Choose your own HL2 adventure


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
This is a neat little game where the entire forum contributes to the story.
At the end we put all the posts together to get one, hopefully, coherent
novella. So without further ado...

Gordon Freeman whirled around. Not more than a block away, a towering monster aimed it's deadly weapons at Gordon and his companions.
"Take cover people!", someone shouted.
Like ants in a hailstorm, the patrol scattered for cover. Gordon moved with urgency toward an overturned and burnt out car, the nearest cover available. He could feel the electricity of the strider's energy weapon on the hairs of his neck as it began to charge.
Next to him, Barney Calhoun, one of Gordon's closest friends for the last 10 years, checked his weapon. "Hey Gordon. If we don't make - ".
The earth shook as the strider fired its weapon at a nearby building, destroying a machine gun nest on the third floor. An all too familiar silence followed, the kind that told you that searching for survivors would have been pointless.
" - can I have your room?", continued Barney.
Over the years, Gordon's toleration of Barney's jokes during life threatening conflicts had evolved into a comforting ritual. Having Barney next to him was when his life was on the line gave Gordon hope that he might make it through another day.
Gordon opened his mouth to respond when another blast from the strider interrupted him.
"Damn. That was close, Gordo. Let's get the hell outta here! On the count of three ok?".
Gordon nodded.
Gordon and Barney leapt out from behind the car and ...

Ok. I've got you started. Let's see how you do
[SARCASM]..and yelled, "Hey! This type of thread has been done before, twice actually!"[/SARCASM] But I realize youre a headcrab, so I'll give you some slack.

so I might as well contribute.

...and fired their weapons in a useless fasion at the strider. Calhoun and Freeman's guns blazed as they ran to the next cover. The bullets fell in a wave over the armor of the strider, and merely bounced off feebly.

Gordon and Barney ducked behind another car in the shadow of a half-timbered building. The other members of the resistance were firing at the strider, but to no avail.

"Damnit, Gordon! We need to do something about that strider!" shouted Calhoun, popping up from his crouched position to fire at the strider. Gordon reloded his gun. "Gordon, look, over there, near that building, there are two guys with RPGs. I'm going to have to run over there and tell them where to aim. We all know the strider's weakpoint.... Please, give me covering fire while I get over there!"

Gordon looked across the street at the pair of resistance men, one of them crouched with an RPG while the other handed him ammunition. The strider let off another energy blast, disintegrating a couple of resistance members in it's wake.

Gordon stood up. "COVERING FIRE!" He screamed, unloading the ammunition of his weapon at the strider...
Thanks theotherguy. But Gordon is not supposed to talk. :p
(my engllish is bad, but here it goes... ignore misspels and gramar errors :)

Bulets started flying around Barney while he's aproach scorched building on right side of Strider. He started to look for grenades from beckpack.
Gordon look at him while he realoaded his MP7. Strider were prepairig for another shot. Resistance fighters slowly start to withdraw. 10 more seconds and Strider will bo knokced out, but he will fire from his gun before Barney disable him.
"GORDON! Gordon go back! He'll fire at you!" Gordon heard screams of Sgt.Ivanov behind him. One more clip... One more...
Sgt Ivanov was crouching behind wall of ruined storage bulding almost 30feet from Gordon's position. He reloaded his gun, and watched to Gordon for few seconds. Bloood from his wound on forehead was in his eyes. He look around self and point at two soldiers near him.
"You! Vaskez! Simmons! Cover fore for me! I'm goin to take that crazy man out of there! What ever you do don't stop shooping!" He look at the ground between him and Gordon... Few holes from altillery fire. That will serve as cover. Maybe...
"Three, two, one... FIRE!!!", he screamed and started running at Gordon.
Then few feets from Gordon's position somethin happened. Suddenly he didnt hear anything. He was not able to see very good, everithing was blured and twisted. Time seemed to slow down rapidly. He sow Barney with explosives running toward Striders feet, he sow Gordon shooting toward something... He looked, few Combine Soldiers were shootin at his direcrion.
Then he felt. PAAAIIN!! He felt on his knees and spoted few holes in his body armor. Blood was pouring out of them. He didnt hear anything while he fall on the grund. He was lying on his back watching Gordon closing in. Behind Gordon, Strider was ready to fire. He say Gordon saying something to him, but he felt coldness and fixed his eyes to Strider.
Strider fired his gun at him and Gordon but he vas dead already.
(Yourmom: If you're talking continuity, Gordon has been in stasis for 15 years and has not been figthing along side Calhoun ;) )

Gordon stood motionless for what seemed like an eternity when in reality it was at most a few seconds. Suddenly his gaze turned to the group of restistance fighters, only a faining trail of white smoke indicated where the shot had hit, the he heard Calhoun shout: "Timbeeeeer" as the strider tried to reposition itself to make up for the loss of one its legs.
It fell towards the ground almost in slow motion firing its machine gun aimlessly against ground and with an ear-deafening crash and a cloud of dust it hit the ground.

