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- Feb 17, 2005
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City13 is a fast paced, action, online multiplayer.
City13 - A Resistance member’s point of view of the invasion
The year is 2002 and this City still had a name…..In the streets of City13, there was talk of news. No one knew if it would have been good or bad at the time, all anyone could do was wait, and hope; Maybe it would be something useful. Then the World and I heard one story, the most important news story ever to affect man kind.
The anchorman was looking off camera as he spoke, “Could this be it? The end of all life…” He looked forward in surprise- “Oh! Excuse me, I uh, did not realize we were on the air,” He whipped his sweaty forehead and collected papers together, “As I’m sure you are aware, all around the world there have been storms. These horribly destructive storms, unfortunately, are far worse than anyone could have imagined. These storms which are referred to as ‘Portal storms’, have been transferring an unknown energy force.” My set flickered once. “It is believed, no, confirmed that it is a resulting attack from a life force seeking out one thing. Our-“
There was a click and the television cut out, another storm had begun. My lights dimmed and I heard an abrupt knock at he front door of my house. I got up slowly and looked at it, “Y…Yes?” My voice cracked. Suddenly a man dressed in a bloodstained military uniform burst through screaming, “They’re here! They’re here! Run! Follow me!” I didn’t think- I just ran out following this stranger and thought to myself, two hours ago everything was normal. The mountain range was beautiful, and the city was its normal self. But now all at once, the landscape was filled with what looked like an army; but that was not the most disturbing thing… As my eyes drifted back to the city I was leaving, I saw something incredible- A massive, black obelisk had appeared from no where and its height was
something I’d never seen before. It seemed to pierce the skyline. Lost in this sight, I barely heard the man call out to me, “Over here! We don’t have the time!” I started to run, trying to follow, but I lost him in a crowd of panicked people in front of me. They too were trying to save themselves. I felt a sharp, tingly pain in my legs and all at once I just crumpled to the ground. There was nothing I could do. Perhaps my legs cramped or maybe it was something more that happened, but I was soon knocked out by the trampling feet of others.
“Wake up, we’re here,” A voice prompted. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room with no character, a prison cell- It had rusted metal walls and a steel door. Standing above me was the same man that crashed into my house, “You were knocked out. Everyone was trampling all over you, but it’s over now.” I slowly sat up, “Where am I?” He looked sideways at the wall, “You’re at your home for the next few years.” I looked down, swallowed hard and rubbed a hand over my face- “What…?” The tone of my own voice was a bit awkward. I could feel fear and wonder in my stomach. Why not, considering I had no idea where I was. “Let me show you around, then I’ll explain everything to you. By the way, call me John,” This guy seemed oddly hospitable. He led me out the room and to what looked like a large aircraft bunker. It was filled with weapons, a number of vehicles (Each fitted with weapons themselves), and dozens of trucks and tanks. At the very end of this bunker I could make out what seemed to be drop-ships. “What is this place?” I asked John…
[ John explains Black Mesa, combine attack on earth, 7 hour war so on(can be found here)]
“…As you can see, our planet is now being controlled by this ‘race’. When the Portal Storms began, my people started to collect resources and what you see is all we have. We are currently three miles under a mountain and this seems to be the only base the Combine haven’t discovered. So for now, any traveling into the City are Their slaves.”
