Climbing Ladders

if that is the case then i am happy, almost every game i've ever played has had annoying ladders, if hl2 has streamlined ladders like you say it could solve so many nightmares of inconsistancies or falling off by accident
Flyingdebris said:
it could solve so many nightmares of inconsistancies or falling off by accident
That's one of THE most annoying things ever.
And I quite like Brian's idea of one-handed only. It's not particularly realistic either (not that that's too much of an issue) but the inaccuracy caused would be amusing if you were fighting whilst on the ladder...
[sl@yer] said:
Erm....apparently you might not even have to physically "climb" ladders at all. I'm not sure whether I believe this, but to quote PC Gamer, "As soon as he mounts the ladder, Gordon is taken straight to the top - no faffing about with having to look up and run forwards". This doesn't seem like Valve's style, and I think PCG were referring to climbing into the crane cockpit.....but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Perhaps there are two ways to climb ladders, who knows...

Looking at the new vid, I doubt it. It shows Gordon turning on the ladders he climbs, and climbing them at slightly different speeds... all except for the ladder into the crane's cockpit...

Also, the weapon Gordon is wielding at the time stays out on every ladder except the crane's. So I'd say it's just the crane ladder that's "Streamlined".
Brian Damage said:
Looking at the new vid, I doubt it. It shows Gordon turning on the ladders he climbs, and climbing them at slightly different speeds... all except for the ladder into the crane's cockpit...

Also, the weapon Gordon is wielding at the time stays out on every ladder except the crane's. So I'd say it's just the crane ladder that's "Streamlined".
yep just an animation for entering the "vehicle" ala the buggy.
Yeah, that's what I thought, I was just quoting PC Gamer as they'd played it and may know something we don't. But considering Valve are trying to keep things similar to HL1 to make familiar, I doubt they'd change something like this.
you people cant climb ladders without hands? thats easy! The hard part is the alien fighting, Surviving thousands of bullet wounds...ya know?
If you stop climbing the ladder you're maybe able to shoot anyway?
MindCrafter said:
I like shoting and climbing at the same time, screw realism!

I still think i'm right.

Accurancy (spelling) loss while climbing is enough. A third person animation would be one hand on the ladder and one hand on TEH GUNZ0R.
Play4Fun said:
in the E3 2004 vid u can c gordon climbing the crane's ladder with the pistol in his hands.. i think we should not c his hands when hes climbing like in FarCry... its more realistic :rolleyes:
and what if u'll play the multiplayer and then u'll c somebody climbing and shooting at u at the same time?? it will be lame!!! like in HL1 and CS!! :(

well what do u think?

... CS is the most popular online FPS shooter ever. Half-Life is the most popular off-linfe FPS shooter ever.

Now, what were you saying?
Dead-Inside said:
... CS is the most popular online FPS shooter ever. Half-Life is the most popular off-linfe FPS shooter ever.

Now, what were you saying?

Ugh, your signature is HUGE.
Limiting use of guns only to one-handed while climbing ladders would hurt gameplay.
MindCrafter said:
I still think i'm right.

Accurancy (spelling) loss while climbing is enough. A third person animation would be one hand on the ladder and one hand on TEH GUNZ0R.

I would settle with that. But then again, crouching or running doesn't affect the accuracy either, so why would climbing?

I think the first person view without a climbing animation, and a third person view with a one handed climbing animation would be a good compromise.
Vave was planning to do something similar with TF2, someone could get shot in the leg, and from a third person view he would limp, but it wouldn't affect the first person gameplay.
i just dont want to see ppl climbing at ladders like in HL1... :\
i don't see how only allowing 1 handed weapons on ladders would hurt gameplay. I don't recall ever really having to get in a shootout while relying on gordon's ladderclimbing butt. Usually all the parts involving ladders were between fights or put in a way where you wouldn't be shooting from the ladder too much.

Whenever i was on ladders i was usually using a pistol anyway, chucking detpacks, snarks, or nades

at any rate in multiplay valve would be able to make a convincing ladder climb animation if you only got to use 1 handed weapons on ladders. You can't make a convincing climbing animation when the player is climbing really fast and firing a shotgun at the same time
aku ankka said:
Limiting use of guns only to one-handed while climbing ladders would hurt gameplay.

I see your point, but I think this would be a good compromise between gameplay and reality.