Civilization 3. ARGH!


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I *HATE* this ****ing game. Call me a noob if you want, but I happen to be pretty ****ing good at strategy games. Age of empires, warcraft, rome total war. You name it. But I can't seem to get ANYWHERE in civilization.

Do the computers cheat? Because I was doing well for a while, but once war was declared, I don't know what ****ing happened. I'm fighting one, count em, one civilization that has about 20 cities... beats me in just about every battle even if i'm fortified and in a keep thingy... WITH units that have less attack than my defense...

And now... i've been counting their armies... and they have about 80 armies that I can SEE. Take note, thats what I can SEE. Their empire sprawls huge lengths behind the fog of war.

I also have trebuchets and catapults, but these things are utterly, UTTERLY useless it seems. I took 10 catapults/trebuchets, and used them on a city. 2 of them hit, and each one that hit took one health off of an enemy unit. These cities are defended by about 10 units each. I spent a total of 2 hours taking one tiny little city that they recently developed. How is it that this game is so ****ing hard, and the AI is so advanced, when its on easy mode? I mean come on, something seems fishing here.

Just cause i'm pissed, i'll say it again. ****ING GAME!
That's the worst, getting pwnd by the game AI.
I dunno, I can beat them so easily on easy mode, but the next difficulty level up, they are totally aggressive. The only advice I can offer is spread your empire out as much as possible, linking all the roads up, try to drive production through the roof. Try and dominate the resources, so you can use them as trading tools.

Also, what form of government do you have compared to your competitors? Early on in the game, I would recommend a republic.

Maybe your defences aren't good enough because of your tech tree?

There's a lot of information needed to see what's going wrong for you. Perhaps a savegame file will assist?
One more problem. Why the **** does my military adviser keep butting in when I try to negotiate peace? it wont let me say nevermind. it FORCES me to wage war against a neutral because I cant close it out. I don't get it
That's never happened to me... I don't understand how it forces you to wage war?

Have you tried installing a patch?
kirovman said:
That's never happened to me... I don't understand how it forces you to wage war?

Have you tried installing a patch?

Well it forces me to war by this. I renegotiate peace with a nation. I ask them what they would like for peace. I say nevermind, and the advisor pops up and says we should wage war with them. I say no, we should respect our neighbors, and say nevermind again. Again, the advisor pops up. Nothing I can click will quit out the negotiation window. Nothing that is, unless when the military advisor pops up, I declare war on the person I was trying to negotiate peace with.

Sounds like they coded 1337 George Dubbuya Bush AI into their advisors!
ive had that happen to me, want is happening is that the enemy still has guys on your land and you have to give more in the peace talks than nevermind.
Revisedsoul said:
ive had that happen to me, want is happening is that the enemy still has guys on your land and you have to give more in the peace talks than nevermind.

But what if I dont care that the enemy has units in my lands? I dont want to wage war or spend outrageous amounts of money(all they ask) for it.
I have Civilization: Call to Power and 3 and have only beaten them it once each.

Its really hard.
I don't think I had the military advisor popup? It's usually a direct meeting with their leader, and you can choose peace treaty, or surrender now(if you're destroying them totally), or we will continue to wage war.

Is the popup guy complaining about you having troops on his territory?

What is the exact dialogue?
You are not stupid, the civilization games are really hard. I have never ever won one of them by military conquest.
I've won a few times, through diplomacy, conquest, culture and space race, but only on easy difficulty. The difficulty curve is sharp when you go onto the second difficulty level...and there are FIVE difficulty levels.

I think I once used a trainer on maximum difficulty to get something like infinite gold, and they still were tough (gold isn't the answer to every problem when you're a despot, maybe it is when you're a democracy).

But I've heard Civ 4 will depend a lot more on diplomacy rather than conquest (even though conquest will still form a main part of the game). So I'm looking forward to it.
Raziaar said:
I *HATE* this ****ing game. Call me a noob if you want, but I happen to be pretty ****ing good at strategy games. Age of empires, warcraft, rome total war. You name it. But I can't seem to get ANYWHERE in civilization.

Do the computers cheat? Because I was doing well for a while, but once war was declared, I don't know what ****ing happened. I'm fighting one, count em, one civilization that has about 20 cities... beats me in just about every battle even if i'm fortified and in a keep thingy... WITH units that have less attack than my defense...

And now... i've been counting their armies... and they have about 80 armies that I can SEE. Take note, thats what I can SEE. Their empire sprawls huge lengths behind the fog of war.

