

Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
I just got back from seeing Cloverfield and despite what a couple of my friends said, I thought it was a great movie. I thought the ending fit the story. I also had some questions like:

do you think this was a planned alien attack or just random coincidence that it showed up here, and it was using it's instinct to destroy the threats it? And also if you think this occurred in other places around the world..
EDIT: get a bloody brain. love and kisses, sulkdodds
I do believe that's a bit of a spoiler, so if you could wrap what you wrote about the nature of the monster in
blah blah[ /spoiler] that would be great. Other than that I haven't seen it but I want to.
There's also a pretty active thread in the movies section btw
Awesome movie, saw it today. Also use other thread.

Bam, your monkey should join forces with my bananas. Together, we could rule the Interballs!
The guy holding the camera was hilarious. I think my new greatest fear is getting attacked by flaming homeless people
Movie is made up of win.
The scene when we first see the monster's head fully, the one where the army is pounding the shit out of it with the soldiers running at it was my favorite. I got a feeling in my gut that I haven't had since 300 at that point.

And the flaming hobo bit was hilarious. Hud demands his own meme on this site. Stupid Fred.

My favorite part of the movie was definitely the close-up that Hud has with the monster. That monster seriously made the I am legend zombies look like pussies. I hope they do a sequel just to clarify more about the monsters and possibly survivors...?
I haven't seen it yet ... shhhhhhhh!

... and I have no idea why thats in spoiler tags.
wow, kinda noticed the other thread, so Ill stop being a stupid noob now.
Beth was a terrible character. I was wishing she'd be dead when they found her because I didnt give a shit about her
**** off with your spoiler in the wrong forum. ****.
84 min

EDIT: How is it a spoiler? You know theres a creature in it. The only thing possible that this "spoils" is that now you know that we dont know.
Lol I thought it was like a miniseries on Fox or something.

I think I'll go watch it.