Gordon smiled as the dousin or of soldiers ran up to him and screamed in victory against the defeated monster. Gordon chuckled and then joined the celebration as he heard the old familiar voice:
"Ahh I didn't want your room anyway."
Suddenly the celebrations stopped when two men walked over to the artillery crater and carefully lifted up Ivanovs body. They carried him over to one of the cars and lay him down besides it.

They covered his body with a piece of cloth from the medics back pack and held a silent minute of their fallen comrade. Gordon thought for himself: Thankyou. And wished that he never again would have to thank someone for sacrificing their life for his. He had experinced it far too many times.
One of the resistance leader spoke:
"we have to move, they'll probably send more."
Rimmer. Really Gordon's been in stasis for 15 years? I thought Gabe said the story took place 10 years after Black Mesa. Guess I'll have to check the info thread.
alright, ten years then. But he still did not meet Barney during the time. Not that I care about it really but you were nit-picking first.
Not necessarily stasis Rimmer, just says he can't remember past 10 years. He only remembers talking to the gman at the end of hl1. I was under the belief (perhaps wrongly so) that he had been working for the g-man for 10 years, and could not remember any f it, including how he got to City 17. Maybe he's on a job for the g-man..... but that belongs in the specuklations thread.


The strider lumbered directly past them. It skewered vehicles, structures, the remenants of corpses, anything in its path. "Jesus!" cursed Barney under his breath, "That's the 4th we've seen this morning! Let's get moving!" On Barney's signal, they crossed the street, keeping a low profile, sticking to the shadows and moving from alley to alley. "There's a resistance outpost just around this corner and down the street" said one of the resistance fighters, Charlie was his name. "Good thing too" said Barney, "There aren't very many bases around here". Moments after charlie ronded the corner, the group heard "There's a barricade, O sh...". Charlies voice was cut of by the crack of a rifle, quickly followed by the sickening thud of Charlie's body. "Sniper!" whispered Barney. "Hey!" said one of Charlie's friends, I know this outpost tii, and there weren't any barricades near it before!". Barney replied with, "Well, this is the only base for miles so we have..." and before he could finish his sentence Gordon strode off towards the barricade, gun in hand...
// stop with the stasis/teleport thing! we will all know the truth when game arrives...

Barney rushed down a stret following Gordon. Other resistance fighters followed them silently 20meters behind. They were close to building walls, and ready for combat.
Street was long and wide. Old buildings were full of holes and explosion marks. No one lived there. Barney followed gordon to one building across the street.
"What are we dooing in here? Gordon wait... Dont go in there! DAMN!!!" He looked behind and whispered "Simmons! Stay there and watch for enemy... I... We're gonna scout ahead." He entered the buildin searching for Gordon. There was broken stuff everywhere in the lobby. Just few dors that leads into dark... He carefully walked into dark. Who knows what is hideing inside.
After few rooms he managed to find staircases that leaded up... but just first few feets. The rest of staircases was destroyed.
"Gordon!" he whispered angry. "Gordon! When I find you i'm gonna... I dont know. I'll figure out later..." It seems to be that there is no other way up besides broken stairs. Then he spotted Gordon. He was on third floor waiving to him.
"Gordon, how in the hells name did get up there!?". Gordon just smiled and dissapear.
Then Barney spoted somethin on the celling, few feet of Gordons position up there. A Barnacle! Slimy little alien, with tounge that can lift almost everything.
"Ohhh. I hate this..." There, on third floor he could grab on to some metal pipes that were supported by now broken stairs... With knife in one hand he grabbed slimy tounge. Barnacle sensed prey and started pulling Barney up. After successfull landing on third floor he equiped himself with his handug and carefully aproached to roof of the building. There on the roof he spotted Gordon loading his Rocket louncher. He slowly wakled to him. Then he saw... On the other side of the building, in the street below there was Combine bunker. He counted 7 soldiers, 2 setry guns, and few scanner.
"Well Gordon, i hope you have lots of ammo, cos' this is gona hurt them..." He whispered and prepared his machinegun.
Gordon aimed at nearest sentry gun. "For Ivanov..."
i really think he has been cryo frozen for the 10 years........makes sense to me
i will say calmley as i can:
stasis for 10 years, or teleport... its the same thing for Gordon, and for me. Time has gone by and thats all we need to know...

go to this thread if you want to speculate

and this is my last post in this thread where i comment anything beside STORY...

