City 13 Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Azlan
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Not sure if this was posted or not, but I got this in the email from Sam_Justice:

Due to recent events, us at City13 would like to say a big sorry to the dystopia team, we had no clue about the Dual Smg's, we have stopped there production and are now concentrating on modeling this weapon -

And bringing back the weapon that wasn't included in hl2 -

Expect a huge media update in about 3 weeks, inc. a video of the sniper rifle in action in one of our maps


ComradeBadger said:
So basically, assualt?


imagine enemy territory, but with striders, then you get the general idea (or at least thats how ive been describing it)
yeah, its basically an rtcw style of gameplay with fmv sequences

What does it mean to be banned like: you cant send posts or wut?
DeVL1 said:
What does it mean to be banned like: you cant send posts or wut?

Urban Dictionary said:
verb - usually permantently disallowed from a gaming/irc/chat/forum server for doing something completely dispicable.

There ya go.
wow. am i glad this thread was dragged kicking and screaming from it's near death.

****, why bother?!
Wow dear god, I know this is a very dead thread but I HAVE to defend this mod. I'm now the co-leader of this mod and to respond to those who beleived we kept or stole this, this is the story :

Mix_Tape came to us wanting to model, or came to me atleast. I wanted to know what he had to offer (as a modeler) and he showed me that gun, that happens to be dystopia's design. None of us knew it was Dystopia's until it was far to late to do anything about. The model has been scraped and Mix_Tape has been droped from the team until he can prove himself. Until then, he's not a part of the team.

Rest assured, we have double/triple checked on every map/model/sound/TEXTURE, that it's original and not stolen from some other mod. We've had another issue like this from one of our coders and we dropped him like a sack of potatoes.

Hope this lifts some of the hate towards City 13.
But hey, now I don't need another page to include these :


Combine Hack



Combine Bomb





BTW for those who are wondering what "Faction" is on the TR30, that's the modelers name, NOT another mod
wow, excellent work ..excellent models and concepts

I'll be watching this mod ...great work
Oh just you wait for the mapping updates ;)

We have Furion working with us, who somehow, has some great reputation or what not :P I havn't really looked into it much but he has a rep for himself aparantly for being a really good mapper and map concept designer.

But the bad news is that we're pretty much dead in the coding situation. We have one guy whos starting in less than a week who's been coding C++ for 4 years but that's only 1 coder. We need more and we need those who know what they're doing too. But then, at this point, we could accept any coders atm.
I'm waiting guys need to get this out the door ...the first big mod to be released will get more attention than subsequent mods. You have a good concept and skills to back it up, but that'll be meaningless if you release a year down the road (at least for initial attention)
Thus the need for coders, and we need them more than ever now. Hell we have enough for a beta right now. We could even more than likely be done with all the mapping and modeling in a couple of months. Animating is no big deal either, it's just that having no coders is going to kill us.
your hard work will get you noticed ..hopefully coders will beat a path to you