Two years later
Life was tense and thankfully our base remained hidden. However, it had been so close to being discovered that we desperately needed to strike back at the Combine. It was crucial to hit them when they were at their lowest-
I had just woken up when it happened; I was currently living in a bunker, sharing the same room with about twenty others. We were exchanging thoughts when John burst through the door with some of the most important news anyone had heard in a long time. “Gordon Freeman has returned and it is now our time to strike! I have just received news that he has risen up with the Resistance and destroyed the main Citadel in the 17th Zone, along with Breen. The Combine have no leader on earth now! They are all in panic and confusion. Come to the briefing room, our first strike is about to begin,”
2. Game Modes
- Bomb
- SIege
- Objective Mode (Unknown if we will include, depends on the User Interface and coding situation)
- Vehicle Death Match
2.1 Main Game Modes
2.1.1 Story Driven
We have a basic map of City13, which will be continuously modified as new maps are made. We will release a final version of it when we are satisfied we have a large enough game. The player, be it Combine or Resistance, will connect to a server that has just begun, when they connect, the opening FMV will come on, it will be in .bsp format. After this has finished, the engine will load the first map. We will decide this first map from our main City 13 layout and possibly : popular demand. If (emphasis on if) we don’t have a starter map decided through popular demand, the first map will be the one furthest away from the City. Each map, although following the main goal of reaching the final map, will have a goal in itself. Our game mode system is being built, and we will choose ONE game mode to go per map. For instance; X-Roads will entail the Mode ‘Objective Mode’, Highway will entail the mode ‘Vehicle Team Death Match’, and so on and so forth. Eventually the player will fight his way through all maps and reach a final destination, most probably INSIDE Citadel 13. This will hopefully be the most eye-catching map if all goes as planned. Shunt, Thatamos, and Jimmeh will be choosing the mapper for this based on his/her work and commitment to the mod. Email us for more details on this assignment. When a player dies, he/she will have to wait an ‘x’ amount of time. The way this system works will be explained in full detail under “Spawning”.
2.1.2 Fast GamePlay
The player will be able to connect to a Fast GamePlay server, which is random maps from the storyline, with the same game mode set to the map as that map had in the story. It will be a fun, easy access way to get into the City.
There will be no bots IN EITHER GAME MODE. It is straight forward : Chose your team or spectate.
3. Communication
We’ve all come to a firm agreement that this will be kept on a more realistic factor. The mic, instead of having to press a key for it to pick up your voice, will automatically pick up your voice without needing a key, giving it a more realistic factor to the game. The range will be far a wide so if you yell to someone a good 50 feet away, he/she will barely hear it, but still hear it. This is still to be tested and will go through major work for we all know the possible downsides to this system (picking up music or other backgrounds that none of us want to hear) If it gets to troublesome, it will be taken out of the game completely. There will, however, be a team only button. That is to be debated but is leaning on one of the alt buttons (Possibly the left alt because it’s so close to your moving keys making it easy access)
4. Spawning
The maximum amount of people allowed in the drop ship will be 10. The players will spawn inside the drop ship (it will be pitch black so no one can see someone randomly appear). The player models will already have animations made to get the player out of the dropship. More details on this will be explained in the next update. As soon as the player touches ground, the player is again in control. To other players watching the arrival of their new comrades they will watch the bay door open and his reinforcements (10 or less at a time) come out the ship. It will be an exhilarating effect, to the player himself, and those watching gratefully as back-up arrives. The process that the player inside the drop ship being spawned is shown in the pictures above. Now I know a few of you are still a bit confused what the drop ship is going to do in all that gray space between spawning and receiving new players. Well read below to get a full analysis on it.
- There are two points that the drop ship will go to : Point A (being the main spawn zone) and Point B (where the reinforcements will be dropped off at)
- When a player is dead, he will essentially be at Point A, which will be where the drop ship will frequently be waiting at to pick up the reinforcements
- A player is essentially brought back to the game when the drop ship makes it back to Point B.
- The amount of time takes all depends on how far Paint A will be (which is usually the highest concentration of allied troops)
It’s pretty simple and the wait shouldn't’t be any longer than 20 seconds MAX. We all know how much we hated the NS spawn system when skulks would be tearing the Command Chair to pieces and it wouldn’t spawn us.
A similar system will be done with the combine except they will be inserted by train/combine dropships
A nice little backstory to go with it
…You've just been torn limb from limb by enemy fire and in the blink of an eye you awaken to find yourself in absolute darkness. Engines buzzing and metal vibrating can be heard shaking and clanking around you. Nervous voices whisper nearby and you can make out the shuffling of feet on the cold ground. You look around and the only thing you see is a red digital clock counting down from twenty, as loud computerized female voice booms out, 'Ten seconds to ETA'. Another voice speaks out to you reassuringly but sternly, “Ready up people! Let’s kick some Ass!” The noisy engines slow down as the clock reaches zero, following a thud as it reaches zero. A bright horizontal bar of white light appears in front of you and slowly expands. As your eyes adjust to the surroundings rather quickly, it is easy to now make out the others around you as well as the interior of a drop ship. “GO, GO, GO!!!” You dive down the ramp and back into the fray...
