Chinese Military Shovel

When the zombie apocalypse happens, i want one of these shovels along with an AK-47.
These things have been around for ages.

That being said, it's not a bad outdoor tool. Great when you go camping.

Though the thing that stands out most is the number of ways you can kill a zombie with it. Shitloads of melee terms have been mentioned in the video, ranging from chop to hammer.

Hammer is great for quickly disposing of a zombie. If the zombie is wearing a helmet, you can always chop it's head off. Need to hide in a house? Use anchor function, and climb inside. Now use the can and bottle opener function for food. Once you've camped for the night, get a boat and row your way out.

I want one of these beasts hanging behind my shoulder.


"Time to take out the trash"
Pretty cool, but I wonder how they have to manage a tool like that. IE: If you were digging with it, would it **** up the saw part?

But Lmao at the shield demonstration in the car.
It is just as functional. I owned this one when I was young and I used it for everything until I lost it. Me, my brother and one of my friends made a underground 'fort' using them. We dug what was basically a foxhole in a wooded area, used it to cut down some small trees and large branches to cover the hole, and it was out hang out spot for months. Shit was so cash.

Yeah I came here to say the E-tool is the same thing. I wouldn't be surprised if they were made by the same company.
I very much doubt it can do all those things at once. For example, when that fellow is twisting the wire he's using the blade a as a grip - would you want to take a grip on something that is sharp enough to slice potatoes like that (aside from the retardedness that using an e-tool to cut food is)? Cos if you did you'd slice your hand open pretty good.

Seriously, if you want something like this buy any old e-tool/folding shovel. Glock to a pretty good one, apparently (its what they did before they made handguns) and you'll get Austrian build quality, not Chinese. On the downside, the promotional video doesn't have awesome Magnificent Seven-esque music. :p

To be honest, e-tools are for digging holes and ****ing people up in an emergency, you're best off with a fixed design, such as the Cold Steel "special forces" design or for ultimate kick-ass the British 1937 pattern e-tool, which can accept a bayonet!
It looks like it would suck to have to use that for any of the jobs they did. I can also use a rock as a hammer, or my hands to propel a canoe, but there are reasons to have hammers and paddles.
I like how it says dig after the scissor, for like half a second, and it isn't even digging.

EDIT: ****ing laaawwwl at the shield.

EDIT: And oar. It's funny seeing him with two like that.

I must say, that's one Chinese made item that doesn't look shoddy.
Martin Yan needs one.

(You'd probably need to buy a few because the first one would break after 3 weeks)
My guess is it's probably good quality compared to usual Chinese stuff, first of all it's domestic only from what I see and you don't hand troops shit that falls apart.

I'm not impressed by its ability to cut, but by the functions in the hinge itself. Bottle opener, hammer, wire cutters, pliers, and multiple locking positions? I'd buy one over an E-tool if I could find it anywhere. The saw would probably survive getting pounded pretty well, but the edge blade would cry for mercy. I probably would use it for everything BUT the shovel aspect.

Also, Bob, I think a lot of it is to demonstrate capacity, not what you should use it for. Honestly, if you get down to it, if you cleaned your E-tool well and were cooking the food anyway then cutting potatoes with it is well within reason.

Regardless, it isn't for sale in the States and the only place I found it is a website where sellers may inquire as to purchasing lots from a manufacturer. I doubt that we'll see it anytime soon unless someone wants to set up a co-op and dicker for prices on the shovels.
To be honest, e-tools are for digging holes and ****ing people up in an emergency, you're best off with a fixed design, such as the Cold Steel "special forces" design or for ultimate kick-ass the British 1937 pattern e-tool, which can accept a bayonet!

You talk like they are actually going to need it some day.

What you kids don't seem to understand that when the zombie apocalypse comes you wont be needing any guns or shovels. The only thing you need is to get to your nearest friendly helping zombie and get yourself turned. I mean, let's face it, it's inevitable, you are going to get turned sooner or later. You might as well do it the first thing the apocalypse starts so you can say "hey, I joined the good guys from the beginning."

Plus, go ahead, get a silly shovel, it's pretty apparent it's not the shovel that efficient there in the video. I, in the other hand, am going to get the whole chinese army to my side, the winner side, the zombo side.
What you kids don't seem to understand that when the zombie apocalypse comes you wont be needing any guns or shovels. The only thing you need is to get to your nearest friendly helping zombie and get yourself turned. I mean, let's face it, it's inevitable, you are going to get turned sooner or later. You might as well do it the first thing the apocalypse starts so you can say "hey, I joined the good guys from the beginning.

Must... not... invoke... Godwins Law...

If I have misused the definition, I apoligize. Only trying to make a funny

I lol'd when the shovel was used as a shield.
I am really starting to wonder if there's a zombie apocalypse survival guide book from the zombie perspective already existing. If not, I should probably write one.
I am really starting to wonder if there's a zombie apocalypse survival guide book from the zombie perspective already existing. If not, I should probably write one.

you mean 'braaaaaaaaaaaaiiiins' for 120 pages?
No, it would be instructions about how to best survive the apocalypse. It would, for example, feature reasoning of how to best catch some of those heroic human survivors.
No, it would be instructions about how to best survive the apocalypse. It would, for example, feature reasoning of how to best catch some of those heroic human survivors.

Organise a convention.
No, it would be instructions about how to best survive the apocalypse. It would, for example, feature reasoning of how to best catch some of those heroic human survivors.

You're assuming zombies can reason at all.

If zombies have even the slightest reasoning ability, then depending on the containment, humanity is ****ed.
You're assuming zombies can reason at all.

If zombies have even the slightest reasoning ability, then depending on the containment, humanity is ****ed.

I never assumed that, even though it is suggested in some movies. You simply plan ahead before you get yourself turned.

Example: Get yourself an isolated bunker that people can't easily find. Record yourself calling for other Survivors, advertising your safe bunker with food and weapons. Manufacture some kind of time based trigger to start broadcasting that recording, after, let's say two weeks after the apocalypse starts. Then get bitten or however the type of zombie infection spreads, and locate yourself so that the Survivors that then come to your "safe" bunker wont find you. When they come inside they think they are finally safe and you can take them by surprise, were you able of thought or not. Needless to say you can go much futher in making sure they can't escape or harm you once they haven't sat into your trap. The only thing that remains is to enjoy your warm meal of brains.

This should work even against the heroic types, since after they would have fought the zombies for weeks, it would serve as a dramatic and sad ending to their tale.
What if this survivor just kills you as soon as they see you? All that work is for naught, and the survivors (the "bad side" from your perspective) get a nice cozy bunker to help increase their chances of survival.
Well, you wouldn't really get any weapons or food inside to prevent that, but as to stop them from killing you, you could, for example, building some kind of hatch system. When the Survivors step in, the exterior door behind them closes, the room is then filled with sleeping gas. The interior door opens when they are all asleep. This would take some fun out of eating their brains, but I doupt any zombie, including myself, would say no to the meal.