interviews Gabe Newell


May 14, 2003
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0 has interviewed Gabe Newell, CEO of Valve Software. Their interview covers things from the origin of the Half-Life name, to the all-important question of when the game will be out. He gave the following troubling response:
Storm: Finally, the most important question out of all of these. Can you please tell us why you aren't able to comment when any question about the release date comes up?

Gabe Newell: (No comment)
Check out the interview here.

Thanks to switch for pointing this out.
Storm: Will we have any control over the demos, things like the ability to rewind and fastfoward, slow motion?
Gabe Newell: Yep. Plus camera control and so on.
that sounds fun...:dozey:
Weeeee! I love this part:

If you want everything turned on, running 32-bit 1280x1024? Hmm. I'd think you would run about 40 FPS with a 9700 Pro and a P-IV 2 GHz.

Given the scalability of many different parts of the system, you have to add a quality dimension and target frame rate.
i think the no comment reply to all the "will it be on time" type questions is because they probably really dont know, they are prob worried bout a potential bug or two that could throw them back, a flaw in design found, possibly some people getting sick and cant work ,etc,

they are prob gonna try thier best to make Sept 30th, (wich really means they should finish two weeks prior if they wanna ship that and it be in stores by Sept 30th) but they prob simply dont know if they will make it, and in my opinoin Valve has always been a modest game company, and especially since thier current release track record is hoorid (every game ever off sched, but they are good games) they dont want to make it any worse ;-)
Read the question closely and consider the response. See? :D
Actually, the article DOESN'T say "no comment" there was just.... no comment. :)
So does that mean he just logged off? would he do this in real life?! sitting in front of the interviewer:

"Can you comment on the release date?"

*Gabe newell gets up and leaves hastily.
lol :D
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
So does that mean he just logged off? would he do this in real life?! sitting in front of the interviewer:

"Can you comment on the release date?"

*Gabe newell gets up and leaves hastily.
lol :D
LOL, no it just means that the answer to the question:
"Can you tell us why you cant comment on this?" is "No comment".
Its hilarious really. We see it in nearly every mail in the valve mail thread, its not THAT surprising :)
Originally posted by Frank
Weeeee! I love this part:

If you want everything turned on, running 32-bit 1280x1024? Hmm. I'd think you would run about 40 FPS with a 9700 Pro and a P-IV 2 GHz.

Given the scalability of many different parts of the system, you have to add a quality dimension and target frame rate.

That was indeed good news to hear, wasn't it?. I just hope he'd be right though.:cool:
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
So does that mean he just logged off? would he do this in real life?! sitting in front of the interviewer:

"Can you comment on the release date?"

*Gabe newell gets up and leaves hastily.
lol :D

LOL :laugh:

...but please, no delay.
if there will be no delay anouncement until the beginning of sept., i'm confident. two weeks to go until it's gold. then.. there will be no big problems anymore.. i think.
I heard that it's supposed to go gold at 13th sept. We all know that 13 is a bad number.
So if it goes gold that date (which I hope) I will be going around and beeing generally happy, cos I know HL2 is soon on my harddrive :-D

The downside with HL2 is that I'm prolly gonna get sick and fall over dead, cos I'm gonan forget to eat or breathe..