5. Coding Situation
The coding of Bomb Mode is continuing and with the release of the Multiplayer source, we should be moving faster than ever. Game modes are being taken out and added constantly to find a perfect variety. One mode added recently is called “Siege” and one that was removed recently also was called “Kill the Commisar”
Once all the Game Modes are laid, we will hopefully next work on the User Interface, which will be included here.
6. Mapping Situation
We have a few maps underway, these will be added to the main City13 map, when they are complete
Thatamos Cathedral
Furion Breakpoint
Shunt School
Darkmauler Battlefield map
Ennui (unnamed)
Nightwolf C13 X-roads
Ozzy's (unnamed)
RabidMonkey Uplink
the_Phantom Downtown
7. Modeling Situation
This could be any better right now. We have some really great progress and now we have new weapons/vehicles that are still on the drawing boards. A set of renders of our weapons that are nearly done/are done will be displayed here the more we have to show.
7.1 SA80 (Not completely modeled and hasn’t been touched skin wise)
7.2 Combine Hack
7.3 TR30
7.4 HK21e
7.5 Combine Bomb
And also, we’d like to reveal a tightly kept secret : The Commisar. He’s going to be the highest ranking combine you could ever become in a system that is still being made. More info will be revealed about this later.
8.0 Concept Situation
Concepts by Kagemeshu has been tremendous. Some are displayed below. If you, the community, would like to help us in concepts or spread our name with concepts, that would be greatly appreciated. Here are a few from our very own.
9.0 Vehicles
All the HL2 vehicles will be featured, and hopefully the unplayable will become playable. We will hopefully include Striders. We will also create new ones such as 3 man buggies and for one of our new upcoming game modes : Tanks. We now have got our drop ship in it’s final stages of completion, which we are very pleased about.
10.0 Mp3 System
Although we have music for the mod, we have been asked to make an mp3 system. It will be displayed in the GUI during gameplay (just like when winamp is like this)
It will be displayed at the top of the screen and the player will be able to press a certain button to edit the play list, skip track so on.
And finally, the Class System, this is a bit outdated but this is what the Classes per team will be
11.0 Classes
Classes are organized in a simple but uncommon way. Each team has several player models which are earned by performance. Each model has the same attributes (like CS, they only look different). Each person has a certain amount of slots, and each weapon and item takes up a certain amount of slots. The more slots you have filled, the slower you move but the more formidable you are.
Slot numbers: 300 for each person on both teams
This class system should be a little more effective than most systems. I can tell you now, we wont have any Civil Protection or light soldiers running around with rocket launchers.
12.0 Weapons
Ammo starts out as a set number. You can't buy any more than the default amount but you can pick it up off of dead bodies. For switching weapons from those on dead bodies, you free up enough slots by dropping your current weapons and then run over theirs.
12.1 Weapons - Combine
-- Combine Sniper Rifle - 200 slots
-- Combine Rocket Launcher - 200 slots
-- Dual Pitbuls - 210 slots
-- Pitbuls – 50 slots
-- OICW - 200 slots
-- Overwatch Pulse Rifle - 150 slots
-- Pistol - 40 slots
-- Magnum - 100 slots
-- TR30 – 160 slots
-- Shotgun - 130 slots
-- Grenade - 25 slots
-- Body Armor - 50 slots
-- Stun stick - 50 slots
-- Default Melee (using the butts of weapons) 0 slots
12.2 Weapons - Human
-- DSR-1 - 250 slots
-- SSG3000 – 200 slots
-- RPG - 200 slots
-- FN SCAR – 200 slots
-- AK75u – 150 slots
-- Dual PP2000’s - 150 slots
-- FN P90 – 100 slots
-- Hk.53 – 100slots
-- SA80 – 200 slots
-- Overwatch Pulse Rifle - 150 slots
-- Mk.23 - 40 slots
-- Sig Pro - 40 slots
-- FN TPS 12 Gauge - 130 slots
-- Remington 870MCS 150 slots
-- Sticky Nade – 30 slots
-- Grenade - 25 slots
-- Body Armor - 50 slots
-- Knife 10 slots
-- Default Melee (using the butts of weapons) 0 slots
City13 - A Resistance member’s point of view of the invasion
The year is 2002 and this City still had a name…..In the streets of City13, there was talk of news. No one knew if it would have been good or bad at the time, all anyone could do was wait, and hope; Maybe it would be something useful. Then the World and I heard one story, the most important news story ever to affect man kind.
