Chronicles of Riddick on the PC?


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
I was reading Gamespot's game of the year awards, and to my surprise I discovered that Chronicles of Riddick on the PC was among the nominees for game of they year. To be honest I didn't even know that there was going to be a PC version.

Anyway I got a look at their review and couldn't believe they awarded the game a score of 9.3/10 (Half-Life² got 9.2).

So right now, I'm like "wtf???" I haven't played this game, and the only video I've seen is the one in Gamespot's video review ... but is this game that good? Is it better or at least as good as Far Cry?
wilka91 said:
Anyway I got a look at their review and couldn't believe they awarded the game a score of 9.3/10 (Half-Life² got 9.2).
They still gave HL2 the FPS of the year award anyway. Not everything in the land of Gamespot makes sense...

Check out the demo of Riddick, I believe there is one around. Sounds interesting and I'm pretty sure i'll give it a go someday :)
wilka91 said:
So right now, I'm like "wtf???" I haven't played this game, and the only video I've seen is the one in Gamespot's video review ... but is this game that good? Is it better or at least as good as Far Cry?
Depends what you like.
Right now i'm not sure whats better, Riddick or Far Cry.

Riddick is presented really well and its got alot of cool things but Far Cry was just more fun. And it feels really wonky in Riddick compared to Far Cry.

I'll tell you what i think when i'm done playing it.
Its a must have. Good story. Good gameplay. More stuff then xbox. Lots of stuff to find while playing. Really good game.
I'm buying it after my exams finish. Its probably the only movie-game thats good out there. (excluding Blade Runner game, that ruled;))
is a very good game
when you play it you wil feel like in a action movie
the only bad thing is that is short but is very satisfiyng
is just very cool

and one tip for somoeone that beated the game:
the assault rifle is one of the most inacurate weapons EVER but id you use whit intelligence it can be good
For those who have played it, how much time did it take to finish? 10 hours? 15? 20?
wilka91 said:
For those who have played it, how much time did it take to finish? 10 hours? 15? 20?
well if you play whiout rest all the day and in a easy dificult you will beat it in one day
WhiteZero said:
It's good stuff.
No to mention the best Menu system ever.


Riddick has the most slickest and coolest HUD/GUI in a game, to date.
yea that cube thing is so sweet..its rediculously fun...sometimes its more fun to just click random options in the menu than play the game itself :p
ShinRa said:
yea that cube thing is so sweet..its rediculously fun...sometimes its more fun to just click random options in the menu than play the game itself :p
Amen brother, amen.
How does this run for everyone?

It runs great on my pc untill fights start - and then it crawls to around 20-30 fps :/

xp-m @ 2.5 gig and a x800 xtpe. Using shader 2.0. Resolution makes little difference.