cloned this wrong?

most people can't tell the difference between most cows anyway, clone away! I want some clone burgers

That's because most people are too stupid to notice the hide patterns and various subtle differences, like the way a cow chews its cud, and the various temperament.
if its no different than the original and is just as safe, why not
Just do a web search, something along the lines of 'vegetables aren't as healthy as they used to be'.

Heh... silly way to about it, but it gives results and information about the declining nutrition values of food over the course of 50 or so years.

I think that's already been proven to be rubbish. A lot of people even thought that what people ate 150years ago was healthy than what we have no, and that was proven to be even more bullshit. Infact, it has actually been proven by scientists that Organic food is no more healthier, and might be slightly unhealthier, than non-organic food.
at first I thought the title was "cloned clowns..."