CITY-MACHINE Project Recruiting now!

  • Thread starter Thread starter JunctionAngel
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Hey people. I’m JunctionAngel. I’ve been searching around for people that could possibly make a team together, a team that would create an incredible modification for gamers. I’ve been constantly writing a design document day and day out for the Source Engine, hopefully wishing it would some day actually be something more than just mere ideas. Heres the document: Here! So I’ve come forth to several websites and have asked anyone to spend time reading either what I have written here, or what I’ve written so far in my Design Document. Here’s a brief explanation of what the storyline is about to get you interested:

It is the future, in a dystopian city without a name. A terrorist army has taken over a facility complex, and a few scientists hostage. A military unit named X1 has been sent to the facility complex to rescue the scientists, eliminate every terrorist soldier and capture the lead terrorist.

The unit soldier named Preston is dragged into a strange conspiracy based on the city with no name, the terrorists and the scientists. Preston soon learns the truth behind everything that he stands for, and believes he must reveal the truth in front of the human population before the terrorists destroy what had built the truth to begin with. It is a race against time.

Is it just a city machine? Or is it something else?

I’m searching for people to work with and build a team. I want to employ a few to start with:

- A lead programmer. In control of every aspect of programming, and in control of bringing 3d Models, Animation files and everything else into the 3D world.

- A 3D modeler. In control of all 3D models. With the ability to create great looking human models, as well as props and weapon models.

- An animator. In control of the animation. With the ability of creating great, realistic animation for small props, or large human characters. (and perhaps knowledge on how to use FacePoser)

- A map editor. In charge of building maps and creating the scenery within the 3D world using Hammer.

- A concept artist and designer in general. In control of all design aspects. Character sketches, model sketches, menu images, etc. (and perhaps a texture designer)

Anyone else I’ve missed out, I will most likely employ them to join the group.

As for me, I’ll be doing a number of things. I just want to notify, I will be doing my best to do as much work as the other team members. If the team starts working on something, I'll be advertising, writing, prop modeling, sketching, employing, and small level editing. I don’t wish to be a giant leader that demands everyone what to do; I don't wish to be the story guy who makes the story all by himself while everyone else does the dirty work. Everyone in the group will have their own input. If a website is launched; I will design it, I have resources for a website. I will also help the converting of SMD files and Texture files.

I’ll also be creating lots of scripted sequences. Sadly, I don’t have anything to show except some not-so great sketches I’ve done in the past. Lately, I haven’t been sketching. Other things I have are modeling, but I’m not the most fantastic modeler, so I think I could be at use for prop models. Here are a few things I’ve done in the past: Heres something I drew a long time ago. I'll post more in a few hours.

If things start up perfectly, I’ll see if anybody wants to work on my idea, and if not, we’ll move to another idea. Once the team is together, I’ll extensively work with the coder, since he is the one that brings everything closer together. Without the programmer, the modification could possibly go no where. If the programmer is stuck, I’ll try to help as much as I can. I’ll work with the artists and designers too, chipping in some of my ideas with their ideas.

As I said, this is a pure team without restrictions of creative control. The team can please themselves by putting in as much writing they wish, or add in a few characters, as long as the ideas are agreed among other members as well.

If you’ve liked what I've said, or if you've enjoyed my Design Document. Then please contact me on [email protected] or post on this thread here informing me of your interest. If the modification takes off, communication will most likely be through a messenger of any choice.

Thanks for your time. See you soon

Hmmm!!! the plot seems to be promising. Is the post for mapper still open ;).
The position is still open, though I'm still trying to find some more people. If you want, we can talk over the internet. It'll give us the chance to chat and so on. My address is at the top. If you're lazy to look at the top, the address is [email protected]