Claw of man-sized scorpion found

Article said:
The size of the beast suggests that spiders, insects, crabs and similar creatures were much larger in the past than previously thought, the team says.
Oh my God, so Sony weren't wrong when they said:
"So here's this giant enemy crab"
That's not a mansized claw :-P It's a larger than mansized scorpion.

So are those the scorpions I saw depicted on those science shows about creatures that predated dinosaurs?
Spiders were larger then humans? Oh. my. god. :(
Yeh. Back when the planet was absolutely covered in thick swamps and shit there was an incredible amount of nutrients and oxygen, so most insects grew to incredibly large sizes.

Pretty interesting, really.
Giant Enemy Scorpanox!

Sheesh, what a lovely suprise that'd be while swimming :D
Oooh... Man-sized Scorpian's claw. Not Man-sized Scorpian claw.

Was like, freakin' hell! Hate the damn things as it is without having to have nightmares about huge ones! :S
We already have eight-legged freaks. That was bad enough.
So all these fantasy games where you fight mansized or larger spiders and scorpions were actually just telling history?

Whats next, "Scientists discover a caveman's magic staff!"

"Archeologists uncover antlion skeletons"
I don't understand how something with an exoskeleton could be that large, creatures with exoskeletons are so successful because they are so small. If they were huge the exoskeleton wouldn't be able to support all the weight inside of it.

That's really amazing.
I don't understand how something with an exoskeleton could be that large, creatures with exoskeletons are so successful because they are so small. If they were huge the exoskeleton wouldn't be able to support all the weight inside of it.

That's really amazing.
I dunno, it's really just an equal step up from an Armadillo in comparison with other things like scorpions.

This huge scorpion is to it's smaller counterpart what an Armadillo is to the woodlouse.
What was really freak was the size of common dragonflies.

They were like, "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I'm huge! I could carry your head away with one leg!".
I don't understand how something with an exoskeleton could be that large, creatures with exoskeletons are so successful because they are so small. If they were huge the exoskeleton wouldn't be able to support all the weight inside of it.

That's really amazing.

...Consider it's environment, then rethink your statement.
Quick someone flip it over and attack its weakpoint for MASSIVE DAMAGE.
They'd still be around if they had built some additional pylons.
i saw a show about either these things or something very similar but they were under water scorpians and they werent lobsters and i was like "Holy bajesus!!!"
So all these fantasy games where you fight mansized or larger spiders and scorpions were actually just telling history?

Whats next, "Scientists discover a caveman's magic staff!"
Oh my god...

...Fallout takes place in the past!
Once again adding to the reasons one of my mottos is, "F*ck the deep sea."

Seriously, f*ck that place. Breeding ground for monsters.

And yeah, lots of oxygen content in the past made anthropods wtf hueg. Spiders the size of cats and stuff.
How the hell does an ant fight a scorpion anyway? That movie's bullshit.

And anty would've killed those kids and carried them off to his colony.
Oh it was a fossil. Disappointing really, I thought it belonged to a still living species

Half awesome nonetheless