been wondering.

If these nukes are out in the open, where spyplanes can photo them at will, what's stopping somebody from smartbombing the whole lot?

I know the ethical, enviromental, and political answers, but technically, couldn't the US just send out a....

Wait, nvm, forgot that it's really hard to make plutonium go critical :(

Retaliatory artillery/terrorism in South Korea.

I was tempted to create all sorts of angles of attack, but then I got lazy.

Point in case... North Korea is not much of a shield.

Currently, there are two major superpowers: Communist China and America. EA/Dice saw that well. In case of a future conflict in say, 2015, China would want every available nation to side with it, including NK, India, and maybe even russia.
I basically said, besides the reasons you already posted (which I covered in teh post), is there anything PHYSICALLY stopping them?

Then I remembered that a bomb wouldn't be enough to set off plutonium.
Just as you stated numbers, I can actually easily see Russia siding with China incase of a large scale conflict.. China is Russias -largest- customer for imports needed to modernize the Chinese military, i.e. a pretty big part of the Russian governments economy relies on exports to China, and they'd definitely not want to loose those 'customers'.:)
China Russia US would remain superpower partners. While on edge and scared of each other, far too dependent on each other trade wise to want to mess with anything, and more than willing to cooperate to keep troublemaking nation like NK in check with the status quo.
sinkoman said:
I basically said, besides the reasons you already posted (which I covered in teh post), is there anything PHYSICALLY stopping them?

Then I remembered that a bomb wouldn't be enough to set off plutonium.

Uh, North Korean Anti-air?

Just as you stated numbers, I can actually easily see Russia siding with China incase of a large scale conflict.. China is Russias -largest- customer for imports needed to modernize the Chinese military, i.e. a pretty big part of the Russian governments economy relies on exports to China, and they'd definitely not want to loose those 'customers'.

Yeah. I think WW3 would be China + Russia VS US

China Russia US would remain superpower partners. While on edge and scared of each other, far too dependent on each other trade wise to want to mess with anything, and more than willing to cooperate to keep troublemaking nation like NK in check with the status quo

And there will be a time when they all get agressive leaders....

Oh, and did anyone know that NK and Venezuela might ally against the US?
Venezuela would supply oil, while NK would supply missles and weapons tech.

NK's gonna make a embassy there, and the two leaders are gonna meet in NK.

Source: KBS news
15357 said:
Venezuela would supply oil, while NK would supply missles and weapons tech.

NK's gonna make a embassy there, and the two leaders are gonna meet in NK.

Source: KBS news
No country in the world, epecially not a small one such as Venezuela, would ally with NK in a war against the US. That's suicide.
Its not a war alliance, its just a anti-US alliance. As in 'defend ourselves' from the free world sort of thing.

So, Kim jong il will finally have the oil to fuel his MiGs.
India would not turn against the United States in the event of the conflict, or else we would turn a blind eye to Pakistan's nuclear intentions regarding India.

I think you are right.India is getting all chummy with the US of late and will not risk losing this post 9\11 goodwill......especially in the backdrop of the historic civilian nuclear deal between the two countries ( which is at this moment going thru the us congress for approval)

I think the situation is the other way round......... the US needs to counterbalance Chinese influence in Asia ..... for this they have an able ally in Japan to the East and now they are actively engaging India so that it can balance Chinese influence in south and central asia.

Moreover , trade route vital to US interest run near the Indian sub continent .......the malacca straits and on to the persian gulf,where the US obviously doesnt want the chinese shadow to fall.In fact ,during the Iraq war, numerous US assets moved into the persian gulf from the Pacific were escorted by Indian warships patrolling the Indian ocean.

I wouldnt worry about Pakistan. The general assessment in India is that Pakistan is on the brink of being a failed state.The economy is non-existent( except for sugar and opium trade), the political system is all screwed up, and whoever rules the country is at risk of his ass being blown up by the very extremists and terrorists that Pakistan itself trained and supported during the 90's( and which they still do).

Regarding the nuclear threat from Pakistan, its all a load of bullshit spouted by Musharraf to get attention from the US. He knows that any nuclear misadventure from his part and the country of Pakistan will cease to exist. India far outstrips Pakistan in both nuclear and conventional armed strength.