NOW! Let us continue the story. :smoking:
and fell to his knees before he could pull the trigger. Suddenly an intense fire ignited in his lungs. He fell backwards on to his back. The curious burning sensation lifted, replaced by a numb, lifeless feeling throughout his entire body. He saw bullets slowly fading into blinding white nothing and could hear none of the battle. He blinked once, then twice, then the third times his eye lids fell and didn't rise. Then nothing. Black...only a face appeared...a man in a suit..."Rise and shine..."

This is a little bit of a mental stretch for some of you, but try to get out of your box.
Gordon tried to identify the man , but his vision was too blurry, so he put his head back down and closed his eyes. He didn't need to see him to know who it was.

"Did you ever hear the story of Ciriolanus, Mr. Freeman? Caius Martius Ciriolanus was one of Rome's greatest generals. He was banished from the city, he then gathered dissenters and assaulted the city. Everything was going in his favor except when his mother begged him to stop the assault. His change of heart eventually lead to his downfall, of which he paid the ultimate price."

Gordon heard footsteps as the man was walking away.
"Heed this advice, Mr. Freeman."
Gordon opened his eyes with a snap. At first he didn't know where he was, but he quickly realized he was back in Eli's Lab, in a Sick Bay.

"Well look who decided to finally wake up," Barney said from across the room, "That was a close one, but I knew you were too stubborn to die on us. Drinks are on me."
Gordon woke up from his dreams. He still heard voice of G-man in his head.

He dressed op and started walking around the rebel base beneath City-17. He looked at many rebel fighters sleeping on the floor in bedrolls. He knew that they all believe in him. That they believe that he will save them from Combine and Xen. But how ca he? He is just one man. And they will all die... Like all those scientist in Black Mesa. Like all other humans across the world.
He entered Eli's lab. No one was there. He aproached Eli's safe and entered code for opening it. Inside, small PDA was lying on the top of several boxes. Eli's latest invention. Still in beta stage, but it works... He put it in pocket and closed safe.
"Eli is gonna kill me for this..." he thought.
On the door was sign "ARMORY ROOM" in big red letters. Inside is all that he'll be needing for this last journey... MP7, gravity gun, grenade louncher and few grenades. When he equipped he took elevator to top floor of complex. Few guars were watching the entrance, and few more were in comunication room. They didnt stop him when he's aproached main door. They look at him as a leader. They will follw him everywhere... And that was preciseley what he didnt want.
Door opened. "Barney is gonna kill me for this..." he thiught as he walked on the night streets of City-17.

Few hours later he was 10miles away from city17. Sun was riseing and shining on to endles Xen vegetation that was captured every part of Earth. In west he sow little hill. That's was what he's searched all morning. He heared distant crys of Xen around him.

As he aproached the hill he heard howls of Ant Lions. He prepared pheromone grenade and took PDA in other hand. He spotted 2 Ant Lions, guarding big cave entrace in the hill. As he aproached he turned on thePDA. Guards were aware of him but they didnt atack. Pheromone was missleading them... But someone else was not fooled by the pheromone. From the cave apeared the biggest Ant Lion that Gordon's ever seen. It was 20feet tall, and it had lots of horns on head an limbs. As it's started to aproach, Gordon started to type few words on PDA. Soon after strange sounds started to play opu of PDA. Giant stopped in front of him. Great red eye was lookin at him and examining his equipment. One of horns on giants head topuhed his weapons. Gordon dropped it all. Giant screamed few times, and turned around and walked back to cave.
Gordon waited few seconds, and then started to follow him. "Well, at least this PDA works...", he thought.
On the screen of translator was written:
And then he entered the dakness of the Xen cave...
As he entered the cave he could smell the rancid stench of death. He then activated his flashlight and peered around the pitch black cavern, several sweeps of the cave produced nothing to create the foul odor, just a large passage to the left of the cave entrance. He slowly entered the passage, watching the walls for headcrabs, or even the small babies..which would indeed be a dreadful sight. But as he went further into the dark passage he realised if the Gargantuan Ant Lion had wanted him dead he would have been trampled like an inferior pest.
After a few minutes of cautious advance into the passage, he noticed it was widening out and a faint glow was visible. He advanced at a quickened pace towards the glow, and entered a large room, the Ant Lion waiting there. Gordon then...
someone edit that i have always been poor on my paragraphs...i hope you understand me lol
Gordon advanced, still very suspicious. He jumped ten feet in his HEV Suit when he heard a loud crack and lots of lesser pops and cracks, a Strider attack along the docks. He had to make this quick, whatever it was.

