Chinese guy the new Jesus?


Jun 20, 2004
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Well kinda. Thomas Edison found out how to light a light bulb, but this guy can touch a lightbulb and light it up. He can also get electrocuted and feel refreshed. I wanna shoot lightning out of my hands like that Mortal Kombat guy! :( *XMEN anyone? :P
That is actually kind of nifty.....There HAS to be some explanation for it though.
that is rly cool but that picture is fake. He has to tuch the metal in order to light the bulb, not the glas.
that guy must rule when he's drunk
There was a story a long while back (few years now) about a hispanic TV repairman who could channel electricity through his body, and out his fingertips. He'd crack open a TV and stick one hand in, then lightning would shoot out the other. Burnt his fingers black but he didn't seem to mind it. I do believe this guy also suffered some electricity-related accident.

That's the great thing about lightning/electricity. 999,999 times out of a million it'll just kill you, but there's always that one chance you're gonna get super powers.
it's kinda old, really. i believe it has something to do with some glands in the body.
Hmm, wonder which materia he has equipped to make him immune to lightning magic?
I saw a chick on Ripley's stand on a Van de Graff (sp) generator and fire electric spires from her fingers and tongue. I recorded it with my then working digi cam.
I wonder what would happen if he shuffled his feet on the carpet.
Leik, boom? Or he'd become so powerful, his power level would be over NNIINNEE THOOUUUSSAANNNDD!!
Woot woot lightning.

I guess we still don't fully understand it yet...
I can't wear digital watches because they always reset to 00:00 for no reason D:

-Angry Lawyer
I'm serious. For about three days, they'll be working fine, then one morning I'll wake up to find it changed to 00:00 at some point during the night, and is currently at 2:45, as opposed to 7:00 or something.

-Angry Lawyer
Have you tried removing them before you sleep first?

You may have lay on the reset button?
It's happened during the day, too.

Watches have reset buttons?

-Angry Lawyer
I'm about as freaked out as your avatar reading that.
I'm serious. For about three days, they'll be working fine, then one morning I'll wake up to find it changed to 00:00 at some point during the night, and is currently at 2:45, as opposed to 7:00 or something.

-Angry Lawyer

Me and my father have a problem like that too. Ours is a little more....serious. Our bodies, for some reason, kill watches. We can't wear them. After about 3 or 4 days of wearing it, our skin turns a slight green, and the watch is completely dead. Maybe you have the same thing, and just resets the watch or something?
I build up static charge easier than other members of my family, it would seem.

I've not worn digital watches since about ten years back, though, because of that, and because they're ugly.

Thankfully, I've learnt to ground myself before touching exposed sensitive electronics :D

-Angry Lawyer
I build up static charge easier than other members of my family, it would seem.

I've not worn digital watches since about ten years back, though, because of that, and because they're ugly.

Thankfully, I've learnt to ground myself before touching exposed sensitive electronics :D

-Angry Lawyer

Do you think maybe that would be the cause? Would seem something could happen. Do you just have to reset the time, or does it kill the watch? Maybe it sends an electrical current through the watch and stops the battery from powering the watch for a second, then kicks it back in...

Just running through ideas.