City 13 Media Update


Oct 17, 2003
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Shunt and his team over at City 13 have recently released some quality concept art and model renders. The SA-XD pistol and RPG form their newest set of weapon models, while some simple weapons schematics and several pieces on their unique Combine uniform round out the concept art. [br]

[br]In addition to the media update, the team has a rather nice Steam skin ready for download.
Woah, they're awesome. The Combine uniform looks alot like Guyver, if anyones seen that.
With a name like that I'm sure it's some kind of anime. After googling it I see that it indeed is anime. I also see the resemblance but it's slight. They both just have an overall dark sci-fi shape and angling that occurs in many sci-fi art pieces.

Be sure you keep on buying merch merch...

Edit: Fury just though I should point out that that's a concept art and not a model.
Fury said:
Is it just me or does that model on picture 3 look a lot like the models from the Killzone game?

you are right

maybe they like it and sure they take advantage that there is not so many people that know that game

but I think guerrilla studio should take action about it
I don't understand how all these mods are basing their games on the HL2 universe, but then making all these new guns and new soldiers....The combine must spend a fortune on making all these different uniform types.
No, the Combine are an overpowering force bent on taking over Earth but America.. oh...
Read their past, they took over the WORLD. City 17 is one of many Cities. And no we didn't get our commisar from Killzone. Quite frankly, I've read so many bad reports on it that I've stayed away from it. And I think it's the same for the rest of our team. Though I do see some resemblence when looking into it.

Guerrilla studios won't be able to do anything to us in any case concidering the fact that it isn't their work at all.

And the combine don't have a currency, they're an alien race. The commisar is the commander of all the combine infantry. Also, City 13 was somewhere in Northern Europe/Russia I beleive. City 13 is no where near that, giving all sorts of openings to new weapons. Same for Combine. You think that makes no sense? Well concider that if they were going to take over the world, they would need different weapons to cope with different conditions possibly? But in your opinion, didn't the hl2 weapons pretty much suck. I mean my hat goes off to the valve team for the extreme effort into it but they used all the wrong guns.

All our stuff is original or is real. Nothing is taken from anything else. And too back up the Commisar, go look at killzone's Helghast and Jin Roh. Jin Roh's heavy is damn near identical to Helghast's soldiers.
Xune said:
No, the Combine are an overpowering force bent on taking over Earth but America.. oh...

Haha that cracked me up... so true

Bush = Breen
Thatamos said:
And no we didn't get our commisar from Killzone. Quite frankly, I've read so many bad reports on it that I've stayed away from it. And I think it's the same for the rest of our team. Though I do see some resemblence when looking into it.

Guerrilla studios won't be able to do anything to us in any case concidering the fact that it isn't their work at all.

All our stuff is original or is real. Nothing is taken from anything else. And too back up the Commisar, go look at killzone's Helghast and Jin Roh. Jin Roh's heavy is damn near identical to Helghast's soldiers.

They both just have an overall dark sci-fi shape and angling that's makes them somewhat similar, but this look occurs in many sci-fi art pieces both well known and not. There's no way anyone's gonna sue you, the only one who could do that is Valve, and that's only if you tried to sell your mod, and then it wouldn't even be a mod.

So I wouldn't worry about that, just keep up the great work and we'll keep posting the great work.
Yah but the guys at hl2db and fallout think they're too cool for our stuff....I should slap them with a rubber stick
Cant wait for all these mods. Every single one has something interesting.
Dude... you live in NYC? Maybe we should meet at the park, by the lake, at 2am ... if you see someone dressed all black with a ski mask on, don't run... come closer. BTW I'm a 50 year old guy pretending to be a hot 15 year old chick... want to hook up?

Ahh, I make myself laff. :O
anyway that combine dont look too much.....well dont look the same style of the combines soldiers in HL2
Some_God said:
Dude... you live in NYC? Maybe we should meet at the park, by the lake, at 2am ... if you see someone dressed all black with a ski mask on, don't run... come closer. BTW I'm a 50 year old guy pretending to be a hot 15 year old chick... want to hook up?

Ahh, I make myself laff. :O
I'll go! (I reside in Staten Island)
Staten Island is for rich people... I don't want any ri... wait... rich people have a lot of money, meaning I will get a lot more for ranso... ok.. you got it, buddy!