I also have trebuchets and catapults, but these things are utterly, UTTERLY useless it seems. I took 10 catapults/trebuchets, and used them on a city. 2 of them hit, and each one that hit took one health off of an enemy unit. These cities are defended by about 10 units each. I spent a total of 2 hours taking one tiny little city that they recently developed. How is it that this game is so ****ing hard, and the AI is so advanced, when its on easy mode? I mean come on, something seems fishing here.

Just cause i'm pissed, i'll say it again. ****ING GAME!
Moral of this story: War is bad!

What you do is... make friends with them all, build up a huge army, THEN destroy them.

I think I'm going to re-install this now. I'm in the mood.
Damn you Razaair, I've just wasted 2 hours playing Civ 3, it felt like 5 minutes!
the best thing about civ3 is that the combat is totally random, so you can always save before big fights and then reload if it turns out badly :)
Raziaar said:
I *HATE* this ****ing game. Call me a noob if you want, but I happen to be pretty ****ing good at strategy games. Age of empires, warcraft, rome total war. You name it. But I can't seem to get ANYWHERE in civilization.

Do the computers cheat? Because I was doing well for a while, but once war was declared, I don't know what ****ing happened. I'm fighting one, count em, one civilization that has about 20 cities... beats me in just about every battle even if i'm fortified and in a keep thingy... WITH units that have less attack than my defense...

And now... i've been counting their armies... and they have about 80 armies that I can SEE. Take note, thats what I can SEE. Their empire sprawls huge lengths behind the fog of war.

I also have trebuchets and catapults, but these things are utterly, UTTERLY useless it seems. I took 10 catapults/trebuchets, and used them on a city. 2 of them hit, and each one that hit took one health off of an enemy unit. These cities are defended by about 10 units each. I spent a total of 2 hours taking one tiny little city that they recently developed. How is it that this game is so ****ing hard, and the AI is so advanced, when its on easy mode? I mean come on, something seems fishing here.

Just cause i'm pissed, i'll say it again. ****ING GAME!

What difficulty where you playing, because the last I checked, the AI didn't PWN me.

Have you got a warez copy?
HatRabit said:
the best thing about civ3 is that the combat is totally random, so you can always save before big fights and then reload if it turns out badly :)
Aw, but that's the wimp way out. Real men don't fight until they have overwhelming military superiority and assured victory. But the next time I lose a single point of health on a PANZER TANK to a spearman, I may break my keyboard over Firaxis's collective head.
Damn you again Razaair! I'm gonna delete Civ3, I just spent 4 or 5 hours on it today :(
Its freaking hard to win. I made a custom map. THats the only way I could win.. I made it like perfect, with all the resources, and everywhere else there are TONS of barbarians.
Civ 3 is a bitch to get good at. I can generally kick most computer opponents' asses on the 4th easiest setting nowadays, I could probably win by conquest if I had the patience to actually sail to each continent and destroy them. ICBMs only go so far.
A few pointers is to build build build. If you think you have enough cities you could probably do with a few more. And also, connect all your cities with roads and build aqueducts asap. Corruption is a bitch if you get a big nation so to combat that should be a high priority as should to build mines wherever it is suitable. Lots of workers is important. And resources. Make sure to get your hands on as many luxuries as possible, it's a good and cheap way to make your people happy and one mean negotiating factor. This ties in with the first point. Once you've built a few more cities make plans to build more.
BlindTelepath said:
Aw, but that's the wimp way out. Real men don't fight until they have overwhelming military superiority and assured victory. But the next time I lose a single point of health on a PANZER TANK to a spearman, I may break my keyboard over Firaxis's collective head.
That's definately the most frustrating part of the game. Losing your grand army of 15 tanks to their one spearman on their last city because of crappy randomized fights, then having half your cities defect to them during their turn.

My advice is to research a lot. If you can be the first to have a railroad up, your set. And if you have the expansion, Statue of Zeus and Knights Templar give you a free really good unit every five turns.
My best piece of advice i think is at the start of the game, as soon as you build a city build a settler, and then after that build a worker... I don't normally have a defender in my main city for quite a while into the game and I beat it on either Monarch or the one above not sure.

So basicly you have to rapidly expand at the start of the game super fast, and then usually you can quickly take out a nation near by. Try to choose the one thats cut off from other people, so you can make your borders all Coastal and then as small as possible land border. Also make sure you have loooooads of workers, you should have mines everywhere around your inital cities by the mid 2nd era.

Also in combat, make sure you use Save/Load alot. This way you can be sure you almost never lose a battle :p (however, if you fight a battle, then lose you will still lose if you reload the game before that battle again. So it isn't a sure fire way of winning still.)
Raziaar said:
But what if I dont care that the enemy has units in my lands? I dont want to wage war or spend outrageous amounts of money(all they ask) for it.

im not sure if it was said already(too lazy) but theres an option in the peace treaty to offer rights of passage through their land