City 17 Citadel


Apr 6, 2005
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Hi, Ive played halfife 2 for a while and Ive always had a question: Why is the citadel slowly destroying the city? Like in anti-citizen one after dog ditches you on the transport. I just found it odd is all. Sorry if this has already been posted
No-one is entirly sure. The main theory is that it is gathering resources.
not sure at all, but i think it has something to do with the Dark Fusion Reactor inside the Citadel that you blow up at the end of HL2

I'm thinking that the Citadel was destroying the city by eating away at it so that it would have enough energy to dig down into the Earth's centre. At the Earth's centre the Citadel would have a raw supply of energy to do with as the combine saw fit. maybe to power the DFR at a higher level allowing portals to stay open longer or extend forther or sumthing.,,,
It didn't seem to happen until later in the game. I think they're doing it to crush the resistance?
Its eating up the city. Eventually, all the citadels in the world would connect I guess creating a world "combinated".
DeusExMachinia said:
Its eating up the city. Eventually, all the citadels in the world would connect I guess creating a world "combinated".
And that's why they drain the oceans? So they could connect? That kinda make sense. I dont think this is true though.
DeusExMachinia said:
Its eating up the city. Eventually, all the citadels in the world would connect I guess creating a world "combinated".

I very much doubt thats the case.

If it weren't for the resistance, I'm almost certain the citadel wouldn't have gone about tearing down the city...or at least not until all the humans had been taken to the combine universe.

It is simply trying to stop the resistance from reaching the Citadel.

In Nova Prospekt when you see it, it is tearing down parts of the old prison to make way for more processing labs.
The only thing that matters now is that it all doesn't matter, because the Citadel is gonna blow up. Sit back and enjoy Aftermath#
/me goes on the time machine and goes to September 2046
Aftermath has just come out!
bat_lyubo said:
The only thing that matters now is that it all doesn't matter, because the Citadel is gonna blow up. Sit back and enjoy Aftermath#
/me goes on the time machine and goes to September 2046
Aftermath has just come out!
LOL, /me goes to year 20006, HL3 has just been delayed.
/me goes to 3006
the Combine are taking over the Earth and we cannot wait for HL3 anymore. Time to taste the real action