Christmas Avatars

e-shrooms does not approve of santa hats

and tentacles are too cool for santa hats

so none for me :(
For gh0st

perfect! thank you. i feel so horribly festive.
Boogymanx said:
Can someone xmasify mine?

You can add a santa figure kind of out of the shot, who is the one that is throwing the thing into the guy. Maybe a black boot and a slight glimpse of his hat at the right side of the frame. hehe.
Hmmm, Xmasify me?

I will give 10 credits to the person who makes one!
Que-Ever said:


You can now collect your 10 credits from.....

*looks around*

JNightshade! :P

Oh, i'm gonna be away for a couple of days guys, from Christams Eve (today actually!) until the 28th!

So Merry Christmas/Festivus and Seasons Greetings to ya'll :afro:

See ya soon
time to put my picketing-pocketing skills to good use...

*sneaks over to nightshade*
Que-Ever said:
time to put my picketing-pocketing skills to good use...

*sneaks over to nightshade*
N00b I'll pickpocket him first with my Gloves Of Accumulation +10 :p
Beerdude26 said:
N00b I'll pickpocket him first with my Gloves Of Accumulation +10 :p
Ring of Far-reaching FTW.
anyway, there's no point in trying to compare... I am the master thief, and I have the skeleton key to prove it.
NO! None of you can pickpocket me... for I have no pockets! Indeed, I have no pants at all, giving me +12 nakedness! You can have the 10 credits, though. I keep them in a fur-covered fish I affectionately refer to as "Bessie".
JNightshade said:
NO! None of you can pickpocket me... for I have no pockets! Indeed, I have no pants at all, giving me +12 nakedness! You can have the 10 credits, though. I keep them in a fur-covered fish I affectionately refer to as "Bessie".
oh. um... thanks. *splits with beerdude*

I thought I was gonna have to cavity search you D:
Can't seem to get around to it. Oh well, too much work to put it back.
xombine said:
Can't seem to get around to it. Oh well, too much work to put it back.


:flame: Get the HELL out of our thread.:flame:

*holds tree branch in front of face and sneaks out*
But you're not using it! It's right there! Take it!

for tomorrow... you die...

What? I didn't say anything.:angel:

edit: Dammit, beat me to it. Stupid time-outs...
UltimaApocalyspe said:
You stole that from Angry Lawyer!
Please, this is the internet, there's no such thing as stealing. He still has his jpg.
I made this though and I got the original picture from a different source.

(and by the way, I was using it before he was) :P
Why doesn't mine look good at all :(

It's ok, I have no paint ability as well - look at his hat.. it's f***ed
Dog-- said:
It's ok, I have no paint ability as well - look at his hat.. it's f***ed
at least yours is red...I can't make mine red, mines like the color of your shit if you ripped a hole in your ass and the blood is mixing...

CyberPitz said:
at least yours is red...I can't make mine red, mines like the color of your shit if you ripped a hole in your ass and the blood is mixing...

I actually like that red. :O It fits with the other dull colors. Not dull as in bad, dull as in... Uhm..