Gordon turned back into the darkness of the cave to find himself along. In a robotic squelch he heard, "Place all weapons on the ground in front of you and stand back ten feet with your hands in the air. No sudden movements or you will be shot."

It was a god damn trap, but how? Gordon then remembered the Combine raid on the supply depot in the Residential District. They had probably obtained Antlion Pherimone and used it to manipulate them. It didn't matter anyway. Gordon could see Combine at both sides of the cave, he looked around the top of the cave walls, there were about 7 reasonably sized holes, where he could see the glimmers of Combine helmets.

"Do it or we will open fire on you."

Gordon did as told. There were more far off bangs, and Gordon nearly got himself killed when he heard an explosion rather close. The Combine started to get shaky and nervous.

"What the hell was that?"
"How should I know?"

"Pipe down, it doesn't matter," yelled what seemed like the leader, "There's supposed to be a Strider Raid along the Docks now anyway, that's why we're here. We have to keep our little friend company to make sure he doesn't screw anything up. There are the other platoons going after the Resistance leaders anyway."

"There's no wa-!" Gordon tried to speak, but the Combine drew a holstered pistol and shot Gordon in the shoulder, "Son of a bi-!" The Combine shot Gordon in the shin.

"Get him out of my sight." BAAAAAANG! "Shit, get the hell out of here! One more of this and this cave will collapse. Get those Antlions in here before the Pherimones start to wear off!"

The Combines started to scutter around, the ones in the wall cracks either jumped down, or if there wasn't room came out the pathway deeper into the cave. Two men on either side of what seemed the Platoon Leader run up to Gordon and grabbed an arm, they dragged him out of the cave. Gordon was searing with pain, but tilted his head up. The dockside was smoking and the gunfire was much more clear now.

"Get him over by those boxes, prop him up." A few minutes later all seemed to be quiet on the beach, the only sign of gunplay was the war being waged along the docks. The entire city seemed to be silent except for that quadrant. The Combines regrouped about 15 meters in front of Gordon. With a series of cracks, five Combines were flung around before collapsing. The rest of the 25-something Combine scattered for what little cover there was.

"Take Cover!"
"Did anybody see it? Where did it come from?"
"Get some recon damnit. Do we have contact with the Docks? Maybe they can see them!"
"Everyone shut up and calm down!" the Platoon Leader yelled. He seemed rather angry with his men, like he just got assigned to a green infantry unit for some stupid mistake, "It's rather obvious he isn't on the beach or we would have seen him. It might have been some stray fire, but it seemed too accurate for that. Numer 4 call in a Manitee for some recon!"
Then Gordon woke up, rolled over and said to Alyx, "I just had the strangest dream."
Of course, Gordon was under the Gman's crazy hallucination drug which made it think it was only a dream. But, through the power of the hazard suit, he was able to come out of the drug and re-enter his adventure.
...the ensuing panic, "and I thought the Fool's Gold announcment was depressing."
"Gordon!" shot a random voice from the distance. "You should take cover; there's more pressing matters for you to attend to right now than being squashed by these ugly bastards!"
Gordon tried to find the mouth that formed the insistant words, but in doing so he discovered a set of four looming shadows - each growing bigger by the second and each accompanied by deaphening thumps.
"More Striders!" screamed someone.
Gordon leapt to his feet, stumbling badly. Already he could feel his hazard suit doing it’s quiet work: applying pressure here, injecting organic compound there, dosing him with balance cocktail of adrenaline, blood plasma and morphine. Still, the wound in his shoulder burned and his legs felt that they might give way at any second. It was not long before his combine captors spotted him. A mechanical shout made Gordon’s heart lurch.


