Christmas Whislist! Want and Will get.

Want: Computer parts, a book called Hana 3

Will likely get: Hana 3

I don't know about the parts, mainly because I'll probably just get money for them and then decide what to purchase after X-mas, but for the past two years I've been looking for a copy of an extremely rare, limited-print book that I finally tracked down, and one of my friends graciously said he'd buy it for me, which floors me because it's going to cost a very, very pretty penny.

He's a great friend.
Want - Christmas with my entire family

Will get - Christmas with my Mother.
Want - Christmas with my entire family

Will get - Christmas with my Mother.

How come if I may ask?

I want:


I will get:

[insert]generic girlfriend picture[/insert]

Will get:

Regardless I'm still going to be playing with myself.
Want: Drum stuff.

Will get: Money, if anything. Kind of past christmas at my age anyway, and I'd rather my parents spent it on things they need (as well as my siblings - greedy buggers they are :P).