Christian columnist on video games: "I told you so"


May 5, 2004
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"I warned my readers that they were not appropriate for children."

1up said:
"Since then, hundreds of parents have shared with me their negative experiences with these nefarious devices. Their stories go in my "I Told You So" file. The following, written by the mother of several young children, is the latest addition."

"When they played, there would be fighting and tears. When the parents turned it off, the kids would mope around and complain of having nothing to do. Were these the same children who, pre-Xbox, had never had a problem entertaining themselves? Actually, they were not the "same" children at all. They were beginning to exhibit addictive behavior, and as anyone who has ever lived with one will testify, an addict and the former nonaddict are two entirely different people."

""Mom ends her story with a warning to all parents: "I firmly believe that video games are dangerous to children and families. Do not buy one. You cannot control it."

these people need to be dragged through the streets and publically flogged/tarred and feathered and then sent on their merry way's a suggestion: cut yourself off from the rest of the world and fill in the viod with your own morality infused "entertainment" ..but let the rest of us decide what we can and cant watch/listen to/play

excuse me while I check out some gaming news ..I havent read anything in a few a minutes and I need my "fix" before I start shooting everyone in the room
Come on, CplStern; that's too retarded to be worthy of anybody's attention. ;)

Now where's my Splinter Cell? *breaks into cold sweat*
99.vikram said:
Now where's my Splinter Cell? *breaks into cold sweat*
Splinter Cell?? Where's my Splatterhouse?! :LOL:

These guys are as bad as the anti-gay/anti-war-funeral jerks thats have made such a name for themselves lately. I have gotten so much angrier with real people playing board games (Monopoly comes to mind) than with fake characters in videogames.

I hate ignorance.
VictimOfScience said:
I have gotten so much angrier with real people playing board games (Monopoly comes to mind) than with fake characters in videogames.

I hate ignorance.

At least Alyx isn't anti-semitic/anti-gay/anti-anti. Not to my knowledge ;)
I'm beginnning to really hate these people. They clearly have problems parenting and placing effort in raising their own kids. That I don't mind. But when they believe that they should be parenting other people's kids (when clearly they're not great at it too begin with), that's just too far.

The hypocritical irony of this is sad.
A True Canadian said:
I'm beginnning to really hate these people. They clearly have problems parenting and placing effort in raising their own kids. That I don't mind. But when they believe that they should be parenting other people's kids (when clearly they're not great at it too begin with), that's just too far.

The hypocritical irony of this is sad.

Bad parenting should not be encouraged.
Games aren't the problem, parents are.
I'm beginnning to really hate these people. They clearly have problems parenting and placing effort in raising their own kids. That I don't mind. But when they believe that they should be parenting other people's kids (when clearly they're not great at it too begin with), that's just too far.

The hypocritical irony of this is sad.

I too believe they're are other elements at work ... you know, other the religion. LIKE ... BAD PARENTING!
Blaming video games on violence and such, it's not like anyone is going to take it seriously. The individual seeks his own interests and since most of the young population likes games (Me included) the chance of seriously doing anything about this (Kids playing games out of their age recommendation) is almost 0. It's like marijuana: people restrict it , yet kids do it even moreso because of the restriction.
Let's ban all forms of entertainment, because without them we would have problems enjoying ourselves! And people who have never had entertainment live just fine fine without it, so that must mean things like music, tv, dancing, socializing, must be EVIL!
I hope everyone who wrote to him got gang-raped by midgets

Stern seems to have a vile hatred for Christians since he assumes them to be Christian. Hell, I'm Catholic but I think video games are great. The more violent the better. Of course I'm not a parent and I am not like other nutty Christians. I fully believe video games should be allowed to feature whatever content the maker desires. Just said that to show not all Christians are anti-video game freaks.
Some christians still consider cards immoral . . . and dancing too. It's not all christians of couse; it's just that the Christian community stupidly encourages people to not use their brain, which causes so many problems.
In my experience Christians are never extremists in such matters. This must be some minority group.

And if anybody EVER bans violent games, he shall be stabbed 193 times by a mob of Halo fans. ;)
Video games aren't the issue here. Its bad f*ucking parenting. If you can't control your kids thats your problem, don't blame it on the video games. A kid will react to anything they enjoy the same way; TV, Food, trips to the supermarket, toys, anything.
