Club: Salt Fan Club

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I demand a promotion as I am the only one to have proven my love of salt.

When I go to the chip shop and ask for chips (freedom fries for you americans) and they say 'do you want salt with that?' I say 'yes, and I'll have a few chips too'
Oh yeah? Well, I like salt so much that ... erm... my house is made out of salt. In fact, I'm made out of salt. And I've never eaten anything other than salt. And.... erm... I've also made love to various salt shakers. Hah.
Beerdude26 said:
I demand to be the official forum pet that is horribly abused.

Granted fasho

Solaris said:
I demand a promotion as I am the only one to have proven my love of salt.

Your file will be reviewed by the administrator to check for your eligibility for a promotion.

Jangle said:
Oh yeah? Well, I like salt so much that ... erm... my house is made out of salt. In fact, I'm made out of salt. And I've never eaten anything other than salt. And.... erm... I've also made love to various salt shakers. Hah.

Welcome member no. 11
Griz said:
Freshly ground black pepper >>>>>>>>>>salt


Oh noes, we might be seeing the formation of a militant splinter group, The Pepper Fan Club O__O
DeusExMachina said:
Oh noes, we might be seeing the formation of a militant splinter group, The Pepper Fan Club O__O

Would the leader be called "Sergeant"? Perhaps there might be room for a third group that is tolerant of both condiments?

Dalamari said:
**** Salt!
Wow, you're right... **** does look like salt!!!
I do enjoy a bit of soy sauce, but I just have to say...

sugar > salt.
JNightshade said:
Prepare to be penetrated in a COMPLETELY sexual, fully-phallic way :p

I dont think we have to worry. How are you supposed to get erectioins with so much sugar clogging your arteries.
The enemy club is up and open to the public.

And I'm still givin out promotions.

(hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint )
DeusExMachina said:
I love salt. Sometimes I eat it by itself.

...But not often. I try to keep my sodium intake down.

I love salt on just about everything.

I don't eat normal salt by itself. But pretzel salt is awesome. When all the pretzels are gone I sometimes eat some of the salt by itself from the bottom of the bag. I don't like to admit this though.
The sugar fan club is gaining on us! -_-

And crap, we can't vote int his forum, so we can't mass vote them down.
What the hell kind of club is this? Salt?
Yes, I agree, but making a fan club about it?
Clubs have been formed over stranger things.

Take NAMBLA, for instance.
So yeah, I think in the light of NAMBLA, the Salt Fan Club is relatively harmless.
Sorry guys, the club leader was banned a while ago :(

EDIT: I hereby name myself as the honorary leader of the Salt Club until TheSomeone's return.

DigiQ8: Welcome, member #12!
Well, I didn't say I wanted to join, now did I?
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