City 8 Project - Paid Work - Mapper Needed ASAP!



(I just realised I put paid "Word" instead of Work in the title. And now I cant edit it....)

I am the owner and head admin of Garrys Mod Roleplay Community -

We're the largest and longest standing Serious Roleplay community based around the Half Life 2 Scenario, we run 5-6 servers and have a playerbase of around 2500 people, carrying around 80 active users on average at any one time.

I come to the mapping forum with a job we have been planning for some time now. We are prepared to pay for a high-quality Roleplay map, with pre-production and custom textures already completed.

Our project is a Combine-Controlled City based on Tokyo, known as "City 8", inspired by several custom models by JBarnes. We have already prepared textures, custom skins for every division of the Combine military and metropolice, plus also the Resistance and citizens. We are looking to totally overhaul the Half Life 2 City 17 image to a Japanese concept.

Due to certain issues, our previous mappers have been able to meet deadlines, so we decided to go public and make this a contract-style offer to anyone available. Anyone who wishes to take the offer will need to have the following attributes -

1# An In-depth knowledge of Half Life 2 storyline and canon. We provide serious Roleplay in which the games backstory and themes can be explored in-depth, and it requires a setting that inspires such gameplay.

2# An understanding of how Garrysmod Roleplay maps work, both thereotically and in practice on the servers. If you havnt seen our Roleplay, we can bring you on the servers, show you around, and show you exactly what we need in terms of design and function.

3# Be able to work to a (reasonable) deadline. We have been waiting for people over the last 2 months and nothing has been done, thus bringing a halt to our storyline schedule and what we have planned. Its all for discussion at current.

Obviously im open to discussion, we just want this map done ASAP, and we are deadly serious about it. This is NOT a job which will crumble in a few months time due to a failing community or project. It is live, current, and waiting for someone decent to come in and take the offer.

Payment is still undecided, but I figured around $100 for map is fair considering some people would do it for free (if only they would get around to it). Im open to discussion on this front. My main concern is getting a quality map, not how we get there.

Ill post some design pictures, and some examples of the kind of Roleplay we provide in our servers.
Texture work and Custom City 8 Skins already completed.

Examples of Roleplay in our servers, including Combine Civil Protection training and Episode-2 style resistance bases in the outlands. (All models are real people, no NPCs or posed ragdolls).

Citizens waiting for ration distribution

A division of Metropolice being inspected by their commander.


During a riot, Metropolice using shields to advance

Group photo of a Resistance faction

Rebels smuggling refugees to a coastal camp

Vortigaunts Ressurecting a fallen female resistance fighter.
I'd love to help for free. I haven't got Garrys mod yet but that role playing stuff looks really neat. I'm pretty proficient in Hammer 4.0 and I've worked on DoD:s maps and messed around with HL2 maps. I've got plenty of time to help so contact me on steam as |BKC| ~all the aces~
What kind of god is your server that they can get that many serious RPers in one place?
Its a Garrysmod Half life 2 roleplay server. Server is 45 slots and we have 4 servers. The website is if you'd like to check us out.
Is that Japanese script just a bunch of gibberish? I see a ton of katakana but I can't figure out what any of it means.
Mostly jibberish at this point. I dont speak any Japanese, but I know two translators who can help with the final stuff if needs be. My main concern isnt really what it says, just the visual relevance at this point.
I'd like to emphesise this is payed work, someone out there must be looking to make some quick cash.
the thing is for 100$ you may be limiting yourself.. I'd either offer much more or nothing at all
The word is paid (unless you're referring to a very specific nautical term to do with ropes!)

Anyway the mod looks really nice. GL with it.
The word is paid (unless you're referring to a very specific nautical term to do with ropes!)

Anyway the mod looks really nice. GL with it.

I was referring to the latter actually.

Nah, you've got me there. :)
I'd love to help, really I would - but I can't map for toffee. I will, however, keep an eye on this project... It interests me strangely
I'd love to help, really I would - but I can't map for toffee. I will, however, keep an eye on this project... It interests me strangely
I think it's because it's weird and exciting to imagine a whole HL2 world populated by player citizens and combine.
I'm not really into roleplay, but it looks like you've got some solid talent there. Best of luck. =)
Well, as said with the cash incentive, we're open about it. If we need to pay more we will, although I wouldnt say we're rich exactly. We receive donations every day, and I'd love to see it go towards something can actually benefit the players and their unique roleplay experiance, rather than just maintainance and server rent.

Also, thanks for editing the title :p

If any mappers ARE interested, It'd be good to see examples of your work first.
Oh and also, can anyone point me towards other forums or specific places which could be luckily swarming with eager mappers?
i might be interested in giving this a go. never seen or tried gmod roleplaying and stuff like that, but might be interested in giving this a go.

my most recent mapping background is that i'm mod leader of Dragonball Source and have made many maps for the mod which is in the main release. The mapping style is probably a little different than which is in my mod, but i'm fully capable of making the map type you wish. i'm current mapping some tf2 maps in my own free time, and in the past i've mapped for a few HL1 mods and made TFC maps which have featured in a league or two, back in the days of TFC

my steam community page is and can add me to steam friends. i pretty much leave steam on 24/7 so can leave me a message if i'm not around or ingame etc and i'll get back to u. Or can email me at nagash-sama@(((hotmail))) ... remove the brackets obviously.
Oh and also, can anyone point me towards other forums or specific places which could be luckily swarming with eager mappers? and Interlopers are both worth a look if you haven't hit them already.
Goddamn right he did.

What's going on with your idea Crispybear? I just wrapped up my summer semester of college so my free time opened up a bit.
Ive tried on Mapcore, not much interest there so far...

Thanks for the help btw guys
The non-vocal members of Mapcore and Interlopers may show interest with time.

Also, if you don't have a mod profile, make one and post some news linking to your site and make sure your help wanted announcement is visible. Sometimes you can get some surprisingly good talent from there, although I'd say the other two suggestions are more surefire.
I'll go ahead and make the MODDB profile.

A lot of people seem to be showing interest, but little really have the actual interest to make it for us. Im getting to that desperation stage... :O

Im feeling inclined to wave more money around in the air, but Im not sure if that is the problem anyway. I'll keep scouting anyway :p
I'd wave money around in the air for you. Hell, I'd ven make the map if you gave me a year of sundays to learn how.
Yeah, generally waving money at modders is like a red flag for opportunists instead of dedicated purists. Is there nobody in your community who you could bring on? Passion goes a long way in modding...
I hate to be another one of those who love to help out but can't for whatever reason (time being my worst enemy, need to map for Decadence). I did however buy Gmod just so I could try this out and it's pretty darn good. Great job with the servers!
Davebrown, i like the look of your project, it looks unique for a HL2 single player normal mod.

But a bit of advice, water mark those textures you previewed, there alot of thieving to had.

Good luck with the project.
you know I have a map I made of shinjuku I made (the brushwork and very little texturing is complete). I could probably donate it if you could find someone to finish it.

If you're interested I can dig up some screenshots and post them here.