Cigarette Taxes (U.S.)

repi is an anarchist...yay :|

That people think I'm an anarchist only confirms what an oppressive, dictatorial, control-freak society we live in. The fact that I think people should be able to do what they want without being spied on, marginalised or ****ed around by the state does not make me an anarchist in any way.

as for the helmets and seat belts stuff...if it wouldn't be law, there would probably be less manufacturers or even none, thus preventing (or limiting) the use to those who actually want them. (not main argument, but additional)

Helmets and seatbelts have been in widespread usage since long before they were required by law. Additionally, motorcycle helmets provide numerous functions more important than the protection offered in the event of an accident. It would be basically impossible to ride a modern bike at any speed without one, or in cold or wet weather (say, seven or eight months a year). Just try to imagine being constantly hit in the face by 90mph winds!
You think its ridiculous for you guys?!?!?!

We have just had our third emergency budget within the space of 12 months in Ireland, and yet AGAIN excise duties have gone up.

The tax on a 20 pack of cigarettes has gone up by 25C bringing the overall price to around €8.90 per packet. They banned 10 packs altogether last year. Its a bloody disgrace.