Club: Sugar Fan Club


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
This is out there for all those hl2.netters who love the sweet white granular substance we joyfully call "sugar". It's for those who can't get enough candy, or seriously enjoy soda, or love baked confections, or even just have a healthy appreciation for the sweet stuff. Above all, it's for those who're sick of getting suppressed by the salt club!

Long live sugar!

Get out of here, you goddamned salty :angry:

We don't want your type dehydrating our lovely club.
The Salt Club will be slapping trade embargos on you.

No sugar for YOU D:
I like salt mingled with sugar. Goes great on certain things.
Sugar rots your teeth and gives you diabetes :(.

Salt ftw :)
Sugar is yummy... :)

Count me in whatever these "gangs" are :P
TheSomeone... the Cinnamon "club" was closed, after getting all of ONE member (its founder). Give me a break.
We formed an alliance with the Pepper club. Do you know the dangers of salt and pepper mixed together?!
The pepper club is still alive, JNightshade. Long live the pepperian emire.
When you crush a sugar crystal, it creats a flash.
DeusExMachina said:
We formed an alliance with the Pepper club. Do you know the dangers of salt and pepper mixed together?!
That's hardly worth sneezing at!
I'm in. Sugar ftw

but **** those sweetener addicts