City 13 Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Azlan
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[Matt] said:
Its not the exact same model.... quite a few differences in it but since you have said that you specified that the model should belong to the mod in the contract with the modeller then you satill have a case.
Let's compare, shall we:
Here's the render of the model for Dystopia:

Here's a render of the same model for City13:

I'm getting tired of this, please respect the work we put into designing our weapons!
I can't speak for the entire staff here, but I can assure you I wouldn't post stolen artwork had I known the situation. I would be happy to change the picture, but I don't have the proper access to change it after 15 minutes. I'll have to wait for someone higher up to make the fix.
We had no clue until mix tape told us, i thought they just looked similar, im very sorry, and it will be gotten rid of asap
thanks justice_sam, no hard feelings (except mabey towards mixtape ;)
O_o you guys are getting a bit too worked about about this, isin't it simply a confusion.. I guess they should have looked into they're models a bit more but the situation can be resolved and i'm sure both mods will be fun :)
Intamin said:
Why doesn't Ennui speak up? In my opinion, is kinda of affiliated with this, Ennui is on their team no? He's a mod here, I say he should at least tell us what's going on.

Nope, not relevant at all. No upcoming HL2 mods have anything to do with this site (aside from Munro's 7 Hour War mod). If any site staff are working on mods, it's entirely divorced from the site.
I'm confused here. Mix tape should be the only one blamed here, not any entire Mod groups or what not. It was an individual act not a group trying to steal artwork. However there is a sort of problem I see with the situation.

Mixtape, ask Dystopia if he could join their Dev team. Then Dystopia gives Mix Tape their Mach2 pistol model. MixTape fades away.

Now you're angry that MixTape is using a model that you gave him in the first place? Were there any legalities saying whether he mustn't use the model for anything else? Did you ever request that he return the model if he didn't want to join the team? It doesn't seem like MixTape stole the model, just seems like you guys got con'd.
wait, you're saying that because he lifted it from us that it's ok to use? haven't you ever heard of integrity?
Azlan said:
I can't speak for the entire staff here, but I can assure you I wouldn't post stolen artwork had I known the situation. I would be happy to change the picture, but I don't have the proper access to change it after 15 minutes. I'll have to wait for someone higher up to make the fix.
Haven't found anyone higher up yet, Azlan? It was posted 15 hours ago, and there's still no admins around? :O
noip said:
wait, you're saying that because he lifted it from us that it's ok to use? haven't you ever heard of integrity?

No, what I said was that since you gave him the model that it shouldn't be considered stealing. Its only wrong to use the model if you stipulated that he is not allowed to use it for any other developement team.
comradebadger: thank you, we appreciate it! :)

bgesley426: seriously, why on earth are you siding with the perpetrator here? it's blatantly obvious that it's our intellectual property... we even made public that design in april 2004.
blah, i'm probably being trolled...

justice_sam, the rest of the c13 crew: the mod looks great so far, I wish you all the best for the continued development :smoking:
bgesley426 said:
I'm confused here. Mix tape should be the only one blamed here, not any entire Mod groups or what not. It was an individual act not a group trying to steal artwork. However there is a sort of problem I see with the situation.

Mixtape, ask Dystopia if he could join their Dev team. Then Dystopia gives Mix Tape their Mach2 pistol model. MixTape fades away.

Now you're angry that MixTape is using a model that you gave him in the first place? Were there any legalities saying whether he mustn't use the model for anything else? Did you ever request that he return the model if he didn't want to join the team? It doesn't seem like MixTape stole the model, just seems like you guys got con'd.

Ye but its not like if your the leader of a mod you would just say "oh ye make me a weapon, it doesn't matter what it is, just make me one." If the leader of City13 did that I must say they will go no where. I do find it hard to believe that they never actually asumed or knew.
Intamin said:
Why doesn't Ennui speak up? In my opinion, is kinda of affiliated with this, Ennui is on their team no? He's a mod here, I say he should at least tell us what's going on.

As for now, I'll assume it's all a misunderstanding. Innocent until proven guilty. Let's just hope they come out innocent...

Ennui isn't or ever was a mod here, but I can see how his sig confused you.
Ok llets clear up consfusion, i am sorry, i didnt know and i dont htink anyone on the team did, i have never visited the dystopia site so i had no clue, the model is taken off our game, when mix tape applied it was something he said he was working on and something we could use, so please dont get angry at the development team, we have said sorry, the last thing we want is any enemies

Ok, ive closed the thread on our forum, how would you guys feel if we bought this gun back to life and recreate it, remodel it so on
and im pretty sure hes not going to get away with just a slap on the wrist either, i honestly did'nt know about this, but from now on this will be an internal matter

-Wiggle987/ Karl101, City 13 mapper
Glad to know you guys are dealing with it. Quickly, please, so you can all get back to work on your mod. I want to play it. :thumbs:
all dealt with, and we have started work on bringing back to life that gun
Some of you guys are being a bit harsh on our team here! If somebody asks to join your team and shows you pictures of a model they say 'they' have made and you've never seen it before, what else can you do but take their word for it? I personally think its digraceful to steal work and pass it off as your own and if it was up to me he'd be more than 'slapped on the wrist'! He's given the mod some bad publicity that the rest of us didnt rightly deserve. I hope that the Dystopia crew can forgive us for a silly mistake and all can be forgotten:D
lol you got McBlocked.

noip: I wasn't trying to side with anyone. It just seemed to me that you were using that model as a test for interviewees that might have wanted to join your team. Since you made that model public before you gave it to mixtape then yes its indeed clear he misused your model.
ohh the post , well the new mapper

his prev work






He doing intros for our maps, which he will make the maps for the intros
for our new game mode

Our mod will have a mode much like sven co op, not fighting bots, but where when a server starts, the intro will play, then plan out where you want the players to arrive in or around the city , then you'll play the first map, when that map is complete you'll play the second map closest to it in location, so you progress through and we will make a map of the city and the areas where you will travel through to reach the end of the game it will have no effect on game modes, but it would rock.

and then we have the fast play mode which will just connect to a random map and you can play any random game.
Sorry to hear about the gun model fiasco guys. Just wanted to say that the screen shots post (and the inthread pics) look fantastic. I, for one, am looking forward to City13 :D
justice_sam said:
He doing intros for our maps, which he will make the maps for the intros
for our new game mode

Our mod will have a mode much like sven co op, not fighting bots, but where when a server starts, the intro will play, then plan out where you want the players to arrive in or around the city , then you'll play the first map, when that map is complete you'll play the second map closest to it in location, so you progress through and we will make a map of the city and the areas where you will travel through to reach the end of the game it will have no effect on game modes, but it would rock.

and then we have the fast play mode which will just connect to a random map and you can play any random game.
So basically, assualt?

Our mod will have a mode much like sven co op, not fighting bots, but where when a server starts, the intro will play, then plan out where you want the players to arrive in or around the city , then you'll play the first map, when that map is complete you'll play the second map closest to it in location, so you progress through and we will make a map of the city and the areas where you will travel through to reach the end of the game it will have no effect on game modes, but it would rock.

Will it branch different ways depending on who wins each map?

For instance, if the Combine win Map X, the next map is Z, but if the Rebels win it, the next map is Y.

Or will it just be linear?

BTW, those are some nice looking screenies of those maps. I look forward to seeing those intros.