Choreograph scene in map


Jan 26, 2006
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OK ive just finished a choreograph scene in my map but i want it to pause the enviroment when it plays. Any ideas..
Well when you get to the end of the game in Half-Life 2 u meet the G-man again. and everythink in the game stops, u even see the glass in flying through the air. I want somthink like that.
I have a crow that sits on the G-man's sholder, when u go through the trigger the crow takes flight and the choreograph scene plays. but i want the crow and everythink else on the map to freeze.
I don't think there is any command for that, the scene didn't really "freeze" in that part, it was sort of faked, all that crap you see isn't in a frozen frame of animation, it's actually just static. I'm not sure what they do to slow your movement, if you even want that.

However, you might try setting the host_timescale to something very small (0 won't work because it pauses the game with the "pause" message...) This will allow the play to still look around but not be able to do anything, and everything in the game will stop. (Technically it's moving extremely slow)