Civil unrest in Georgia quelled by CP's/Combine?


Oct 17, 2007
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I apologize if it seems insensitive to a bad situation or if anyone's picked up on this before, but I can't help notice the striking similarity between the so called 'Georgian' authorities and the Civil Protection personnel in Half Life 2. Kind of ironic really

Jesus they look like twats with those helmets though...
WTF, that just looks silly. How are they gonna give any respect if they look like that?
wtf is happening in georga...I'm so out of the loop lol..
hahah, RJMC.... man, those masks are cool though.

They need to make a gasmask/helmet combination so it doesn't look so stupid/uncomfortable though.
All I hear in my head as I read this thread is the womens voice ,who you hear during HL2, saying "Civil Protection..." over and over.

WTF, that just looks silly. How are they gonna give any respect if they look like that?

I imagine you wouldn't be laughing if they were walking towards you in phalanx formation with batons and guns loaded with rubber ammunition. As a matter of fact, I think you'd be scared as hell. Utility > appearance in this situation.
I imagine you wouldn't be laughing if they were walking towards you in phalanx formation with batons and guns loaded with rubber ammunition. As a matter of fact, I think you'd be scared as hell. Utility > appearance in this situation.

I have a feeling I would still laugh. If I find something funny, I always laugh, no matter the circumstance. I cant even help it. When I was a kid and my parents would yell at me, I would find it really funny for some reason, and I always started laughing while they scream at me and get more pissed off. I was once even rendered defenseless because I was laughing so hard at my brother, and he proceeded to punch and kick the hell outta me, but I was laughing so hard the entire time.

So yeah, I'd be laughing if I saw a phalanx formation made up out of guys with silly masks, even if they were shooting me with rubber bullets.
WTF are these, mickey mouse gas masks?