claymore anyone??



being chased through a hall way and suddenly have smash through a few wooden planks, you get one of those laser beam things from HL1 and set it on the ground, you then hit the chunks of wood and position the planks so that it will throw the wood in the oppoisite direction your running, second later a combind comes running and two of his buddies are behind him, the leading combine trips the laser and the explosion gets set off, the wood goes flying towards his other two buddies, with the physics engine will it kill them, or just bounce off???:eek:
Entities in the world will most likely react to other entities.
i hope they have laser tripmines. those rocked since duke3d
i cant wait to set up traps, i hope they have some kind of proximity mine or claymore for us so we can make traps.
I wonder what kind of weapon mods people are going to be able to create
i made one a few years ago- those things pack a punch. I like the way the shape of the gun looks with the pvc piping- i think i rather have a rocket instead though.
i think laser mines are pretty much a guarantee, considering how cool they were in HL1. Course, that's just what I think.
I want a Wood Beam..A gun that shoots wood beams..OH YEA:afro:
The lasers will look way more sexy this time though. For some reason I just love to see beams of light in games. Its just cool.
they looked good in hl1.. i wonder how advanced they can make a beam of light though
Am I the only one that didn't really find those useful as a weapon in HL?

They definately had their place in the game, placed throughout the levels, like the tripmine fest in Surface Tension (mmm), and they are useful in HLDM, and they were good to have in Sven-Coop. But for most of the game I was advancing towards enemies, not running away from them and setting traps.

I hope they are in HL2 for the aformentioned reasons, but I still didn't find them very useful for Single Player like apparently everyone else seemed to...

And yeah, I imagine that if flying debris from the manipulator can hurt enemies, flying debris from explosions and such can too.
basically th tripmines were for marines and black ops more than anything else. They worked wonders, really. Lay one low on the wall, get the attention of soldiers, hop over the laser and round a corner. Wait....boom! Watch gibs richochet down the hallway!
i tried that one time with black ops, but guess what? the black ops jumped over the tripmine!!! very smart huh?
I want the most realistic flame thrower ever
and mustard gas is a must
grappling hook, oh yeah
I dont think something that lite would kill them, perhaps if it was a radiator or sommit?