Circuit City firesale, the Info


Aug 29, 2003
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So I went to my local Circuit City at 10am sharp, opening time and here is what they told me:

Office and Entertainment Furniture are 30% off.

Music CD's are 20% off.

Everything else is 10% off. (DVDs, games, hardware, HDTVs)

If the item was already discounted for a sale, they will deduct the lower price (discount vs. 10% off.) I do not believe the discounts will stack. There are no negotiations, unless it's a big ticket item, in which case negotiations usually happens.


The guy at my checkout counter was nice and he just gave me 20% off everything, including some DVDs I got.

The guy also told me that the firesale will last until either everything is sold, or 60 days max (month of March is official word).

The ONLY reason why you would want to wait is that items may be discounted later that is lower than the 10%. Still, the store was packed as Black Friday by opening time.
I wonder if I can find a new wireless modem/router that meets my needs at our local Circuit City? These damn things range from between $100 to $200, so a good deal would be nice.
I wonder if I can find a new wireless modem/router that meets my needs at our local Circuit City? These damn things range from between $100 to $200, so a good deal would be nice.
For what a 24K solid gold modem and router?! Also this will create 30,000 un-employed people and you have to be EXTREMELY cautious of what your buying. You can't return it nor can you use gift cards. People learned their lesson about this after the Tweeter fiasco.
I went there today, and came back empty handed. Sadly, you can still find better deals on most stuff online.
Circuit city has been around for such a long try. It's weird that it's closing... :(
I'm sure there are some deals to be had. Although 10% off MSRP isn't much of a sale.
I've been shopping for cheap movies (dvd and blu-ray) and usually buy good blu-ray movies when they are <$13 online (and $5 for DVDs).
10% MSRP would be like $27 (29.99-34.99 MSRP).

20% off CDs sounds more promising.
The DVD's there I saw weren't MSRP. They were all in the $4.99 for oldies - $21.99 for new releases.
If i were you, i would wait until the very end of their liquidation sale. Prices are more likely to increase before they drop. These companies may be going out of business, they are also aware of the impulse buyers who will jump at any "20% percent sale" etc. item they lay their eyes upon. Trust me. Recently, a couple of retail giants(Merwyns, Linen N Things) went out of business here in California and they did the same thing.
I wonder what Linens n things sold, anyway.. there was one right next to the borders I go to.
I'll wait a little while . . . 10% isn't much of a discount. When they're up to 25%, I'll start to think about checking out their 1080p TVs.
They suck anyways. It's like when you go there, half the store is filled with stuff for home entertainment. You got TV's etc, but it's all the worst brands and the worst tv sets. I went there for a new monitor before L4D came out and they had bizarre brands with ghosting in them, etc. They also have the most limited assortment of stuff. There is no store employees nor is there anything that you want to buy. Mainly all you see is crappy tv's in the store and the Firedog staff huddled around each other talking and playing Solitaire.

I went to Best Buy next door and they had everything I wanted. All the employees were helping somebody but they were still helping people. The only annoying people are the brain dead Geek Squad people who randomly go up to you and egg you on to buy a wireless router. I told the guy multiple times that wireless sucks and there was a vibe like "I know what I'm doing noob, now get away from me". I picked up my new LG monitor there for $20 cheaper than Newegg. I have no clue why anybody would find anything there even with the fire sale. They don't even have the keyboards you want neither. All they have is the bulky keyboard+mouse combos and they are wireless. Also all models like tv sets etc, are ancient models.

*Beating a dead horse here but lots of their stuff has dust accumulating from over the years literally on the tv sets.
They suck anyways. It's like when you go there, half the store is filled with stuff for home entertainment. You got TV's etc, but it's all the worst brands and the worst tv sets. I went there for a new monitor before L4D came out and they had bizarre brands with ghosting in them, etc. They also have the most limited assortment of stuff. There is no store employees nor is there anything that you want to buy. Mainly all you see is crappy tv's in the store and the Firedog staff huddled around each other talking and playing Solitaire.

I went to Best Buy next door and they had everything I wanted. All the employees were helping somebody but they were still helping people. The only annoying people are the brain dead Geek Squad people who randomly go up to you and egg you on to buy a wireless router. I told the guy multiple times that wireless sucks and there was a vibe like "I know what I'm doing noob, now get away from me". I picked up my new LG monitor there for $20 cheaper than Newegg. I have no clue why anybody would find anything there even with the fire sale. They don't even have the keyboards you want neither. All they have is the bulky keyboard+mouse combos and they are wireless. Also all models like tv sets etc, are ancient models.

*Beating a dead horse here but lots of their stuff has dust accumulating from over the years literally on the tv sets.

True. Every time I've been in a Circuit City help has been either non existent or I have known more than them. Their customer service was fail.
Circuit city had shit for employees and customer service for the most part. I've met 2-3 that were helpful.
Just wait a couple of more days, if not for another week. I have a few things in mind to look at, mostly PC software/hardware/games. Man.. one by one electronic stores are sinking. First CompUSA, now this eh? Giant advantage for Best Buy. All that's left for me is Microcenter and Best Buy.
Just wait a couple of more days, if not for another week. I have a few things in mind to look at, mostly PC software/hardware/games. Man.. one by one electronic stores are sinking. First CompUSA, now this eh? Giant advantage for Best Buy. All that's left for me is Microcenter and Best Buy.

CompUSA got acquired by Systemax aka

It's just a matter of time till Best Buy goes down hill or gets acquired by another online retailer.
Last day before CC is finally gone.

Here's an awesome quote from the AP article:

"Everything is picked over. They're going over wires and TV stands, the little stuff," said Roman Garcia, 30, carrying a bag crammed with videogames. He bought nine copies of an online multiplayer game called "Team Fortress." He picked up the copies for $1 apiece and planned to send them to other members of his online gaming group.
OMG i should have gone there today, but i could care less now, i had my chance to check them out but i can find good prices on my own
Me and my brother stopped by one the other day to see if there was anything worth getting. It was pretty much an empty warehouse with some random CDs, digital cameras, and ancient crap games. It was depressing man.

But damn, that quote about TF is awesome, wish I had gone sooner.
Meh, they had nothing of that sort of sale on games earlier. My bro did get Lego Indiana Jones for $25 (50% off).
I got Crysis Warhead for about 20 bucks a few weeks ago.
Went there again a few days ago but there was nothing there besides USB cables and flash memory cards. It was pretty much deserted.
Ah crap, I wish I could've gotten some games, although it probably wouldn't have been worth the effort of getting to the store.
I got a PSP to TV kit for $9 there about 2 months ago. tried it once and I really liked it. Playing Warhammer Squad Command was pretty fun on the big screen and it didn't look that bad compared to playing Wii games on my 32" LCD
holy crap I've been to that specific store (just once :p).
holy crap I've been to that specific store (just once :p).

Same, I used to go to that store every once in awhile, usually I'd go to the one in Beltsville. Its all good, still have Microcenter and Best Buy in Rockville.
Too bad we don't have any circuit city's here....
mine near me just closed down for good, didnt have much i wanted.