Chinese Virtual Protest = massive lag?

Wow, you guys really do hold grudges. Why can't you just forget the past and just move on? Why can't we all just be friends? D:
I'm glad most of people in South Korea aren't really like numbers. Only old generation adults and the government has an issue with japan, but you won't see Korean teens bitching at japan for those reasons in these days, but of course except people like numbers. But I don't know if numbers is a 50 years old, old generation adult.

Plus, I'm korean and you won't see me bitching at japan for those reasons. I only have an issue with their government, but not their people or their customs.
Well, Numbers is brainwashed, so we don't really take him as an example of S. Korean youth.
Really, when it comes to people's relationship, koreans and japanese tends to get along very well, as I have noticed with my own eyes. There are whole bunch of japanese internation students and people who lives in South Korea and also in other way around. But when it comes to a politic, the things tend to get hot between two countries, even though both countries' relationship has been improved a lot past years.
Ennui said:
Well, Numbers is brainwashed, so we don't really take him as an example of S. Korean youth.
Except by his account, everyone thinks like him. The crazy-ass foo'! D:
Combine Hybrid said:
I'm glad most of people in South Korea aren't really like numbers. Only old generation adults and the government has an issue with japan, but you won't see Korean teens bitching at japan for those reasons in these days, but of course except people like numbers. But I don't know if numbers is a 50 years old, old generation adult.

Plus, I'm korean and you won't see me bitching at japan for those reasons. I only have an issue with their government, but not their people or their customs.

Um.... no. Its the teens too that have problems with Japan. Japan bitches about Dokdo, and our teens make DDoS programs to attack Japanese websites.

This is true. Where do you live anyway? In the People's Republic of Gyeonsangdo? I bet your a member the hanchongryun, which of course, is illegal under Korean law.

Really, when it comes to people's relationship, koreans and japanese tends to get along very well, as I have noticed with my own eyes. There are whole bunch of japanese internation students and people who lives in South Korea and also in other way around. But when it comes to a politic, the things tend to get hot between two countries, even though both countries' relationship has been improved a lot past years.

Uh huh, thats why we throw stones at Japanese people, because our relation has improved! Yay! Really, they just should break out the artillery and shoot the invaders.

I have noticed with my very own eyes, people swearing at Japanese 'pigs' in real life and the internet. Nationalsim FTMFW! Anti-Communism FTMFW!

I wish that Pres Park Chung Hee wasn't assasinated. We didn't have the Dokdo arguement back then, and Roh Mu Hyun, whos too scared to retort at NK and doesn't do anything except talk shit to Japan without any action, wouldn't be here in the goddamn first place. I hate the current regime. I hate the Japanese goverment. I hate these commie nationalists and pro-japanese retards. ROK is the best damn nation in the entire mother****ing world. NK in the north, Japan in the south, this country has one ****ing huge security problem. Why can't we just spend more on defense, but the president is an idiot. And a commie. BRleadafafsd.

Also, what friendly Japansese international students? They swear at us behind our back, they have the thoughts, I know that they have the evilness of of their goverment has put in the guys. Japan sucks. I'm not racist, but Japan sucks anyway. Long live the fatherland.

**** this. I know that not everyone thinks like me, but certainly a majority do. I would stake my life that they feel the same about Japan as me.

End rant.
If you weren't out lobbing stones at passing Japs maybe your relationship would improve. Ever think of that Mr. Smarty bats?
I don't lob stones at Japs. Its bad for our image, so I even try to stop my fellow students.
15357 said:
I don't lob stones at Japs. Its bad for our image, so I even try to stop my fellow students.
So now you are telling me you are a Jap sympathizer? Playing a major role in their Korean liberation?
How many of them do you love?
:( That was my greatess retort. I fail at teh internets.
DreadLord1337 said:
A few thousand monks protested once in Guild Wars in the Southern Shiverpeaks. It was for a few days.. Didn't get much accomplished, but it was a good time. NO HEAL, NO DEAL.
haha, i remember that, we had so many good slogans. /tries to remember them. D:

i don't think it'll do much good, but it's a interesting story.

numbers, is 'tojo' a derogatory name for japan, or was that just the us in ww ii ?

just realised this thread is more than 1 page, what's going on ? :o
It shares the Saurischian hip structure of Therapoda but is adapted in several unique ways to its environment. Firstly, it is orange or ruddy in colour, with stripes not unlike the Panthera tigris. Secondly, it often chooses to use all four limbs instead of just its back ones; it is unique in this function, having evolved long weight-bearing forelimbs. Thirdly and finally, it breathes napalm.
Numbers i think you're giving a slightly skewed and possibly incorrect opinion of the general relationship between South Korea and Japan. If the hatred was so deep, how the heck could you have organized a football world cup together? I know it's hard to trust a country/culture knowing what they've done in the past, and given the right circumstances (ie another war) they might do it all over again....but surely there's room for reconcilliation.

