CNN reports on the "Beta" calling it a fully playable version of Half-Life 2

Um ... generally when posting a message quoting from a website, you usually put a link in for the rest of us so we can read it for our selves as fast as possible. Just for future reference.


His sentence was a link. I am an idiot!
Originally posted by Ruben
Um ... generally when posting a message quoting from a website, you usually put a link in for the rest of us so we can read it for our selves as fast as possible. Just for future reference.

:) sentence was a link...
He did put a link in, click on the text ;).
I've seen dozens of screenshots that are definately not from any Videos, and they don't look doctored at all. My question is, where did CNN get that picture?? I bet half of the CNN crew already has their hands on this "beta" :-)
I've seen dozens of screenshots that are definately not from any Videos, and they don't look doctored at all. My question is, where did CNN get that picture?? I bet half of the CNN crew already has their hands on this "beta" :-)
They could have just 'print screened' it from thos bink videos...
Thanks for the cute little bit of information, but you should try to post a source along with it, so that people actually believe you. Oh yeah, and you HAVE TO MAKE IT OBVIOUS!! people...:(
Originally posted by kyle5077
They could have just 'print screened' it from thos bink videos...

Having just rewatched all the Bink videos, none of the screenshots I'm see are from them.
Originally posted by kyle5077
They could have just 'print screened' it from thos bink videos...

There is no bink video with that same picture. Its another angle.
I've seen screen shots of like.. railyards, jails and all sorts of weird crap I never saw in any Bink video. I'm pretty confident they aren't printscreened and photoshopped... And additionally, I've seen screenshots of multiplayer, just that there are missin textures everywhere.

You want sources? I'll give you one of my sources.
There's obviously a playable version of the game out there, but judging by those screenshots, it is horribly incomplete. It looks more like a pre-alpha build than a beta build.

Oh, and folks, careful looking at the screenshots. They may contain spoilers you'd rather not see.
Mmm,I saw it on CNN on TV too.They actually showed were going around,showing Gabe's help thread.