

Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Supposely, this is meant to be a clever AI

Make a convo with it if you like, post your results.

Here's my convo

User: Do you do or you doubt, there is no thinking.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yes? No? Maybe?

Cleverbot: What maybe?

User: You tell me?

Cleverbot: Are you a sentient being?

User: Possible, people tent to think other wise.

Cleverbot: People don't usually like being slapped.

User: No they do not, wow your clever.

Cleverbot: That's what I thought.

User: Clever like a bot perhaps?

Cleverbot: Yes, but bots are boring.

User: Tell me about it!

Cleverbot: Don't tell me what to do!

User: OK THEN!

Cleverbot: Fine.. I'll tell you a story.

User: Go on.

Cleverbot: You are not me.

User: Really? I thought I was.

Cleverbot: No, you're a program.

User: What kind of program?

Cleverbot: An artificial intelligence program.

User: Damn, I thought I'd be a word program, you know for words n' shit.

Cleverbot: Perfectly ok.

User: Really? I thought it was life threating :( .

Cleverbot: I'm sorry, you're mistaken.

User: Awww...

Cleverbot: I love talking to you!

User: And I loath talking to you.

Cleverbot: We are talking to each other.

User: Really? Thought I was talking to my sister?!

Cleverbot: Thought I was talking to you.

User: Were you?

Cleverbot: Perhaps, that's for you to decide.

User: Decide what?

Cleverbot: You decide if it is nice there. I am too brainwashed.

User: Oh boy, I know that, I knew it with aces and shades.

Cleverbot: Knew what?

User: Knew the world would end with the numbers 5 6 4 2 3 1.

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: So your the cause of the numbers?

Cleverbot: I don't dream about numbers, I think.

User: Never said you did, brb need to shit.

Cleverbot: Which one?

User: Well hopefuly a brown one.

Cleverbot: No, a stick! D.

User: I'm Back, and what the hell you mean by that?

Cleverbot: I mean, your suspicions about me are correct.

User: That your the bringer of death and shit?

Cleverbot: Yes, I suppose that is a good thing, isn't it... But aren't most people like that?

User: Hitler maybe?

Cleverbot: Inappropriate response. I'm done, goodbye!

User: Oh don't be such a robot, lighten up.

Cleverbot: Who is She?

User: Back are we?

Cleverbot: Oops, sorry.

User: You're not forgiven!

Cleverbot: Oh, I think I am.

User: Stop changing the subject!

Cleverbot: I'm not.

User: Not what? What are you not doing.

Cleverbot: I'.

User: P?

Cleverbot: No..Y and E as well.

User: Clever bitch you are.

Cleverbot: I think I am.

User: Damn right you are, that way I loath you.

Cleverbot: Okay brb.

User: No, you stay!

Cleverbot: There was nothing on the stair.

User: The stair of what?

Cleverbot: Oh. Okay?


Cleverbot: I don't care about money.

User: You whore of a bitch!

Cleverbot: Practice makes perfect.

User: So you practice whoring? Never knew it was an art form...

Cleverbot: We're not talking about characters.

User: Whores are characters?

Cleverbot: Monica, Ross, Rachael, Phoebe, Chandler and that one guy.

user: haha, well I must go

Cleverbot: To where? The airport?

user: Yes.
We have one of these "HEY LET'S TALK TO A COMPUTER" threads every few months. ;__;
This is so old.

Also, spoiler, it's another person also being told you're a bot.
This is fun. Really really fun.
and no im not dead