club3d rad 9800 SE

aku ankka

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Could anyone tell me what kind of card this is? Maybe a link or something? I wanted the same company`s radeon 9700 but I got offered this. The "Special Edition" and relatively low price kinda makes worried.
Can't edit or I would post it on the other one...

Read this link

It seems to be an MX(cheaper) version of the 9800. There seems to be 2 versions of it though. Read the article and you will see. I haven't seen the 9800 SE for sale yet, though I am probably not looking hard enough.

Hope this helps Aku Ankka.
By "company" I meant Club3d. I don`t know the card`s individual price since it`s coming in a package. But looking at a certain "price comparing site" the Club3d 9800 SE is more expensive than the Club3d 9700 so it`s safe to assume it`s better, right?
By "Company" I meant Club3d. I don`t know the individual price of the card since it`s coming in a package but looking at a certain "price comparing site" it seems the Club3d 9800 SE is more expensive than the Club3d 9700, so it`s safe to assume it`s better, right?
If you look at the link I gave you, one version seems better than the 9700, but the other... not so much. I think If you got the 256 bit version, then yes it would be better. Not sure how MUCH better, but yes, better.
Even though the 9800SE is a cheaper variant and not as powerfull as the 9800, its still the new chip , so its better than the 9700 in any case... If its faster is another matter :)

It seems to be an MX(cheaper) version of the 9800
Please dont compare it to the MX. It isnt a 8500LE in disguise :x
It isn´t better then the 9700.. more on paar with the 9600pro
Originally posted by Sideshow
It isn´t better then the 9700.. more on paar with the 9600pro
9600 Pro is better than the 9700. Its just slower, and is crippled by the memory :)

People seem to forget that there ARE differences in the chip, not just the speeds...
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
It seems to be an MX(cheaper) version of the 9800. There seems to be 2 versions of it though.

i read the article.. and yeah.. its definitely very confusing when it comes to purchasing a graphics card...

my personal opinion: if im gonna save $300 dollars for a video card, i might as well save another $100-$200 and get one of the higher end cards instead of settling for something 2nd grade quality..

then again.. 9800 SE cards are probably for those that don't have the type of cash needed for high end cards and don't want to spend overlly too much cash on one piece of hardware.
I would not get the 9800se. If you go to and read the customer reviews on this card you'll see that you're better off gettting a 9700 non pro.