Gunfire erupted from the squad, bullets bouncing from the concrete, spitting up shards of stone that tore at the material on his suit. Behind him he could hear more shouting and running, the temptation to look back was overpowering as Gordon entered a storage yard on the main pier. He looked round desperately for a weapon, an escape route, an ally; anything that would give him a split second advantage.

He didn’t even hear the grenade explode, he only felt the heat though the thick ceramic armour of the suit as it picked him up and lifted him through the air, throwing him deep into a pile of tightly packed boxes. The searing pain and the internal claxon of the suit told him that something was badly damaged. Slowly he raised himself up and began to crawl further. Towers of boxes loomed large on each side. Blood trickled into his mouth and he spat it out angrily. The high-pitched whining in his ears gave way once more to the sounds of fire, shooting and carnage. The voices resumed:




Freeman sat back against a sturdy crate. He imagined the combine spreading out, trying to surround the pier. There would not be enough of them and they would be reluctant to go in. They would try something drastic. In confirmation, from behind him came the clicking of a dozen men changing their magazines. He had only a few seconds to duck.

The combine unleashed their firepower into the boxes, some toppled, other simply disintegrated in a hail of bullets. Gordon scrunched himself into a foetal position, arms over his head as the air burned with dust and splinters. The noise was unbearable. After the longest time, the shooting stopped. Gordon looked up, by his head sat a barrel; untouched in the carnage. He glanced at the label:


He blinked. On the barrel sat a crowbar: a perfect, shiny, wonderful crowbar. Grabbing it Gordon raised himself to a crouch. The Combine would be coming in amongst the crates now to retrieve his corpse. The footsteps where approaching, the beeps and crackles growing louder.

Gordon raised the crowbar: It was now or never…
The combine soldiers quickly scavenged the entire area with their lasersights. No sign of the foe.
The squad leader ordered a less ranked soldier to walk further into the fortress of wooden crates, who quickly ventured in, securing as many hideouts as possible.

There was a short while of silence. Just when the combine private was about to signal the area as clear, the sound of a crowbar smashing through a thick leather mask and through the skull of what was inside was heard, and the soldier dropped down dead, his brain fluids slowly erupting through the hole.

When the rest of the group arrived, the attacker was gone.
The squad realized this was his playground, they were the prey and it'd not take long before he'd strike again.

The squad leader ordered the group to perform a circular formation to cover all directions, and they slowly went further in among the crates..
hope its ok, im used to writing stuff :(

The soldiers went into formation looking in all directions for a sign of movement...
gordon waited.. the longer he waited the more tense the soldiers became.
after a few minutes the pressure for someof the soldiers became unbearable.
gordon kicked out the barrel towards the soldiers, breaking the silence and sprinting off to another location.
the nearest soldier saw something moved and fired manicly, the bullets pierced through the barrel and ignited the substance inside, the result was deafening shockwave from an explosion.
this killed just about all of the soldiers and sent them plummeting through the air.
gordon emerged from the shadows and grabbed the weapons and ammunition he could retrieve from the bodies.
the commanding officer of the squad laid motionless on the floor,still barely alive. the pain was unbearable, and he suffered intense internal bleeding, burns and multiple fractures.. silently he swore revenge on the figure dissappearing out of sight before he passed out.
The air seemed to shimmer like a haze from the heat of a flaming barrel or a burning body. Only this was an open area of ground. For a moment the very fabric of space twisted. Anyone looking at it would have probably felt nauseous as the mind bending visuals attacked their senses.

A figure in a dark suit stepped out of infinity.

The mystery man casually glanced at the carnage around him, like a man watching the world go by. Then he raised his hand to his eyes to view the small orange figure at the gates jumping into a combine APC and tearing off at top speed. Behind him the striders fired in staccato.

The one in the suit walked up to the prone form of the combine captain and bent over him. Peering closely at the shrapnel riddled figure. The combine soldier let out a sigh and his head rolled back dead.

Interesting, thought the one in the suit, he does seem to be getting to the point at last, all be it in a roundabout sort of way. So far the techniques had been working. Now there was only to goad him in the right direction: to focus the chaotic force of Freeman at the right target and the plan would be complete.

Who was next on the list? Ah yes, Adrian Shepard.

The one in the suit looked up at the strider approaching, annoyed that his concentration had been broke by heavy footsteps. Behind the strider more APC’s packed to the bulkheads with those pesky soldiers screamed into the dock.

The suit turned back to face the water, wrapped himself in complex mathmatics, and was gone…