The anchorman was looking off camera as he spoke, “Could this be it? The end of all life…” He looked forward in surprise- “Oh! Excuse me, I uh, did not realize we were on the air,” He whipped his sweaty forehead and collected papers together, “As I’m sure you are aware, all around the world there have been storms. These horribly destructive storms, unfortunately, are far worse than anyone could have imagined. These storms which are referred to as ‘Portal storms’, have been transferring an unknown energy force.” My set flickered once. “It is believed, no, confirmed that it is a resulting attack from a life force seeking out one thing. Our-“
There was a click and the television cut out, another storm had begun. My lights dimmed and I heard an abrupt knock at he front door of my house. I got up slowly and looked at it, “Y…Yes?” My voice cracked. Suddenly a man dressed in a bloodstained military uniform burst through screaming, “They’re here! They’re here! Run! Follow me!” I didn’t think- I just ran out following this stranger and thought to myself, two hours ago everything was normal. The mountain range was beautiful, and the city was its normal self. But now all at once, the landscape was filled with what looked like an army; but that was not the most disturbing thing… As my eyes drifted back to the city I was leaving, I saw something incredible- A massive, black obelisk had appeared from no where and its height was
something I’d never seen before. It seemed to pierce the skyline. Lost in this sight, I barely heard the man call out to me, “Over here! We don’t have the time!” I started to run, trying to follow, but I lost him in a crowd of panicked people in front of me. They too were trying to save themselves. I felt a sharp, tingly pain in my legs and all at once I just crumpled to the ground. There was nothing I could do. Perhaps my legs cramped or maybe it was something more that happened, but I was soon knocked out by the trampling feet of others.
“Wake up, we’re here,” A voice prompted. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room with no character, a prison cell- It had rusted metal walls and a steel door. Standing above me was the same man that crashed into my house, “You were knocked out. Everyone was trampling all over you, but it’s over now.” I slowly sat up, “Where am I?” He looked sideways at the wall, “You’re at your home for the next few years.” I looked down, swallowed hard and rubbed a hand over my face- “What…?” The tone of my own voice was a bit awkward. I could feel fear and wonder in my stomach. Why not, considering I had no idea where I was. “Let me show you around, then I’ll explain everything to you. By the way, call me John,” This guy seemed oddly hospitable. He led me out the room and to what looked like a large aircraft bunker. It was filled with weapons, a number of vehicles (Each fitted with weapons themselves), and dozens of trucks and tanks. At the very end of this bunker I could make out what seemed to be drop-ships. “What is this place?” I asked John…
[ John explains Black Mesa, combine attack on earth, 7 hour war so on(can be found here)]
“…As you can see, our planet is now being controlled by this ‘race’. When the Portal Storms began, my people started to collect resources and what you see is all we have. We are currently three miles under a mountain and this seems to be the only base the Combine haven’t discovered. So for now, any traveling into the City are Their slaves.”