The REAL worry in India is that if Musharraf is overthrown or assasinated by one of his own cronies or the extremists ,the the nukes might fall into wrong hands. In that event , not only India , but the whole world is at risk because as the infamous A Q khan said, paks nuke is the islamic nuke or " the muslim bomb". and you know what that means.
Yep. Every Western person gets killed because someone has the power to do it.

Rage excused.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- North Korea launched a long-range Taepodong-2 missile early Wednesday in an apparently unsuccessful test that failed in flight, a senior State Department official said.

North Korea also tested at least two smaller missiles, U.S. sources told CNN.

Both missiles were launched from a site other than the one intelligence officials have watched for weeks ahead of the long-range missile test, a senior State Department official said.

The United States, Japan and other countries have warned North Korea against a long-range missile test, saying such a move would be considered a provocation.

Washington and North Korea's Asian neighbors -- South Korea, China, Russia and Japan -- have been trying to persuade North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons program since 2002, but those talks have stalled in recent months.

President Bush warned last week that the isolated Stalinist state would face even further isolation if it launched the Taepodong-2, which U.S. analysts fear is capable of reaching the western United States. (Full story)

"The North Koreans have made agreements with us in the past, and we expect them to keep their agreements," Bush said last month at the end of a European Union summit.

"It should make people nervous when nontransparent regimes, that have announced that they've got nuclear warheads, fire missiles," Bush said. "This is not the way you conduct business in the world. This is not the way that peaceful nations conduct their affairs."

The senior State Department official said the launches were timed to coincide with the launch of the space shuttle Discovery from Florida, calling it "a provocative act designed to get attention."

The North Koreans fired a Taepodong-1 missile over Japan in 1998, but declared a moratorium on future tests in 1999.

Two senior State Department officials said Tuesday that fuel trucks had departed the site where the Taepodong-2 sat on a launch paid, indicating that a test may have been near.

On Monday, Pyongyang's state-run media carried a report accusing the United States of harassing North Korea and vowing to respond to any pre-emptive attack "with a relentless annihilating strike and a nuclear war with a mighty nuclear deterrent." (Watch why North Korea is talking about annihilating the U.S. -- 2:04)

The White House has dismissed that threat as "hypothetical." (Full story)

Meanwhile, the Pentagon took steps to be ready for a possible military response to a North Korean missile launch.

The U.S. Northern Command recently increased security measures at its Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a military official confirmed.

In other planning measures instituted in the past several days, Northern Command, along with the Federal Aviation Administration, has put standby commercial flight restrictions into place over Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and Fort Greely, Alaska, where the U.S. interceptor missiles are based.
The Japanese government is going nuts over this and I bet South Korea isn't too happy.
Wow. I'm visiting Cali next week, I'm worried now D:
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm worried about Numbers :(

Yeah, he's well within range. Scary shit.

Zombie said:
Wow. I'm visiting Cali next week, I'm worried now D:

Don't be. North Korean missiles can only reach Alaska.
Shakermaker said:
Don't be. North Korean missiles can only reach Alaska.
That's a bogus report. Their ICBM's can reach the California coast.

Also an update from Govt officials: At least six missles have been test fired today. Two more short-ranged scuds were launched a short time ago -- Can't find a link for that, but it is a new report coming in on TV.
-smash- said:
That's a bogus report. Their ICBM's can reach the California coast.

Well, so far the Taepodong 2 failed to even reach Japan and that missile is supposedly able to reach Alaska. The ICBM you're talking about is a Taepodong 2 with an extra stage added. That's not a reality yet, esp. with today's little excercise in hindsight.
-smash- said:
That's a bogus report. Their ICBM's can reach the California coast.

Also an update from Govt officials: At least six missles have been test fired today. Two more short-ranged scuds were launched a short time ago -- Can't find a link for that, but it is a new report coming in on TV.

What, are you talking about the report that says the missles can go 9000 miles? (Boston Globe IIRC).

That one seems to be the bogus one.
sinkoman said:
Well, you figure, going to the west would be WAY faster :/
You want to fall down at the end of the world?? :eek:
I dont think the shiteater of the president of my country will suport NK in a conflict
however is not impossible

dam someone needs to give a good shot in the head to the NK leader
<RJMC> said:
I dont think the shiteater of the president of my country will suport NK in a conflict
however is not impossible

dam someone needs to give a good shot in the head to the NK leader
I thought you'd all like your president, because he's so social and makes life better for poor people?
one said:
I thought you'd all like your president, because he's so social and makes life better for poor people?
do I need to repeat everything again?