Churchill's Dirty Old Bird


May 20, 2003
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Winston Churchill's bulldog spirit lives on in unusual form 39 years after his death.
The British wartime leader's*faithful companion, Charlie the parrot, is still*squawking out*anti-Hitler jibes at the grand old age*of 104.

Thanks to Churchill's patient tutelage, her*favourite curses remain "freak Hitler" and "freak" the Nazis".
Churchill bought Charlie in 1937 and she took pride of place among his varied array of animals ranging from lambs and swans to a leopard.
The Blue and Gold Macaw is believed to be Britain's oldest bird, reports the Daily Mirror, with her present owners claiming they can prove she is at least 104.
Charlie was bought by Peter Oram for his pet shop in 1965 after Churchill died but he had to remove her to his home after she kept swearing at children.
For the last 12 years she has lived at Mr Oram's garden centre in Reigate, Surrey.
Centre worker Sylvia Martin told the newspaper: "If truth be told, Charlie is looking a little scruffy but she is very popular with the public. We are all very attached to her."

Man thats one old bird.
Heard this story this morning before going to work. Cracked me up lol that's one old and cool bird :)
its not very unusual that parrots get that old..well maybe that old..but over 50 is pretty normal ...
AudioRage said:
I wonder if you really call your penis friggy

You're about the third person to somehow get the impression that I name my genitalia.