Two years later
Life was tense and thankfully our base remained hidden. However, it had been so close to being discovered that we desperately needed to strike back at the Combine. It was crucial to hit them when they were at their lowest-
I had just woken up when it happened; I was currently living in a bunker, sharing the same room with about twenty others. We were exchanging thoughts when John burst through the door with some of the most important news anyone had heard in a long time. “Gordon Freeman has returned and it is now our time to strike! I have just received news that he has risen up with the Resistance and destroyed the main Citadel in the 17th Zone, along with Breen. The Combine have no leader on earth now! They are all in panic and confusion. Come to the briefing room, our first strike is about to begin,”
2. Game Modes
- Bomb
- SIege
- Objective Mode (Unknown if we will include, depends on the User Interface and coding situation)
- Vehicle Death Match
2.1 Main Game Modes
2.1.1 Story Driven
We have a basic map of City13, which will be continuously modified as new maps are made. We will release a final version of it when we are satisfied we have a large enough game. The player, be it Combine or Resistance, will connect to a server that has just begun, when they connect, the opening FMV will come on, it will be in .bsp format. After this has finished, the engine will load the first map. We will decide this first map from our main City 13 layout and possibly : popular demand. If (emphasis on if) we don’t have a starter map decided through popular demand, the first map will be the one furthest away from the City. Each map, although following the main goal of reaching the final map, will have a goal in itself. Our game mode system is being built, and we will choose ONE game mode to go per map. For instance; X-Roads will entail the Mode ‘Objective Mode’, Highway will entail the mode ‘Vehicle Team Death Match’, and so on and so forth. Eventually the player will fight his way through all maps and reach a final destination, most probably INSIDE Citadel 13. This will hopefully be the most eye-catching map if all goes as planned. Shunt, Thatamos, and Jimmeh will be choosing the mapper for this based on his/her work and commitment to the mod. Email us for more details on this assignment. When a player dies, he/she will have to wait an ‘x’ amount of time. The way this system works will be explained in full detail under “Spawning”.
2.1.2 Fast GamePlay
The player will be able to connect to a Fast GamePlay server, which is random maps from the storyline, with the same game mode set to the map as that map had in the story. It will be a fun, easy access way to get into the City.
There will be no bots IN EITHER GAME MODE. It is straight forward : Chose your team or spectate.
3. Communication
We’ve all come to a firm agreement that this will be kept on a more realistic factor. The mic, instead of having to press a key for it to pick up your voice, will automatically pick up your voice without needing a key, giving it a more realistic factor to the game. The range will be far a wide so if you yell to someone a good 50 feet away, he/she will barely hear it, but still hear it. This is still to be tested and will go through major work for we all know the possible downsides to this system (picking up music or other backgrounds that none of us want to hear) If it gets to troublesome, it will be taken out of the game completely. There will, however, be a team only button. That is to be debated but is leaning on one of the alt buttons (Possibly the left alt because it’s so close to your moving keys making it easy access)
4. Spawning
The maximum amount of people allowed in the drop ship will be 10. The players will spawn inside the drop ship (it will be pitch black so no one can see someone randomly appear). The player models will already have animations made to get the player out of the dropship. More details on this will be explained in the next update. As soon as the player touches ground, the player is again in control. To other players watching the arrival of their new comrades they will watch the bay door open and his reinforcements (10 or less at a time) come out the ship. It will be an exhilarating effect, to the player himself, and those watching gratefully as back-up arrives. The process that the player inside the drop ship being spawned is shown in the pictures above. Now I know a few of you are still a bit confused what the drop ship is going to do in all that gray space between spawning and receiving new players. Well read below to get a full analysis on it.
- There are two points that the drop ship will go to : Point A (being the main spawn zone) and Point B (where the reinforcements will be dropped off at)
- When a player is dead, he will essentially be at Point A, which will be where the drop ship will frequently be waiting at to pick up the reinforcements
- A player is essentially brought back to the game when the drop ship makes it back to Point B.
- The amount of time takes all depends on how far Paint A will be (which is usually the highest concentration of allied troops)
It’s pretty simple and the wait shouldn't’t be any longer than 20 seconds MAX. We all know how much we hated the NS spawn system when skulks would be tearing the Command Chair to pieces and it wouldn’t spawn us.
A similar system will be done with the combine except they will be inserted by train/combine dropships
A nice little backstory to go with it
…You've just been torn limb from limb by enemy fire and in the blink of an eye you awaken to find yourself in absolute darkness. Engines buzzing and metal vibrating can be heard shaking and clanking around you. Nervous voices whisper nearby and you can make out the shuffling of feet on the cold ground. You look around and the only thing you see is a red digital clock counting down from twenty, as loud computerized female voice booms out, 'Ten seconds to ETA'. Another voice speaks out to you reassuringly but sternly, “Ready up people! Let’s kick some Ass!” The noisy engines slow down as the clock reaches zero, following a thud as it reaches zero. A bright horizontal bar of white light appears in front of you and slowly expands. As your eyes adjust to the surroundings rather quickly, it is easy to now make out the others around you as well as the interior of a drop ship. “GO, GO, GO!!!” You dive down the ramp and back into the fray...