I agree it's unfortunate Japan denies it's brutal past and doesn't teach it in schools to help the next generation learn HOW TO NOT **** HUMANITY IN THE ASS WITH A CACTUS DILDO....i'm willing to give the Japs a clean slate and they ****ed Australia up as well. They ate our soldiers in Papua New Guinea on the road to invasion of Australia. They called them white pigs, they also ate the locals and called them black pigs. They ate prisoners etc. Then this news of unit 731 i just learnt about

was a secret military medical unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that researched biological warfare and other topics through human experiments during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) and World War II

* Vivisections were performed on prisoners infected with various diseases; scientists would remove organs to study the effects of the disease on the human body.
* Prisoners were amputated limb by limb to study blood loss.
* Arms were cut off and reattached to opposite sides.
* Limbs were frozen and sawn off.
* Stomachs were surgically removed and the oesophagus was reattached to the intestines.
* Parts of the brain, lungs, liver, etc. were taken out.
* Vivisection of a pregnant woman (impregnated by one of the doctors) and the baby.

Yeah. But it's in the past!
Numbers i think you're giving a slightly skewed and possibly incorrect opinion of the general relationship between South Korea and Japan. If the hatred was so deep, how the heck could you have organized a football world cup together? I know it's hard to trust a country/culture knowing what they've done in the past, and given the right circumstances (ie another war) they might do it all over again....but surely there's room for reconcilliation.

4 years ago, we were preoccupied with the sea battle with north Korea, in which one of our warships got sunk. So, there wasn't really that much hate. But then Japan goes and claims (again) that Dokdo is theirs, and there were the books called "Hating Korea Wave" published in Japan, so us, in our super-nationalistic fervor attacked various websites and ect. Japan-Korea relationships have always been rocky, despite efforts. Its due to the ignorance and stubborness of both sides, methinks.

I agree it's unfortunate Japan denies it's brutal past and doesn't teach it in schools to help the next generation learn HOW TO NOT **** HUMANITY IN THE ASS WITH A CACTUS DILDO....i'm willing to give the Japs a clean slate and they ****ed Australia up as well. They ate our soldiers in Papua New Guinea on the road to invasion of Australia. They called them white pigs, they also ate the locals and called them black pigs. They ate prisoners etc. Then this news of unit 731 i just learnt about

Our history textbooks teach things about the evil imperialist japan and its terrible atrocities and stuff. So everyone hates Japan. I can't explain it. Its some kind weird jingoistic feeling of prosecution complex type hatred.

What the heck is a hanchongryun?

Some evil NGO bent on the communist reunification of the Korean Peninsula, it means "The Korean Student's Unon". Its technically illegal under the National Security Law, and the Korean Criminal code 85 ~ 93.
I think the matter should be settled with your (S.Korea's) best tae kwon do champion versus Japan's best shotokan champion.

The loser (country) will be forced to air the other countries television shows and have none of their own.

If Tekken is any indication I know how this will turn out...
Uh, we did that once back in 78'. We won.
You really do have a problem with letting go of the past.

Embrace the future!

Invest in the Mishima foundation!
I know, but Japan is still our number 2 enemy and security threat in the future.
15357 said:
I know, but Japan is still our number 2 enemy and security threat in the future.

If the future is anything like Japan wants it to be, they will be so busy with screwing androids and playing dress up they won't have time to be a threat to anyone.
You are ok until they lose control of the giant angry robots.
Lol. Possibly. But my current feeling of Non-hostility to Japan will change when I go see the nationalsitic movie called "Korean Peninsula" with my family. Its like NK + SK VS Japan. Loads of warships, iirc.

Movies and media are not helping.