Clinton endorses World federalist award


Oct 14, 2006
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The larger a government becomes, the wider it spreads, the less it can effectively govern and the more impersonal and potentially oppressive it becomes.

Over my dead body will there be a world goverment.

Well, not unless it's one of the 3rd Reich of Korea.
The larger a government becomes, the wider it spreads, the less it can effectively govern and the more impersonal and potentially oppressive it becomes.

Say this to the Roman Empire?
I should have known Wadsy would be into his New World Government stuff as well.
Yes wadsy, and the NWO is bieng orcastrated by jewish lizards from the centre of the Earth.

And Hitler! Hitlers in on it too!
"We need a system of enforacable world law, a federal world government."

...sounds familiar to me, at least.

I hope you realize it does not necessarily require a conspiracy for world government, but after all, that's what's gonna come, that's the current globalist agenda, that's what every country is moving to.

Towards a complete assimilation of each national souveregnity in favour of an internationalist entity.

That's the truth, that's a prognose, given that people at the CFR are horny for a one border policy for Mexico!, Canada, and of course, us.
And yes, Vincente Fox and Bush are in on it, too.
Those jewish lizards.

The idea of a proper order for the new world is to both create the illusion of a major problem AND the cure itself; think about Bush not taking effective measures against MEXICANS!, which finally resulted in a potential overflow of cheap workers on the labour market.
This is turn would be offered an solution by various internationalist bankers like Rockefeller (die Rockefellas, die!) which would be to merge all of north america into one single national entity.

Is this a conspiracy theory?

No, it's not, they took secretive-ish, yet documented steps to sign the necessary legislature to create what Vincente Fox (former head of state of mexico) explicitely stated on live television.

And they want that stupid amero, or whatever that currency's supposed to be called, after their bloody Fed could not controle its outrageous output of greenbacks for one minute.

And the EU.

We in europe now have following totalitarian/orwellian tendencies:
-more (mostly unnecessary) control and oversight of public life by the individual governments to secure a democracy to destroy a democracy to secure a democracy... thanks to Al Quaida, an enemy that sought to destroy just that.
So in order to garuantee the evil terrorists will fail, our governments are going to take care of the obliteration of our fundamental freedoms.
-less national souveregnity (open borders, new currency, an unlawful constitution that was passed by the EU-parliament, to replace each democratic system within the Eu borders)

All those internationalist elite figures explicitely stated the wish for a federal world government, allegedly because the control by an elite would be preferrable to individual national souveregnity.

Don't call me crazy, but I really doubt you can deny these inevitable circumstances which we probably will face in the future. Think about it.
One world government terrifies the shit out of me.

Cause by that point, its no longer about competition with some other rival power, but solely about keeping the sheep in line.

I suppose thats already the case now, but it looks like its gonna get worse.
The threat of a corporate new world order is not as insane as W4d5y, makes it seem. Financial interest groups do have a say in running America and the European union and certainly it's 3 biggest members, which should worry everyone.
We in europe now have following totalitarian/orwellian tendencies:
-more (mostly unnecessary) control and oversight of public life by the individual governments to secure a democracy to destroy a democracy to secure a democracy... thanks to Al Quaida, an enemy that sought to destroy just that.

What unnessacary control? My country has the most security cameras in the world, yet this is only because of the huge social problems in UK at the moment.

So in order to garuantee the evil terrorists will fail, our governments are going to take care of the obliteration of our fundamental freedoms.

Fundamental freedoms? Because they put some cameras in public places? ROFLMAO.

-less national souveregnity (open borders, new currency, an unlawful constitution that was passed by the EU-parliament, to replace each democratic system within the Eu borders)

Open borders are not a bad thing. The EU constituion was rejected. If you don't like the EU move.

All those internationalist elite figures explicitely stated the wish for a federal world government, allegedly because the control by an elite would be preferrable to individual national souveregnity.

Give me a source that every single internationalist "elite figure" wants a world government.

Say this to the Roman Empire?

Yo, Roman Empire! How was it again your ass fell down?

Roman Empire: Gee I dunno boss... perhaps one of the reasons was because we grew too huge and couldn't manage all our captured provinces under one single centralized authority, and because of this everybody was corrupted to shit and it splintered apart.

Good enough Roman Empire. Good enough.
I'm a bit of an anarchist myself.
The more control the government over my life the less comfortable I feel about my future. Thanks 1984.
Hitler is working with Jewish lizards?!


The holocaust didn't happen though did it?

Did it? *threnteneing expression*

I'm a bit of an anarchist myself.
The more control the government over my life the less comfortable I feel about my future. Thanks 1984.

Unless ye want to completely dismantle the government then your not really an anarchist.
Anarchist: "the only true order is voluntary order."
Libertarian: "loss of liberty is only justified by prtection of greater liberty."
Too bad anarchism only works on a commune level.
Yay, I wish we had those semi-anarchic communes like in the holy grail...
loss of liberty for greater liberty?
If I don't feel free to walk outside because I fear the police spying on me in public locations, what greater liberty am I offered if they grant me security, which never was in peril?!
Too bad anarchism only works on a commune level.
If I don't feel free to walk outside because I fear the police spying on me in public locations, what greater liberty am I offered if they grant me security, which never was in peril?!
What totally relevant responses.

I didn't post those definitions so you guys could spout off whatever vaguely associated opinion you wanted to. If, whenever anybody says the word "anarchism", you shout "TOO BAD IT DOESN'T WORK", you got a discourse problem.
*growl* Oh please, spare me master, of thy rath that shall cometh to me with asploding fury*growl*
And yes, Vincente Fox and Bush are in on it, too.
Those jewish lizards.
I should have known the Jews were in on it too you bigot.

Move to ban W4d5Y, all in favour...
Solaris is a D?del.
I don't like his attitude.

I'm consuming all of my mental capabilities for what really happened on 9/11, and all I get is...Solaris.