5. Coding Situation
The coding of Bomb Mode is continuing and with the release of the Multiplayer source, we should be moving faster than ever. Game modes are being taken out and added constantly to find a perfect variety. One mode added recently is called “Siege” and one that was removed recently also was called “Kill the Commisar”
Once all the Game Modes are laid, we will hopefully next work on the User Interface, which will be included here.
6. Mapping Situation
We have a few maps underway, these will be added to the main City13 map, when they are complete
Thatamos Cathedral
Furion Breakpoint
Shunt School
Darkmauler Battlefield map
Ennui (unnamed)
Nightwolf C13 X-roads
Ozzy's (unnamed)
RabidMonkey Uplink
the_Phantom Downtown
7. Modeling Situation
This could be any better right now. We have some really great progress and now we have new weapons/vehicles that are still on the drawing boards. A set of renders of our weapons that are nearly done/are done will be displayed here the more we have to show.
7.1 SA80 (Not completely modeled and hasn’t been touched skin wise)
7.2 Combine Hack
7.3 TR30
7.4 HK21e
7.5 Combine Bomb
And also, we’d like to reveal a tightly kept secret : The Commisar. He’s going to be the highest ranking combine you could ever become in a system that is still being made. More info will be revealed about this later.
8.0 Concept Situation
Concepts by Kagemeshu has been tremendous. Some are displayed below. If you, the community, would like to help us in concepts or spread our name with concepts, that would be greatly appreciated. Here are a few from our very own.
9.0 Vehicles
All the HL2 vehicles will be featured, and hopefully the unplayable will become playable. We will hopefully include Striders. We will also create new ones such as 3 man buggies and for one of our new upcoming game modes : Tanks. We now have got our drop ship in it’s final stages of completion, which we are very pleased about.
10.0 Mp3 System
Although we have music for the mod, we have been asked to make an mp3 system. It will be displayed in the GUI during gameplay (just like when winamp is like this)

It will be displayed at the top of the screen and the player will be able to press a certain button to edit the play list, skip track so on.
And finally, the Class System, this is a bit outdated but this is what the Classes per team will be
11.0 Classes
Classes are organized in a simple but uncommon way. Each team has several player models which are earned by performance. Each model has the same attributes (like CS, they only look different). Each person has a certain amount of slots, and each weapon and item takes up a certain amount of slots. The more slots you have filled, the slower you move but the more formidable you are.
Slot numbers: 300 for each person on both teams
This class system should be a little more effective than most systems. I can tell you now, we wont have any Civil Protection or light soldiers running around with rocket launchers.
12.0 Weapons
Ammo starts out as a set number. You can't buy any more than the default amount but you can pick it up off of dead bodies. For switching weapons from those on dead bodies, you free up enough slots by dropping your current weapons and then run over theirs.
12.1 Weapons - Combine
-- Combine Sniper Rifle - 200 slots
-- Combine Rocket Launcher - 200 slots
-- Dual Pitbuls - 210 slots
-- Pitbuls – 50 slots
-- OICW - 200 slots
-- Overwatch Pulse Rifle - 150 slots
-- Pistol - 40 slots
-- Magnum - 100 slots
-- TR30 – 160 slots
-- Shotgun - 130 slots
-- Grenade - 25 slots
-- Body Armor - 50 slots
-- Stun stick - 50 slots
-- Default Melee (using the butts of weapons) 0 slots
12.2 Weapons - Human
-- DSR-1 - 250 slots
-- SSG3000 – 200 slots
-- RPG - 200 slots
-- FN SCAR – 200 slots
-- AK75u – 150 slots
-- Dual PP2000’s - 150 slots
-- FN P90 – 100 slots
-- Hk.53 – 100slots
-- SA80 – 200 slots
-- Overwatch Pulse Rifle - 150 slots
-- Mk.23 - 40 slots
-- Sig Pro - 40 slots
-- FN TPS 12 Gauge - 130 slots
-- Remington 870MCS 150 slots
-- Sticky Nade – 30 slots
-- Grenade - 25 slots
-- Body Armor - 50 slots
-- Knife 10 slots
-- Default Melee (using the butts of weapons) 0 slots